The B2T Ministries

Juan O’Savin LIVE. The Coming Darkness: Prepare! B2T Show Aug 2, 2023

B2T Show

Juan O’Savin comes on LIVE after about 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Rick first reviews the latest news on Trump’s indictment by Jack Smith.  We learn they did not provide all the video footage to the Trump lawyers.

They did this likely to control the narrative and get the spotlight off of Hunter Biden.

In addition, they are trying to say Trump instructed some people to delete certain footage and Trump denied this on Truth Social.

We also learn that Biden wanted the DOJ to take action against Trump on the documents despite his crimes.

Pence also comes out swinging at Trump saying he should never be President.

We also learn that Jack Smith has secret notes from Pence that he plans to use to prove Trump’s guilt.

Rick reviews other news before reading and commentating on several of Julie’s prophetic words.  One part warns us to prepare:

“My children be aware and be prepared. You’re coming into a time of darkness.”

Also, the Lord wants us to focus:

“Give close attention. Remember, stay focused. A firm, focused, foundation on the Father. When you have that focus, when you have that foundation and you stand firm and you won’t be moved…”

Rick also reviews many of the words he received in his alone time with God around focus.

We worship to several songs before Juan comes on.

Juan tells the story of what went down in 2020 after the election.

Sidney Powell, General Flynn, and Patrick Burn advised Trump to issue the Insurrection Act due to all the voter fraud.

However, when Trump asked for advice from military Generals and Admirals and their assessment is that this would lead to civil war by the summer.

Juan shares many more stories and insights during the 70+ minutes of the interview including his assessment of timing and potential scenarios around the near-death experience he expects the United States to go through.

Juan prays for the country, and we pray for Juan before we go backstage for a Bible Study with Gus.

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