The B2T Ministries

Jabs Designed to Cause Miscarriages! D.r Ardis LIVE B2T Show Sep 19, 2023

Show Notes

Dr. Ardis comes on the show after the news part of the show and demonstrates the evil of this jab in multiple ways.

He demonstrates the specific way they cause miscarriages.

Before Dr. Ardis comes on Rick reviews the Biden inquiry.

Rick feels that this will lead to even more undeniable evidence against Biden and awaken millions more soon to the Biden Crime family.

Rick missed this on the show, but our prayers for Pastor Art were answered as he is now free!!

Pastor Art was convicted for 60 days in prison for his sermon during the truckers convoy, but since he had served 70+ days in his unlawful incarceration already, he does not have to return to prison.

This was a fulfilled prophecy of Julie Greens that Pastor Art would not return to prison.

We look at how George Soros funded “disinformation” that helped push heavy censorship.

Rick reviews other breaking news before reading several of Julie Green’s lates prophetic words.

The prophetic words tell us to trust in the Lord:

“I’ll say this again. Don’t be moved. Don’t give in. Don’t comply, and don’t rely on yourselves, on your wisdom and knowledge and understanding, on how you are reasoning things out. Don’t lean on those things anymore. Trust and lean, lean on me. Trust and rely on me, and you will see me, the great I AM.”

Another word warns of the silence and lock-in:

“Remember I told you about blackouts? Remember I told you about a silence? Remember I told you about a lock-in? Remember, I told you these things? Don’t fear these things.”

Dr. Ardis comes on live and reviews key parts of his presentation that clearly outlines the way the jabs are purposely causing miscarriages.

He also outlines new details about nicotine and how it is reversing cancer and reversing the effects of many types of poisons.

One research paper was massively misleading by having a very dishonest abstract saying nicotine did not work at a certain low dose.

However, the details of the paper showed that at higher doses Nicotine was extremely effective.

Dr. Ardis recommends nicotine patches for the many symptons caused by Covid and other venoms.

We then go backstage for PCR (Project Children Rescue) where we lift up the children and the military freeing the children and calling down the media across the nations that are protecting the elites.

After PCR, Rick teaches on the true Gospel and an easy to memorize method to share the Gospel.

We have great discussions around sharing our testimonies.

You can have access now for FREE to all the Backstage live and recordings by joining the Backstage Ministry here:

Prophecy Review

September 19, 2023 – Julie Green’s Prophetic Word Highlighting by B2T – THE END IS NEAR

*** My children who are standing, yes, my children who are standing, I am speaking to you. I am speaking these great words to you. Victory is near. You will cheer because victory is near. No matter the darkness, no matter the amount of shaking, no matter the plans of the enemy, oh a great victory is near; near for my children, near for my nations.##

***There is nothing that I’m going to hold back that belongs to you, my children. Nothing will be held back that belongs to you. This is the greatest jubilee, the greatest year of restoration. When these things come in, you will call that year a great year. You will call it, you will shout, you will celebrate.##

***Many things are coming together,

this great and mighty close. A close of what you see, a close to this long, drawn out movie. The ending is near. The ending is near. Don’t be moved by what you see. Don’t be moved by what you see because what you see is about to change drastically.##

***I’ll say this again. Don’t be moved. Don’t give in. Don’t comply, and don’t rely on yourselves, on your wisdom and knowledge and understanding, on how you are reasoning things out. Don’t lean on those things anymore. Trust and lean, lean on me. Trust and rely on me, and you will see me, the great I AM. You will see who I am. You will see what I am about. You will see my love pour out, and then you’ll shout. Yes, stand and keep standing. Trust me. Believe me, this is worth the wait, sayeth the Lord.##

September 18, 2023 – Julie Green’s Prophetic Word Highlighting by B2T – THE GREAT SILENCER

*** My children, I am about to silence your enemy. Yes, I will say these words again. I am about to silence your enemy. Do you remember what I did for my son while he was in the lion’s den? I shut those mouths and I silenced that enemy. I also stopped their power to hurt my son. Do you remember what I did in the fire? The fire could not touch my sons. They didn’t even smell like that smoke. Do you know who I am? Do you really know who I am? I am the great silencer.##

***Your enemies have run their mouths over and over again. Your enemies have used the news over and over again. They said lie upon lie upon lie, where people after a while believed it was the truth. Those lies have ensnared, those lies have blinded, those lies have captivated certain people; captured, enslaved and brought them into a great bondage. Oh, a great bondage has been in this world to this system that has been plaguing this world; a system that is run by man, a system that was meant to completely cripple you, everyone who wasn’t with them; a system that was meant to bring great destruction to your bodies, great destruction to your minds, enslave you financially with great destruction called debt. But I am the destroyer of evil. I am going to wipe these things out as if they never existed. In your mind, in your body, in your finances, in your families, and yes, even in your nations, your governments.##

***A great silence is coming; a silence so deafening, it will bring fear to many. But to my children, great faith will explode; a faith that has been welling up in my children who have been patient, who have been waiting, who have been standing. Refuse to give in. I told you, great is your reward. This silence, I am cutting off one of your enemy’s greatest tools which is their news and some of their social media. All those places that were used to manipulate the masses, deceive and distract, I am cutting them off. I am cutting off the influence. I am cutting off their power. I am cutting them off from you as this great silence draws near.##

***Remember I told you about blackouts? Remember I told you about a silence? Remember I told you about a lock-in? Remember, I told you these things? Don’t fear these things. Do you remember I told you about getting off your cell phones, turning off your TVs, and spending time with me, because soon there will be no choice when your phones won’t work and your internet won’t work. If your TVs won’t work, then what will you do?##

***Let my glory fill you up. Let my glory fill your home. You won’t need these things, not with my lock-in. You won’t want these things. You won’t desire these things. No, not the ones who will look to me. Seek and you will find me. Knock and the door will be answered. Seek me and you will find everything you have desired, everything that you’ve been crying out for, for freedom. I am that freedom. I am every answer to every need. I am the way out of every harsh, horrible, impossible situation. I am, and I am going to show the world that I still live, that I still save, that I still deliver, that I still protect, that I still avenge, and I still have the final say, and I will have my way.##

***Your enemies are running scared now. Drastic measures are about to be taken, and I mean drastic on their end. So go now. Stand on my word. Stand firm. I will protect you. You are in this world, but you are surely not of it. Cut them off; their influence, their prison cells they have had you in. Cut them off by cutting those devices off from you and making them first priority in your life. Renew your mind with my word. Grow in my word. Flow in my word. Let my word live in you. Let that light grow in you.##

***Great glory is coming; a great glory the world cannot deny. I’m going to say this again, what I did for the Israelites with the Red Sea, this is much greater than that. No eye has ever seen and no ear has ever heard what I am about to do to this nation, my nation; what I am about to do for Israel and what I am about to do for nations around the world. Hold on. Things are about to get even more increasingly hard for some, but better for others. The ones who are with me, I am bringing a great victory, sayeth the Lord.##

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