The B2T Ministries

Kash Says Media Arrests will Happen! Media Matters Under Fire. PraiseNPrayer! B2T Show Dec 11, 2023

B2T Show

Kash Patel triples down and says yes, the 2nd Trump administration will hold everyone accountable who broke the law and constitution, including those in the media.

Kash goes on to say “I think they are threatened because we caught them in Russia Gate, we caught them with 51 intel letter, we caught them on Jan 6th, we are catching them in Hunter Biden/Joe Biden criminal activities, and American citizens are tired of it.”

Rick brings on Kirk Elliott to give an economic update and he reports on Klaus Schwab and his statements that COVID was a test leading up to a digital currency and the great reset.

Kirk agrees that there is likely going to be a Babylonian Financial System crash.  The deep state is trying to get to the great reset, but the Lord has far different plans.

Rick discusses the need to get out of harms way with real assets that are safe, liquid, and have a significant upside.

Call Kirk at 720.605.3900 for a free financial consultation or visit:

Media Matters is now being investigated by the Missouri AG over manipulation of X algorithm.

The AG, Andrew Bailey, accuses Media Matters of violating consumer protection laws by “deceptively manipulated the algorithm on X.”

“The lawsuit alleges that you lied to the public, falsely suggested that fringe, extremist content regularly appears next to content from corporate advertisers when in fact the opposite is true,” Bailey also discussed: “At the same time, you appear to have used this coordinated, inauthentic activity to solicit charitable donations from consumers across the country.”

Back in November, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton also opened an investigation into Media Matters, stating: “Under the Texas Business Organizations Code and the Deceptive Trade Practices Act, the OAG will vigorously enforce against nonprofits who commit fraudulent acts in or affecting the state of Texas.”

Paxton also stated: “We are examining the issue closely to ensure that the public has not been deceived by the schemes of radical left-wing organizations who would like nothing more than to limit freedom by reducing participation in the public square,”

It’s great to see these globalist-funded organizations on defense!

Rick also covers news around Trump’s response to the election interference lawsuits, new emails being released to Comer in the Biden impeachment inquire and Elon Musks fight against the globalists.

Rick then reads the latest Julie Green prophetic word that tells us we have been called into battle to win:

“…as you are holding the line, and as you are advancing the kingdom of almighty God, and as you are fighting the good fight of faith, and as I have called you to battle, I have told you my children, that you are destined to win each battle that you are in. I have called you to battle to win.”

Rick then reads his alone time with God from this morning where the Lord warns that we are going into a full-scale spiritual war:

“Now is the time to understand we are going into a full-scale spiritual war with many spiritual battles ahead of us.  On my path with my guidance, you cannot lose.”

Rick then teaches on Romans 10 where the true gospel is summarized before we move into PraiseNPrayer.

We explorer other scriptures surrounding Romans 10 in-between beautiful worship time, hear multiple praise reports and pray specifically for those with prayer requests.

We then go backstage for specific Inner Healing and Deliverance training with an emphasis on the 5 questions to ask for evangelism.  You can explorer that class here:

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