The B2T Ministries

Kash Says Media Arrests will Happen! Media Matters Under Fire. PraiseNPrayer! B2T Show Dec 11, 2023

Show Notes

Kash Patel triples down and says yes, the 2nd Trump administration will hold everyone accountable who broke the law and constitution, including those in the media.

Kash goes on to say “I think they are threatened because we caught them in Russia Gate, we caught them with 51 intel letter, we caught them on Jan 6th, we are catching them in Hunter Biden/Joe Biden criminal activities, and American citizens are tired of it.”

Rick brings on Kirk Elliott to give an economic update and he reports on Klaus Schwab and his statements that COVID was a test leading up to a digital currency and the great reset.

Kirk agrees that there is likely going to be a Babylonian Financial System crash.  The deep state is trying to get to the great reset, but the Lord has far different plans.

Rick discusses the need to get out of harms way with real assets that are safe, liquid, and have a significant upside.

Call Kirk at 720.605.3900 for a free financial consultation or visit:

Media Matters is now being investigated by the Missouri AG over manipulation of X algorithm.

The AG, Andrew Bailey, accuses Media Matters of violating consumer protection laws by “deceptively manipulated the algorithm on X.”

“The lawsuit alleges that you lied to the public, falsely suggested that fringe, extremist content regularly appears next to content from corporate advertisers when in fact the opposite is true,” Bailey also discussed: “At the same time, you appear to have used this coordinated, inauthentic activity to solicit charitable donations from consumers across the country.”

Back in November, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton also opened an investigation into Media Matters, stating: “Under the Texas Business Organizations Code and the Deceptive Trade Practices Act, the OAG will vigorously enforce against nonprofits who commit fraudulent acts in or affecting the state of Texas.”

Paxton also stated: “We are examining the issue closely to ensure that the public has not been deceived by the schemes of radical left-wing organizations who would like nothing more than to limit freedom by reducing participation in the public square,”

It’s great to see these globalist-funded organizations on defense!

Rick also covers news around Trump’s response to the election interference lawsuits, new emails being released to Comer in the Biden impeachment inquire and Elon Musks fight against the globalists.

Rick then reads the latest Julie Green prophetic word that tells us we have been called into battle to win:

“…as you are holding the line, and as you are advancing the kingdom of almighty God, and as you are fighting the good fight of faith, and as I have called you to battle, I have told you my children, that you are destined to win each battle that you are in. I have called you to battle to win.”

Rick then reads his alone time with God from this morning where the Lord warns that we are going into a full-scale spiritual war:

“Now is the time to understand we are going into a full-scale spiritual war with many spiritual battles ahead of us.  On my path with my guidance, you cannot lose.”

Rick then teaches on Romans 10 where the true gospel is summarized before we move into PraiseNPrayer.

We explorer other scriptures surrounding Romans 10 in-between beautiful worship time, hear multiple praise reports and pray specifically for those with prayer requests.

We then go backstage for specific Inner Healing and Deliverance training with an emphasis on the 5 questions to ask for evangelism.  You can explorer that class here:

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December 11, 2023 – Julie Green’s Prophetic Word Highlighting by B2T –THIS IS THE TIME FOR WINNING, WINNNG, WINNING 

***For I the Lord this day, I am telling my children right now; right now, I am telling each and every one of you to know who I am, to know me and what to expect from me. In this time of uncertainty, this time of uncertainty for your enemies, not for you, you are guaranteed to come out the winner in the end, the winner in everything that you are putting your hand on. Winning, that is what I have for you. Winning, winning, winning. I am not telling you to stand and fight that good fight of faith and expect you to have defeat at the end of it.##

***My children, I have showed you time and time again that your enemy is already defeated. That means everyone he uses is already defeated. So why do you put down your heads in despair? Why do you give in to that pressure? Why do you give in to that darkness? Why do you believe in uncertain times or times where there is so much despair? Why do you, in those times when things are so impossible to ever turn around and change, why do you believe in those times? Why do you believe in these things rather than believe in me? I am the God who upholds my word and I have told you that I am the same yesterday, today and forever. You have seen so many times where I have delivered my people out of the hand of the taskmasters and the oppressors. So why would this time be any different? This time is no different.##

***My children, I am your deliverer and I have your deliverance at hand. Now your enemies, right now, are stumbling and they are making massive mistakes as they go along; and the more they pursue you and the more damage they try to cause against you, the more damage will be caused to them, and the more they are breaking in front of you. Their plans will never succeed because they are against me. I will say this again, their plans will never succeed because they are against me. So, as you are seeing in these times, and as you are holding the line, and as you are advancing the kingdom of almighty God, and as you are fighting the good fight of faith, and as I have called you to battle, I have told you my children, that you are destined to win each battle that you are in. I have called you to battle to win.##

***The Lord has fought these battles for you. Now accept and receive the victories that I have. This is not the time to let go. This is not the time to give in. This is a time, my children, to never back off. Stand your ground and resist. Be persistent at resisting your enemy in every area of your life, and as you resist him, he will, and everything he stands for, will flee from you. Have I not spoken in my word that no weapon formed against you shall prosper? Nothing your enemy has in his arsenal will prosper against you.##

***If you are standing and if you are being persistent, and if you are holding that line, and if you are resisting the enemy and you refuse to let go of your faith, watch me work so strongly on your behalf; and I am moving in your nations. Yes, I am moving to bring in justice. I am moving to bring back all the freedoms that have been paid for. Resist. These are the days of resistance. Be consistent in your walk with me; your faith and your trust in me. I told you, you will see me work. I am advancing the kingdom of God in this day. This is a time for the kingdom of God to advance, not for your enemies.##

***I will do greater things for you than I did for my children in the Book of Exodus. This is that time for greater miracles, greater signs, greater wonders, a greater deliverance. This is a time for the whole world to see who I am and who this earth really belongs to. Your enemies have tried to overplay their hands. That is what they do every time. They overplay their hands. Your enemy’s defeat is inevitable and you are closer to the end than you realize. The end is near to what you see. The end is near for your great victory. So, stand this ground, stand firm and do not move. Stand on my word, and don’t back off. Don’t back down and don’t bow.##

***My children, I will not let you down. I will not fail. I will show up. I have a greater covenant with you than my people that were in the land of Goshen, and I protected them and I delivered them. I healed them. I restored unto them everything that had been stolen. So, what makes you think that I would not do that now for you. That is what man would want you to believe, but I am the same yesterday, today, and forever, and I uphold my word. So, stand on it. Get into my word. Meditate on my word day and night, and get to know who I am, and realize that I will do the things that I have said in my word that I would do for you. So, receive the word of the Lord this day. Receive what I have for you. Receive me in a greater way, and receive my glory. Receive my joy. Receive my peace. Receive my words for you.##

***This is the time to fight. This is the time to stand. This is the time to push back. This is the time to take back. This is that time because the end is drawing near; the end, the end to your enemies and every single one of the plans they had against you. This is that time. Hold that line, sayeth the Lord.##

Rick’s Alone Time with God

Mon Dec 11, 2023 10:38am

Lord, I love your word and Chapter 10 of Romans is so rich.  Thank you for giving the law so it can lead us to Christ. Thank you for giving me the desires of my heart as long as I take delight in you.  Put me in a secret place where I can only hear from you.  No spirits but the Holy Spirit, the Father, and the Son.  What would you like to share with me and/or your children today Lord?

Rick, I want you to continue to move forward in an aggressive fashion with your social media.  More people will understand that they can hear from me directly and more of the right people will come to your channel.  Do not be concerned with numbers.  I will be curing out those who just want junk intel vs. those who want to hear from me.  Keep putting out this social media and make it a priority just like you are making time alone with me a priority.  You are just now letting more people know what I want them to hear.

My Remnant.  Come close to me and listen to the very specific language I am communicating to you with.  Yes, each of you will hear specific instructions and not general directions if you truly seek my face.  I know many of you are thinking “Rick is hearing in sentences from God, but God does not talk to me that way.”  However, this is the time I will talk directly and specifically in actual sentences to all my children who want to really hear my voice and be guided by me.  Expecting to hear directly from me is faith.  Do not use your words to keep me from speaking to you.  Instead, say “God, speak to me in specifics.  Tell me what you want me to hear today.”  And then listen with faith.  For those willing to put me first and seek my face with your whole heart and soul and mind, you will hear from me.  I have given you the simple method to prepare your hearts to be able to hear these specific instructions.  It’s as simple as just putting me first.  This means reading my word, studying it, and getting it into your heart.  Then worship me on a regular basis so you can better understand my ways and my thoughts.  Then spend time alone with me and talk with me expecting to hear directly from me.  Then I will guide you and direct your paths.

This may sound redundant, but I need to do this, so more children will actually expect to hear specific directions from me.  This is the time for this as it is needed.  The world is about to go in what seems like absolute chaos and I need each of you focused on the task, the calling I have for you.  This calling is not some far-out vision, but is a day-by-day walk with me.  Everyone’s calling will be different because I will be directing you day by day.  Do not make the mistake of thinking you can work hard on a vision you think I have given you without spending time with me every day to allow me to guide you.  I would much rather have a child listening to me every day than someone working hard for me every day and not listening to me.  I cannot direct you if you do not seek my face and spend time with me each day.  I need to be first in your life, so I can keep you from stumbling over the enemy’s plans for you.

The world and your natural thinking will take you on the enemies’s path, but worshipping me with the word in your heart and spending time with me each day will put you squarely on the path I have for you.  This is why I will continue to repeat.  Choose my way and not your way.  You now know exactly what you need to do.  So do not delay.  Do not wait until the enemy takes you too far down his path.  I am the way maker, but I need your full attention now.  Not partial attention, but full attention.  Give me the undivided attention I need now and great will be your reward.  Now is the time to understand we are going into a full-scale spiritual war with many spiritual battles ahead of us.  On my path with my guidance, you cannot lose.  But without your attention, your path will be very messy indeed.  Full attention soldiers of the almighty God!  Preparation time is over and it’s time to fight with me.  A fight that you were made for.

Romans 10

English Standard Version

10 Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For, being ignorant of the righteousness of God, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.

The Message of Salvation to All

For Moses writes about the righteousness that is based on the law, that the person who does the commandments shall live by them. But the righteousness based on faith says, “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’” (that is, to bring Christ down) “or ‘Who will descend into the abyss?’” (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. 11 For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.”12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. 13 For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

14 How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” 16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us?” 17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

18 But I ask, have they not heard? Indeed they have, for

“Their voice has gone out to all the earth,
and their words to the ends of the world.”

19 But I ask, did Israel not understand? First Moses says,

“I will make you jealous of those who are not a nation;
with a foolish nation I will make you angry.”

20 Then Isaiah is so bold as to say,

“I have been found by those who did not seek me;
I have shown myself to those who did not ask for me.”

21 But of Israel he says, “All day long I have held out my hands to a disobedient and contrary people.”

Rom 10 12/11/23

V2 zeal for God, but not according to knowledge

V4 Christ is the end of the law

Ten Commandments

  • You shall have no other gods before me
  • You shall not make for yourself a graven image
  • You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
  • Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy
  • Honor your father and your mother
  • You shall not murder
  • You shall not commit adultery
  • You shall not steal
  • You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
  • You shall not covet (anything of your neighbors)

5 Questions:

  1. Would you say you’re a good person?
  2. Do you think you have kept the 10 commandments?
  3. So if God judges you by the 10 commandments are you innocent or guilty?
  4. So what is your destiny is, heaven or hell?
  5. Does that concern you?

V5  shall live by the law

V6-8 Righteousness based on faith

V9-10 Memory verses fro salvation

V9 confess with your mouth

believe in the Lord Jesus

Raised from the dead

V12 Same Lord is Lord of all

V13 Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved

V15 preach the good news

V17 faith comes from hearing

V18 voice has gone to the ends of the earth

V20 found by those that did not seek me


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