The B2T Ministries

Jabs Designed to Cause Miscarriages! D.r Ardis LIVE B2T Show Sep 19, 2023

B2T Show

Dr. Ardis comes on the show after the news part of the show and demonstrates the evil of this jab in multiple ways.

He demonstrates the specific way they cause miscarriages.

Before Dr. Ardis comes on Rick reviews the Biden inquiry.

Rick feels that this will lead to even more undeniable evidence against Biden and awaken millions more soon to the Biden Crime family.

Rick missed this on the show, but our prayers for Pastor Art were answered as he is now free!!

Pastor Art was convicted for 60 days in prison for his sermon during the truckers convoy, but since he had served 70+ days in his unlawful incarceration already, he does not have to return to prison.

This was a fulfilled prophecy of Julie Greens that Pastor Art would not return to prison.

We look at how George Soros funded “disinformation” that helped push heavy censorship.

Rick reviews other breaking news before reading several of Julie Green’s lates prophetic words.

The prophetic words tell us to trust in the Lord:

“I’ll say this again. Don’t be moved. Don’t give in. Don’t comply, and don’t rely on yourselves, on your wisdom and knowledge and understanding, on how you are reasoning things out. Don’t lean on those things anymore. Trust and lean, lean on me. Trust and rely on me, and you will see me, the great I AM.”

Another word warns of the silence and lock-in:

“Remember I told you about blackouts? Remember I told you about a silence? Remember I told you about a lock-in? Remember, I told you these things? Don’t fear these things.”

Dr. Ardis comes on live and reviews key parts of his presentation that clearly outlines the way the jabs are purposely causing miscarriages.

He also outlines new details about nicotine and how it is reversing cancer and reversing the effects of many types of poisons.

One research paper was massively misleading by having a very dishonest abstract saying nicotine did not work at a certain low dose.

However, the details of the paper showed that at higher doses Nicotine was extremely effective.

Dr. Ardis recommends nicotine patches for the many symptons caused by Covid and other venoms.

We then go backstage for PCR (Project Children Rescue) where we lift up the children and the military freeing the children and calling down the media across the nations that are protecting the elites.

After PCR, Rick teaches on the true Gospel and an easy to memorize method to share the Gospel.

We have great discussions around sharing our testimonies.

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