The B2T Ministries


Every Fri & Sun on the Blessed2Teach Rumble Channel. Starts Fri (5pm CST) and Sun (10am CST). 

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Join us live to enjoy beautiful videos of your favorite praise and worship original music! We have connected the lyrics of each song to Bible verses.  Each song shows the lyrics and the Bible verses as the video is playing and we are worshipping live on air.
In between the praise and worship videos, Rick (and sometimes Gus) teach from the Word of God!  
Experience scriptures in a new way with music throughout the teaching.

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Worship Video Details

Love our Worship Videos? See details about the songs and scriptures we use for each video:

Song Details and Scriptures for PraiseNPrayer and WordNWorship

Add a comment to give your suggested worship songs that you would like us to add to the list we choose from when we create new worship videos!


"Hi Rick, I didn't get in on the live show, but I watched it later on Rumble and WOW I love the Praise and Worship and your Word teaching. I was so undone with the worship. You played one of my favorite songs, Nothing Else. I am hoping I can join your next one live, I will have to do it from my phone because my computer doesn't have a camera. God bless you for all you're doing for our amazing King!!"
Gigi L.
Topeka, Kansas

B2T Vision:

Lead people through the narrow path of salvation through prayer, teaching and worship, heal the broken hearted, set the captives free, and make disciples worldwide.

B2T Mission:

Key Activities to Achieve the B2T Ministry Vision:

  • Deliver true news and expose the devil’s schemes
  • Provide a home for praise, worship, and glorification of the Lord worldwide on a daily basis.
  • Nurture a platform for Christian Patriots (Neighborhood.Social)
  • Train small groups to be able to help the hurting with support, prayers, and discipleship
  • Equip, train, and edify the saints empowering them to identify and use their spiritual gifts

Become a Partner!

Help B2T Operate and Expand

  • Become a “B2T Partner” with a recurring gift of any size
  • Partners will receive exclusive Ministry updates
  • Partners will receive regular prayer from the B2T Intercessory prayer team
  • Most importantly, Partners will be planting into God’s Kingdom and able to reap from your sowing.

Past WordNWorship Recordings