Show Notes
We start out evening learning that Greg Abbott declares Texas’ right to self-defense ‘supersedes federal statutes’ as he battles Biden admin over razor wire at border. Rick believes Abbot has a tendency to be a RINO but, in this case, he is doing the right thing. Abbot proclaimed on Wednesday that the Lone Star State’s right to self-defense “supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary” amid a feud with the Biden administration over border security. This statement of defiance comes on the heels of a standoff over razor wire the state has laid across the US-Mexico border despite a US Supreme Court ruling permitting the federal government to remove that barrier. Rick says we must be careful what we wish for because when Trump gets back in office, he will have to fight the democrat governors on stuff like this. Abbott argued that because the federal government has failed to safeguard Texas from an invasion, the state has the “constitutional authority to defend itself.”
In another article, we see Republican lawmakers push to ban feds from removing border barriers after Supreme Court defeat. Razor wire is at the center of Texas Gov Greg Abbott’s border clash with President Biden. Rep Mike Collins of Georgia introduced legislation Thursday that would ban federal authorities from removing razor wire or other barriers from the US-Mexico border. Rick says this has very little chance of passing because the criminals are in charge. Rick also says Justice Roberts always sides with the Republicans when it doesn’t matter but when it does he sides with the Democrats. Then we see a Trump Truth that talks about the border and how Biden is handling it.
Judicial Watch says Allied Educational Foundation file US Supreme Court Amici brief opposing Colorado court decision to remove Trump from ballot. Rick reads the article about the brief and what information it contains. He says he loves how Judicial Watch writes articles.
Rick discusses more articles including about the Democrats’ pushing to close the largest ammunition manufacturing plant. Rick talks about the second amendment and how this could affect the military as well.
Today, we got the news about Peter Navarro’s sentencing. He was sentenced to 4 months for defying January 6 subpoena. The sentence was 2 months shorter than the 6 prosecutors were seeking and the fine was $9500 which is far less than the $200,000 fine they were seeking.
Rick goes over several more articles before moving to read and discuss Julie Green prophecies and Rick’s Alone Time with God. Rick also had a Bible Study over Ephesians 2 then moving into our beautiful Praise and Worship music.
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2024 - 150K Any protest marches in London? (Visegard 24 on X)
January 25, 2024 – Julie Green’s Prophetic Word Highlighting by B2T – MASSIVE COVERUPS THE FBI COMMITTED ARE ABOUT TO BE UNCOVERED
***My children, you are at a crossroads and decisions that need to be made, a time you choose what you believe and what you don’t, where you will stand and fight with me and receive that my word is true and use my authority, or give into the deception of your enemy and accept a defeat that is not yours. It is time for the great separation. It is time where you must move forward and not stay the same and not remain where you are now.##
***Don’t give up on me and don’t be led by an evil report that is contrary to my word. Your enemies will try everything now to get you away from me and my word. Hold fast and remember my word and words stand forever no matter the time. There is no more time to live as the world lives. There is no more time for complacency. There is no more time for distraction. There is no more time for slow. No, this is the time to speed things up or your enemies would have caused more damage and more chaos. But I am intervening on your behalf and I will not fail you. Rest in me, rest in my word, that all is well in the house of the Lord.##
***Watch the walls of protection surrounding your FBI not only fail, but they will fall. Shock will ring across this land regarding your FBI. Great exposure is coming for every coverup, all blackmail, and for all destruction; for every lie, for every crime committed against this country and every American citizen; how long they have been weaponized against you by the Washington establishment and the global government, but my infiltrators are coming forward to destroy their power and their plans against you, and how they tried to silence you and silence the truth. Every FBI director and every person a part of this agency will be exposed who are against me. They will all fall, and all treason committed against this nation will be exposed and justice will be served.##
***James Comey, I am opening the books on you and showing the world every crime you and your agency committed when you were director of the FBI, how you destroyed evidence of crimes committed against this nation by many government officials. Every coverup, every scandal, everything you gave to foreign nations to help take this country down and every way you helped weaken this country will be exposed. I have it all and nothing will stop me, and treason will be your end.##
***Robert Mueller, I am not done exposing you and how dirty you really are. I am the judge and I am judging you and everyone with you. You have not gotten away with what you have done against my nation and it is all coming out. My children, I will show you how far back the treason goes, and it will shock you on how much they have done against this nation for years, but I will not only bring this evil down, but restore what should have been all along.##
***A shakeup in your Supreme Court is about to take place. There will be removals in your highest court of this land, oh United States.##
Hostile takeover. You will hear this in the news for a significant reason.
No rhyme or reason. This phrase will be in your news for a surprising reason.
A major weather event will take place in an unusual location, weather that is not typical in this part of this world.
***Watch Africa and watch what happens that is unusual; that is so unusual and shocking, that it will be in your news. You will know it as you see this phenomenon.##
Washed up-has been. This phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason.
***Pedophile, I say this word again because I am about to expose the biggest one in your government, now and in the past; in Hollywood, in corporate America and Wall Street, and the global government, and all over the world. Great judgment is coming to this evil that has been hidden and all the money being thrown at the Secret Island, and the underground tunnels, the secret of businesses and who sustained this and kept it going. All the truth is coming out and will destroy this secret society.##
Emmanuel Johnson. This name will be in your news for a shocking reason.
***My children, get ready for unusual events to start taking place one right after another. You have moved into the time of unusual to get you out of the normal, and this normal, you should have never known.##
***So, hold on in this time of great and unusual moves for your freedoms. It is almost over. So, keep fighting, keep standing, and keep celebrating, sayeth the Lord of hosts.##
Sat Jan 20, 2024 3:49pm Participate in the Healing of Your Land
Thank you Lord for being my provider and for the love of my family and dogs. Please bring unity back into the households of your Remnant, Lord. Thank you for the richness of Ephesians Chapters 2 and 3. Put me in a secret place Lord where I can only hear from you. No spirits but the Holy Spirit, the Father and the Son. What would you like to share with me and your people Lord?
If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways in this time, they will see mighty things. Yes, I will hear from heaven. Yes, I will forgive their sins. And yes, I will heal their land in ways they could not imagine. Think about how the evil across the world thinks they have taken control. Look at the arrogance these world and global organizations have. See how arrogant their leaders are. I sit in heaven and laugh at them thinking they have control, just because the evil one has given them temporary power. Yes, I said temporary. I allowed this power to come to those who submitted to the enemy in order to show the world what would happen if the evil one really was in control. This temporary capture of many nations’ governments, the captures of many cultures, and mountains of influence was allowed for a time. They tried to do this behind the scenes using programming and secret societies. I allowed this until my appointed time.
Now I am calling my people to wake up. I am exposing this evil to not just my people but to everyone. Soon the entire world will know who has submitted to the evil one and who has submitted to me. Unfortunately, there are many in the middle that will be caught in this crossfire. It’s time to take a stand. Have you submitted to me or have you not? Are you committed to be my servant or have you not? I will be using my Remnant as a vessel and pouring my power and glory through them. It’s not too late to join my Remnant and submit to me, but do not delay. When I make my final moves to take down the global satanic entities, I will be using and empowering those who are truly committed to me. I will not use those who are lukewarm. There are many in my body who are lukewarm at this moment. Wake up, my children, wake up. I have made it very clear that this is a spiritual battle that you need to engage in. If you want to be part of the army I use to crush satan’s head again in this hour, now is the time. Put off all the world time wasters and join me. Join me in your prayer closet. Give me time and get my word in your heart. This needs to happen quickly and you will not be successful if you do not prioritize me first in your life. Prioritize me over anything and everyone. By doing this, you will actually be blessing those you love the most. Why? Because my favor will be upon you. The very finger of God will flow through your fingers. The very power that Jesus demonstrated on this earth when he walked on this earth; those very works will be possible for you. But that will not happen if I am second or third on our priority list. I have to be at the very top. That means you do not skip digging into my word heavily; getting it into your heart. Then your mind will be renewed and you can come to me alone and I can communicate your specific path I want you to take in this spiritual war.
Children, do not miss this opportunity. Look to those that are doing this now. See the peace they are operating in despite problems in their life. See the love of God they show to others. They are different because they are my Remnant. They have submitted to me, are spending time with me, and their minds are renewed so they do not conform to this world. This is my open invitation that will close shortly. Do you want a close relationship with the creator of the world when this goes down? Or do you want to be sitting on the sidelines as I punish the evil ones? It’s time to make a decision. Too many in my body are not making that conscious decision that needs to be made to make me first and let me yoke them. The beauty of my yoke is that it steers you away from the enemy’s plans and puts you on my path and you will know and understand my will; my good pleasing and perfect will for you. So I say again; if my people who are called by my name, humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, in this time they will see amazing things with their own eyes and through their own hands when I hear from heaven, when I forgive their sins and heal their land. Do you want your land to be healed? Do you want to participate in that healing? Then join me, children, join me.