Show Notes
Mitt Romney will not run for re-election in 2024 and he bashes both Trump and Biden in his video announcement.
Mitt also talks about the false climate change hoax showing his globalist RINO ways.
However, the fact that he also throws Biden under the bus shows that the establishment are no longer protecting Biden.
Rick believes based on their behavior and prophetic words from the past that they will try to replace Joe with Gavin Newsome or Michelle Obama.
They likely will figure a way to get rid of Kamala and make an unconstitutional move that we need to call down by our authority in Christ.
We can use this authority to also call Trump back into office.
However, it is looking like these indictments against Trump may end up being used (by the Lord and the white hats) as a major vehicle to awaken millions more people.
Rick reviews breaking news around the impeachment inquiry, Putin’s calling out the indictments as showing how sick the American system is and more.
Rick reads Julie Green’s lates prophetic word where the Lord tells us about the globalist laughing at the pain they have caused us:
“They literally laughed at your death. They laughed at the sickness. They laughed at the pain. They laughed at the medication you had to be given. They laugh. They laugh at what they have done to destroy my earth, to destroy my nations, to destroy the food and the water. Well, they have laughed, but I will tell you, I will always have the last laugh.”
Then Scott Bennett comes on live and discusses his background working for multiple administrations and his experience will military intelligence.
Scott talks about the many books he has written and his view on Trump, Biden, Putin, Ukraine and much more.
Rick asks him to detail his knowledge of the history of Russia, Ukraine and the real reason for the war.
Scott’s expansive knowledge is explained across many subjects including his knowledge of the Bible and how God may be judging the US, but could also rescue us.
Backstagers ask questions about Australia, Sweeden and Scott’s insight to what might transpire across the globe these next few years.
We then pray for Scott with 6-7 prayer warriors lifting him up.
Then we worship to the music video “First Things First” before going backstage for a Bible Study led by Gus.
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Prophecy Review
September 13, 2023 – Julie Green’s Prophetic Word Highlighting by B2T – YOUR ENEMIES ARE NOT PREPARED FOR WHAT IS ABOUT TO TAKE PLACE
*** For I the Lord this day, I say I am the great I AM. I am showing my children in this time, the warriors I have made you, the fighters I have made you, the victors that I have made you. I have made you overcomers. I have given you the power of the blood and the power of the name; the power inside of you to break every yoke, to break every chain, to break every assignment from the pit of hell. You are overcomers. Your enemy is defeated.##
***This is a time where your enemies meant to break you. This is the time where your enemies were declaring their victory, so they thought. They didn’t see this coming. They didn’t see my remnant wake up. They didn’t see the strength, the perseverance, the consistency of my children who refused to bow, who refused to quit, who refused to give in, who refused to comply to a lie. My children, look what you have become. You are stronger than you realize because you are tapping into my unlimited strength. That’s what I said. My strength is unlimited. There are no limits with me, so don’t put any on me.##
***This day, I will have my way on this earth. My plan will go forth. I say, yes, my plan will go forth. Your enemies cannot stop my plan. Your enemies cannot stop my will. Your enemies cannot have their way. Oh no, they will say, what is going on? Why is this not working? Why are they not listening? Why are they not complying? Why are they not obeying? Why are they not listening to us anymore? They will shout these things. They will ask these questions, but the more they see you stand up, the more they see you fight back, the more fear, the more fear, the more fear it brings to them; the more fear and confusion. Great confusion is in the enemy’s camp.##
***The more they have done against you, the hotter you fought back. This was not the way. This was not how things worked. They were getting away with all of these things, they thought. They could do whatever they wanted, and you were just sheep being led to slaughter, and they would laugh. They literally laughed at your death. They laughed at the sickness. They laughed at the pain. They laughed at the medication you had to be given. They laugh. They laugh at what they have done to destroy my earth, to destroy my nations, to destroy the food and the water. Well, they have laughed, but I will tell you, I will always have the last laugh. I’ll always have the final say, and I will have my way.##
***So, my children this day, remind yourself who you are. Remind yourself who you belong to. Remind yourself who lives in you. Remind yourself that you have an unlimited source of strength, of victory, of love, of grace, of mercy, of forgiveness, of providing. That’s me. If you knew me, truly knew me and not a version of me, you would never accept a lie again. You will never accept defeat again. You will never accept sickness, disease, and pain again because you don’t have to.##
***It says in my word, you are redeemed from the curse. Find out what the curse is and declare your freedom from it. This will break the barriers, the chains, the walls, and everything that your enemies have erected up against you. It will destroy every single one of them. Know who you are in Christ. Know the power and the blood covenant that you have with me. There is endless victory, sayeth the Lord.##