The B2T Ministries

Trump Backed Gina Wins & Fights Swamp. Silver Shorts Down 50%!! PraiseNPrayer. B2T Show Jan 29, 2024

B2T Show

We start out the evening with our weekly economic update with Dr. Dr. Kirk Elliott.  Rick and Kirk discuss the big banks taking away 50% of the net shorts on silver.  Kirk discusses the acceleration of silver since 2000.  They discuss what a short is and how it works.  Kirk discusses what could possibly be happening soon with the financial systems.  Rick shows the US Debt Clock with the projected price of silver in the future.  Contact Dr. Kirk’s office for a consultation.

Gina Swoboda has been elected the Arizona Republican State Party chair.  Gina replaces DeWit that tried to pay off Kari Lake to drop out of the senate race.  We know Gina for being an election integrity expert that is dedicated to ensuring transparency of voter rolls.  President Trump called her and asked her to run for the party chair.  Rick shows a video from Steve Bannon where he interviews Gina.  Rick suggests you watch the 11-minute video.  It is very informative.  Rick suggests you go to the Arizona GOP and donate if you feel led.

The Take Our Border Back convoy started today.  They are being attacked left and right.  Rick shows an article from Wired that says Far-Right Extremists are organizing an armed convoy to the Texas Border.  The article says the Take Back Our Border channel on Telegram has over 1,000 members, some of whom are invoking a new Civil War.  Rick says they are saying it’s an ‘Armed’ convoy.  Of course, they are, they are going to protect their second amendment rights and protect themselves from the Antifa brown shirts.

Then, Rick shows an article saying Terrorist caught illegally crossing the border was allowed to roam free for nearly a year, memo says.  Rick says we need to win this fight.  In another article, 69% side with Texas over Biden in Southern border battle.  Rick says people are starting to wake up.  This is even being seen by what the anons would call ‘normies’.

Rick then goes into the ‘Trump Truths’ segment.  A couple of the Truths talk about the border and what President Trump thinks needs to be done.  In the next Truth, President Trump discusses Shawn Fain, the President of the United Auto Workers.  He calls him a ‘Stiff”.  Rick says he believes the Anons will research that and figure out what he means by that.  Rick goes through several more Truths and suggests you take a look at his page on Truth Social.  President Trump has hundreds of posts.

Next, we see an article about Joe Biden wearing a hard hat backwards and Snopes saying this is how the hat was supposed to be worn.  Rick reviews several more articles before moving into a word from “Rick’s Alone Time with God”.  Then, Rick teaches on Ephesians 4 and then goes into Praise and Prayer.

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