Show Notes
We start our evening with news that Pfizer knowingly distributed drugs to children with ADHD that were adulterated according to a lawsuit filed by the Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton. We then moved into a report that former troops that were punished by Biden’s vaccine mandate are now suing for back wages.
Tonight’s show was sponsored by QE Strong. We are having a Black Friday special exclusive to our listeners. If you or a loved one needs pain relief, check out this bundle. Follow the link to access this amazing offer –
– Lock in a full year of pain relief at less than $1/day
Upcoming Events on Backstage
- November 28: Robby Cummings of “Beyond the Veil” Ministry LIVE!!
- November 29: Marty Grisham of Loud Mouth Prayer LIVE!!
- December 5: Rob Graham of Alaska – Duct Tape Ministries LIVE!!
- December 6: SG Anon LIVE!!
- December 12: Dr Bryan Ardis LIVE Monthly
- December 19: Juan O Savin Update LIVE!!!
We then find that American First Legal has filed several class action lawsuits alleging civil rights have been violated. Rick discusses how Elon Musk has filed a suit against Media Matters. “We are going on offense now.” This leads us into a Truth post from President Trump about voter ID and the radical left being so opposed to it. Rick says “The radical left are the real racists”
Biden has been rejected by the democrats by 40%. This is setting things up for the switch. The DNC has a clause that says they can switch their choice later. Rick thinks they will put up Michelle Obama. What do you think?
Rick talks about home sales dropping to a 13-year low which leads us into the financial crisis we are facing. Rick refers to the economic update from Dr Kirk Elliot from last night. We are witnessing the crash of the Babylonian system. For more information on protecting your wealth, contact Dr Kirk at 720.605.3900 or signing up here:
Mike Smith joins us to discuss his life and movies he has come out with. Mike tells Rick he has been hit will multiple subversion tactics trying to suppress and block the truth. Out of the Shadows was kept quiet until the premiere but Into the Light has been attacked because it was known to be coming out.
Mike makes an announcement that just happened this week. They have created DVDs of both movies. Check out his store to pre-order. They should be in for Christmas. They make great stocking stuffers.
Mike reveals a project he has been working on for 5 years. Check out the recording to hear what Mike’s been working on.
Mike takes questions from Backstagers where he offers to host a dual showing with B2T of both movies and a Q & A session. Date to be announced at a later date.
We then move into PCR and pray for the children.
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🚨Aspen Institute
🚨Stanford University
🚨Alex Stamos
🚨Kate Starbird
November 21, 2023 – Julie Green’s Prophetic Word Highlighting by B2T – I WILL DELIVER YOU OUT OF IT ALL
***For I the Lord this day, I am telling you, my children, this time is not the end. It is not the end of my children. It is not the end of my nations. It is not the end. Don’t give in to despair. Don’t give in to the lies of your enemy, and definitely do not give in and do not believe in their power or authority on this earth. They don’t have the power that they so desire. They don’t have what it seems like they have. I have told you time and time again, my children, to walk by faith and not by sight because things are not how they appear to be. Things are not how they appear to be in your governments. Things are not how they appear to be all over the world.##
***There is a greater darkness that has been lurking and greater evil that has been lurking that you didn’t even know that you had been suppressed. They had done a good job at that particular time to hide their evil. They tried to hide evil that was lurking in my churches. They tried to hide the evil that was lurking in your governments. They tried to hide the evil that was lurking in your laws, in your media, in Hollywood. They tried to hide this evil, but I told you their desperation has been growing, and as their desperation has been growing, they are making massive mistakes. And now, the evil that was lurking and that was hiding behind doors, it was hiding behind government officials, now all of a sudden, you are starting to see the light. You are starting to see the truth, because this is a time of great exposures.##
***This is a time of truth. I said, this is the hour of my power to be seen throughout the world and in my nations. My children, I am steamrolling past your enemies, and all their plots, plans, and schemes, and I am bringing them to nothing. You are about to see my hand bring your enemies to nothing. They don’t have that power. This is not their hour, and these are definitely not their nations. The judicial system is not theirs to destroy. My nation of my eagle is not theirs to kill. It is not theirs to bring down to nothing. No, it is not. I have told you before, they may have wounded my eagle, but I am the healer and I am giving my eagle life. I am giving it so much more power and unity than it ever had before, and it will soar; yes, I said soar. Soar above the nations, my eagle.##
***They have designed this nation to be one nation under God, and my children, I have not forgotten about that. I have not forgotten the prayers of your founding fathers. I have not forgotten any of the prayers that I have heard since the beginning of this nation. I have not. I have not forgotten all the prayers over my nation of Israel. I have not forgotten the prayers that I have heard of all my people, all my children, throughout this world. I have heard your cries. Do you trust me? My word says, and this is my promise to you, I will deliver you out of it all. I will deliver you out of all that you see.##
***And yes, I am leading you to a great victory, but I am leading you out of all the torment in your mind. I am leading you out and setting you free from all the torment in your bodies, all the damage your enemies has caused you. I am the one. Remember, I am the resurrection, and I am the life. I can bring life into every single one of your organs and every part of your body. My children, all I need is your trust in me more than what you see. Trust in me more than what you feel. Trust in me more than the thoughts that have been in your mind. Trust in me more than those man-made doctrines. Trust in me more than your news media. Trust in me more than your governments. Trust in me. Trust in me and you will see great victory. You will see great change. You will see great things, even greater than I have ever done on this earth before, and I have each and every one of you here for such a time as this.##
***No eye has ever seen, nor ear has ever heard what I am about to do for you. I have said this before, and I am saying this again, to remind you how mighty, how magnificent, things are about to be for you with this great change. The Red Sea was great, but what I have for you is greater than that. It is greater than the Red Sea. It is greater than the original Exodus. You know why I have told you, my children? Because this Exodus, what is about to happen, is so much greater and so much more powerful because it will affect every nation throughout this world. My children, I am not leaving you out no matter where you live. Come out with me. Come out with me and enjoy this victory. Trust in me that I will do for you what I have done before.##
***I have delivered a nation in a day. I have delivered my children time and time again from the hand of the wicked, and this is nothing different. Why would you believe that this time I somehow, in some way, would not save you, not deliver you when I am the deliverer? Get to know the great I AM. Study my word. I will show you who I am. I will show you who I am, so, trust in me this day. Trust in me in every way. Trust in me, and I tell you, my children, you will not be disappointed because what I am about to do, will bring great joy and victory, bring great celebrations throughout the nations. I said, great celebrations throughout the nations. That is what I am about to do for you, sayeth the Lord.##