The B2T Ministries

Smoking Gun on Biden? Trump’s Crossroad. PraiseNPrayer! B2T Show Aug 3, 2023

B2T Show

Devon Archer’s testimony is released in full, and he also is interviewed by Tucker Carlson that was released on Twitter.

Devon testified about Joe Biden being the brand of their business and that Joe was on around 20 calls with business partners.  He met with Devon around 20 times as well.

This clearly shows Joe has constantly lied to the public.

However, the smoking gun may be what Tucker showed.  It was a signed letter from Joe to Devon clearly showing his intention of building a relationship with Devon.

Fox News did not get Devon Archer, but Tucker did.  Fox is the RINO of MSM and Tucker is killing them in views.

Tucker had over 100 million views on several videos and over 23 million on the Devon Archer video in 24 hours.

Compare this 20-100+ million views to an average Fox views of just over 2 million.  Tucker is getting 10X the views of those who fired him.

Rick reviews other news related to election fraud and Sidney Powell as well as key Patriot events that are upcoming.

Rob Rene, Rick’s brother, comes on and discusses the success with QE Strong and discusses several testimonies of people getting off of Big Phrama drugs.

Rick reads a prophetic word from Julie Green that tells us to pray for Trump:

“And there’s something that they’re about to do, or try to do, to your rightful President. Pray for him! Pray for him! They want to end his life. They’re getting very desperate now. Pray for him; for his protection. Pray for his strength. Pray for his boldness. My David! My David is coming to a crossroads. He has to pick or choose my way or his way.”

Pray for Trump that he is protected and has a sound mind and chooses God’s way and not his.

We then move to the Bible Study on Revelation Chapter 11 where we learn more about the 2 witnesses and the various belief systems around the witnesses, the church and the 24 months.

Rick uses his new studio setup to teach on the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls.

Then we go to PraiseNPrayer where we worship to awesome music videos for over an hour.

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