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B2T Ministries
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Excerpt from Sept 11, 2023
Rick’s Alone Time with God
Now funding the ministry will change drastically over the next six months. Yes, the partner model is the key area I want you to develop. I want to bless those that give to this ministry. By not having this model set up, you are delaying the reaping I want to bless people with as they serve me with their first fruits. Many already have their first fruits going elsewhere, but I will direct many to start giving to this ministry. Communicate the vision regularly. I will call many to join this cause with their time, energy and finances. Some will give and reap. Do not look at this as a way to fund the ministry and more toward the blessing a reaping they will receive. I know this is hard for you Rick, but get your emotions out of this. This is between me and my Body. There are many I will send to you. I told you everything would change in your technology for the show. Well, this will change as well. This is a ministry I want to use to bless others in many ways. I will bless them through your show. I will bless them through PraiseNPrayer. I will bless them through WordNWorship, and I will bless them through Partnering. I have already sent you a volunteer to help. Now move quickly.
Become a Partner!
Help B2T Operate and Expand
Become a “B2T Partner” with a recurring gift of any size
Partners will receive exclusive Ministry updates
Partners will receive regular prayer from the B2T Intercessory prayer team
Most importantly, Partners will be planting into God’s Kingdom and able to reap from your sowing.
B2T Vision:
Lead people through the narrow path of salvation through prayer, teaching and worship, activate sleeping believers, and make disciples worldwide.
B2T Mission:
Key Activities to Achieve the B2T Ministry Vision:
Deliver true news and expose the devil’s schemes
Provide a home for praise, worship, and glorification of the Lord worldwide on a daily basis.
Nurture a platform for Christian Patriots (Neighborhood.Social)
Train small groups to be able to help the hurting with support, prayers, and discipleship
Equip, train, and edify the saints empowering them to identify and use their spiritual gifts
B2T Expansion Plans:
Reaching More People
Counter Censorship/Financial Attacks
YouTube: 110k subscribers and 2 backup channels deleted
Facebook: Removed Group, Instagram, and Page with 48k followers
Megaphone: Removed podcast distribution platform
Financial Levers: Lost Patreon, T-Spring, 3 PayPals (Business, Personal & Ministry), and even my Bank (WAFD)
Outreach to Christian Patriots and Searching Souls
Market/Expand Neighborhood.Social as a Facebook replacement
Use platforms not reachable from current platforms
New Social Media strategy: Reels, shorts, clips, posts, and outreach
New Weekly Newsletter and App
Updates from Shows, Neighborhood.Social, Volunteer Highlights, and more
App links to Backstage, Impactor, and Neighborhood
Revival/Harvest Preparation
Producers and Facilitators
Worldwide 7X24 PraiseNPrayer
Ability to be live without Rick
Expanded Equipping of the Saints
New Courses (i.e., Teaming with Other Ministries – Hearing from God Course)
New Partner Program
Single Sign-on to reduce confusion of multiple platforms
Expand Groups to help the hurting
In-Person Events