Show Notes
The war continues to escalate as attacks come into Israel from the North and other Muslim countries work to join the Palestinians in Israel.
Rick gives an update on the latest happenings including looking at within the hour updates from the Israel Defense Force (IDF) social media.
We look at a Dan Bongino clip where he was very upset and showing the coordinated hang gliders that came near the festival and killed over 250 young Israelis.
Rick openly discusses how this is likely a play by the elites to distract us from their attempted domination and their exposure.
Rick feels this was a purposeful event created by the elites by hiding intelligence from the IDF to create such a catastrophe.
Now everyone is fighting between those that support Israel and those that support the Palestinians vs. uniting to expose the elites.
Chaos keeps eyes off the elites evil plans.
Now all the neocons support destroying Hamas and even attacking Iran, while another huge contingent of leftists and anti-Israel truthers support the Palestinians despite the barbaric attacks.
We are all fighting each other vs. focusing on the globalist elite’s plans.
Therefore, we need to recognize this is a spiritual battle and we need God’s guidance about how to pray and use our authority to call this evil down.
Clay Clark comes on live and shows how much of this tracks back to Biblical text about the end times.
Clay encourages people to read these texts and understand Yuval Noah Hari’s transhumanism agenda
Rick then reads several words he received in his Alone Time with God around this conflict where the Lord clearly said he would defend Israel:
“I still consider the land of Israel my land. I will protect it and bless it despite the odds against it.” And
“My Israel will be protected, and I allowed this to happen to expose the true evil of the evil one.”
We then move to PraiseNPrayer where we hear many praise reports and praise the Lord with wonderful Worship videos.
We then lift up Israel, the leaders and the victims on both sides. We declare and decree a revival and intervention in the land of Israel!
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Mon Oct 9, 2023 4:14pm
Lord, Thank you for loving us. Thank you for being our refuge. Lord, this is troubling times but I know you are in control. Please put me in a secret place where only I can hear from you. No spirits except the Holy Spirit, the Father and the Son. Jesus, help me understand how best to teach truth in this circumstance around the war. What would you like to share with me and your people today?
My Israel will be protected and I allowed this to happen to expose the true evil of the evil one. Those he controls have no filter or regard toward rules or human life. The enemy relishes on this evil and on innocent blood being spilled. It’s time for my army to arise and pray. Use your words to expose this evil. This same evil you see in Muslim extremists you also have in the secret societies, the Cartels in Mexico, and in the hearts of many he controls. Now the world will see the result of pure evil. The globalist elites want a full-out war but they will not get it. Instead, they will just see more people wake up. Yes, there will be small wars and rumors of big wars. Yes, there will be much loss of life. However, the plans that all my enemies have will fail in dramatic fashion. I need my people to seek my face like never before. Spend time with me. Do not focus so much on this war and focus far more on me. I will give you peace. I will be your strong tower and your refuge. I will give you specific instructions for the path you are to take. I will give you words to declare and decree.
Anything else you want to share Lord?
Rick, teach everyone, now is the time to come together as the body of Christ. Pray for a bond of peace and a spirit of unity. Tell everyone they need to be spending time alone with me in deep submission. I am waiting for more of my people to give me their entire life. Not just part of it, but all of it. Then I can direct them. I will be the potter that uses them as a vessel; a vessel of power, love and self-discipline. A vessel that demonstrates my glory. Come one, come all. Come and become part of the Remnant that I will use. The enemy will do everything to create a World War, but it will instead see a war of my people exposing them, my people resisting them, my people calling on my name. They trust in their lies, their narratives, their weak satanic power. My people will rely on the name of the Lord their God. When my people use my name as willing vessels, when they use the words that I give to them, the enemy becomes powerless. Hatred will start to be replaced with an awareness of what true evil is and who is behind this evil. Then they will see the true God who loves them. Many will see me for the first time and will come to me. This is the beginning of an awakening the globalist and satan never thought they would see. Nothing can control the people who allow me to use them. Nothing. Get prepared children. We are about to unite and rock the world with marvelous acts of wonder. Yes, marvelous acts of wonder. Now is the time to see results in the natural of all the victories already won spiritually. Reach into the spiritual and let me use you in the natural. Nothing will be more rewarding. Enjoy and be at peace. Use your authority after you submit and get instructions from me. This will be an amazing time of growth for all of you who submit. Let me use you now. Go into prayer, thanksgiving, and submission. Worship me with everything you have. It’s time!
Sat Oct 7, 2023 5:39pm
Jesus, Thank you so much for giving me the desires of my heart in being able to enjoy Elias’s 4th Birthday party and spend time with Ruth and my daughter and family. What a pleasure. Please put me in a secret place where I can only hear from you Lord. The war Lord. The poor victims in both Palestine and Israel. Please help me understand and how to best teach on this. Help me teach truth and not opinion. What do you want me to share with others in this day and hour concerning the war in Israel or anything else you would like to share.
Son, I am grieved to the heart by the way humans treat each other and even their own families. The evil one gets them to sacrifice their own children to these false gods. This is why the 1st commandment I gave to Moses is to have no other gods besides me. These fake gods always lead people to sin against me and against each other. Yes, you are right when you talk about the Palestinians being used by extremist as pawns in their fight against Israel. The false gods they worship, Allah and even some others have created hatred in their hearts. Some of my people in Israel also have far too much hatred in their hearts. However, many people in Israel know me completely as their savior. Others honor me but don’t know me fully yet. However, many will. So do not fall for all these false teachings around everyone in Isreal being evil or that most do not know me at all. I love all people, but I protect my children that have accepted me as their refuge. Those in Christ are under my wings of protection and will experience great peace in the time of hardship. However, my people in Israel who are honoring me in a different way and do not have hatred in their heart, I will protect as well for the sake of my Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Be careful not to judge them as I am their judge. I am also their refuge. My people all over the globe will be blessed with many gifts and with many fruits. However. I still consider the land of Israel my land. I will protect it and bless it despite the odds against it. Benjamin Netanyahu is my chosen instrument that will be used for my purposes. He has free will, but I am guiding him and will achieve my purposes through him and this country. Do not disparage my Israel. Do not disparage my chosen leaders. Pray for this man. Pray for the country of Israel.
Keep your eyes on me children. You will see amazing things in this earth and especially in Israel. Keep your eyes on me. Remember, that the power of life and death are in the tongue. And hatred in your hearts can lead to the same fate as speaking death with your tongue. If you hold on to that hate you will eat its fruit. Come to me instead children. Remove all bitterness in your heart that you have toward other people; all people. You want to eat of the fruit of life and a tongue that speaks life and a heart that loves, not hates. Pray for the people of Israel and the people of Palestine to experience love and forgiveness, that they may start eating of life and not death. That more may find me and come to the fullness of Christ. To come to the fullness of knowing who I am. But make no mistake. I will protect my Israel. Now go and pray. Pray for revival in these lands. In these times you are living in, the globalists plans will fail and love between these people will become a reality in my revival. No it won’t be all of them. No it won’t be a majority of them. But massive numbers will come to me and you will see many of these prior enemies rejoicing together as they experience the love and forgiveness available in the abundant life of walking with me. Pray for this revival and watch me work.
Excerpt from Sept 11, 2023
Rick’s Alone Time with God
Now funding the ministry will change drastically over the next six months. Yes, the partner model is the key area I want you to develop. I want to bless those that give to this ministry. By not having this model set up, you are delaying the reaping I want to bless people with as they serve me with their first fruits. Many already have their first fruits going elsewhere, but I will direct many to start giving to this ministry. Communicate the vision regularly. I will call many to join this cause with their time, energy and finances. Some will give and reap. Do not look at this as a way to fund the ministry and more toward the blessing a reaping they will receive. I know this is hard for you Rick, but get your emotions out of this. This is between me and my Body. There are many I will send to you. I told you everything would change in your technology for the show. Well, this will change as well. This is a ministry I want to use to bless others in many ways. I will bless them through your show. I will bless them through PraiseNPrayer. I will bless them through WordNWorship, and I will bless them through Partnering. I have already sent you a volunteer to help. Now move quickly.