The B2T Ministries

Juan 0’Savin LIVE! Next Speaker: Jordon or Trump? B2T Show Oct 4, 2023

Shows Note

McCarthy confirms he will not run again for Speaker of the House.

Jim Jordon has announced that he will run and rumors are swirling that Trump is being asked to run.

Trump answered questions about becoming speaker when the press saw him and he said “I will do what’s best for the country…” but he also said “there are great people in the House that would do a great job as Speaker…”

Steve Scalese also has decided to run for Speaker.

Juan O’Savin comes on live and believes it is a real possibility that Trump could come back into office through the Speaker route.

He acknowledges that the RINOs would work to keep him out, but as the massive voter fraud continues to mount, who knows what the RINOs will do as the fraud becomes more and more evident.

Juan discusses the importance of numbers and the fact that they decided to extend the date until the next budget issue for 45 days.  Yes 45 days with the possibility of 45 coming back.

This is a low probability but who knows what exposure will create in the upcoming days.

Juan and his wife Jen have new merchandise with the artwork of “2020, It is not over yet!”

They have also released a pure new Silver Coin that has the Trump Matador on the front side and the Trump arrest photo on the back with “Slaves No More” under the arrest photo.

Support Juan and Jennifer by checking out all merchandise at

Rick reviews other news before Juan comes on primarily around Trump outing the New York prosecutor and the RNC showing it’s RINO attitude.

Rick reviews the updated Vision/Mission as well as expansion plans for B2T Ministries as well as the new Partner program.

Juan goes into multiple stories that parallel Biblical stories and how they apply to today.

He says the only military tribunals that are taking place are investigatory type trials.

Rick let this go as Juan was very passionate about this.  Rick believes that we have infiltrated the infiltrators and have recorded many tribunals already, done deals with many and sent them back out to expose and record the secret societies.

Without the infiltration by the White Hats the Black Hats would still be in total control and we know they are not.

Rick agrees with Juan that everything will be public like the Nuremburg Trials.

Juan is a great man of God who gives us encouragement and brings us back to Biblical truth.

It’s worth the time to understand the stories that he weaves!

After Juan is finished, we worship to the song “No Longer Slaves” that mirrors much of the sentiment of the new silver coin that says “Slaves No More!”

Then we go Backstage where Gus teaches a Bible Study.

You can have access now for FREE to all Backstage live and recordings by joining the Backstage Ministry here in a pay forward model:

Mon Sep 11, 2023 12:52 (afternoon)

Lord, what a terrible day we had 22 years ago today as many died, the world was put into fear only to take our constitutional rights away with the Patriot Act.  Lord, that you for the spirt of truth starting to come out on our enemies.  Lord I come to you in full submission.  Please forgive me of any unknown and known sins.  Put me in a place where I can only hear from you.  Help me understand if you want us to roll out a new partner model and how to balance this with Sponsors or other fundraising approaches.

Rick, first understand that I love your compassion and those in the Remnant that are upset about how the enemies of the Body of Christ have been planning to take over my world.  I want my Remnant to understand this, but not be in fear.  I gave all of you a spirit that does not make you timid.  A spirit that gives you love, power and self discipline.  This self discipline is what you need to do now to make sure you are focused on me so that I can give each of you individual clear instructions.  I can only do that for those that are fully submitted to me and listening to me.  Listen to me through my word.  Listen to me through worship. Listen to me by spending time alone with me through prayer and getting quiet with me.  I will give each of you direction.

Thank you Lord.  Thank you.  I will continue to teach this.

Now funding the ministry will change drastically over the next six months.  Yes, the partner model is the key area I want you to develop.  I want to bless those that give to this ministry.  By not having this model set up, you are delaying the reaping I want to bless people with as they serve me with their first fruits.  Many already have their first fruits going elsewhere, but I will direct many to start giving to this ministry.  Communicate the vision regularly.  I will call many to join this cause with their time, energy and finances.  Some will give and reap.  Do not look at this as a way to fund the ministry and more toward the blessing a reaping they will receive.  I know this is hard for you Rick, but get your emotions out of this.  This is between me and my Body.  There are many I will send to you.  I told you everything would change in your technology for the show.  Well this will change as well.  This is a ministry I want to use to bless others in many ways.  I will bless them through your show.  I will bless them though PraiseNPrayer.  I will bless them through WordNWorship and I will bless them through Partnering.  I have already sent you a volunteer to help.  Now move quickly.

Yes Lord I will.  I repent of my emotions and discomfort in getting in the way.

Rick, just keep executing to the words I have already given.  I told you that sponsors soon will not be needed.  Keep the sponsors going, but no need to over emphasize this as soon this will phase out and be more of a place for people to find products and services to help them and less about funding the show and ministry.  The show will become just a part of the ministry as will QE Strong.  Now focus on blessing the Partners with prayer, with recognition of being part of the Remnant, with reaping everything they sow.  Not just financially, but also with their time and energy.  Their prayers for this ministry will also be key.  The prayers of others for the Partners will be a huge blessing on those sowing.  Some will only be able to give extremely small amounts, but will pour into this ministry with their prayers.  Others with prayers and their time.  Open up the ministry to allow this process to happen easily.  Now march forward as a full fledged ministry.  No need for any more delay.

Yes Lord.  Again I repent for not acting quickly.

No need to be hard on yourself Rick.  I need you to enjoy this process.  I want to see joy from you and others as I direct your paths.  I love to see my children obey and see my hand on every part of their lives.  Keep on this path and watch what I do with this ministry, my ministry, and what I do with the individuals that submit to me.  Wonderful will be my works through them.  Now go and execute.  But do this with joy and not stress.  Your time and others time have been amplified.  Now all of you reading this.  Relax and enjoy following my direction for all parts of your lives.  Enjoy.

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