The B2T Ministries

Victoria Nuland Out! Super Tuesday. Dr. Ardis LIVE. B2T Show Mar 5, 2024

Show Notes

Let’s dig into the News…

Upcoming on B2T:

March 6th – Juan O Savin

March 11th – Hearing from God Series with Timothy Dixon

March 13th – Prophet Daniel Goodwyn: J6’er

March 18th – Hearing from God Series with Manuel Johnson

March 19th – Marty Grisham of Loud Mouth Prayer

March 20th – Meri Crowley

Ukraine War Architect Victoria Nuland resigns. She is the third ranking diplomat in the United States and the architect of the Ukraine war.

Facebook, Messenger and Instagram all experienced worldwide outages on Tuesday.

Katie Hobbs vetoes Arizona’s immigration bill that would make illegal crossings punishable by six months in jail.

Elon Musk exposes Biden’s little know program that has flown 320,000 illegal aliens into the country.  Musk points out that not only is Biden leaving the door open for illegal aliens to come in, but he is also flying people into this country, so they don’t even have to cross the border themselves.

One of Trump Truths highlights what Elon Musk says about what Biden is doing with the illegals.

In another Truth, President Trump thanks North Dakota and their governor.

In another Truth and an article, we see that Fox hosts discuss rumors circulating that Nikki Haley’s campaign is planning to cancel ad buys and appearances in anticipation of defeats on Super Tuesday.

Biden’s has a new plan to set President Trump off. Biden is reportedly planning to goad Trump into going “haywire in public.”

Palestinian authority, key to Biden’s Mideast Peace Plan, commits to pay $97 million a year to Hamas.

Senator Kyrsten Sinema will not seek re-election in Arizona. She has left the Democrat party and become Independent.

Rick talks about Kari Lake being Ester in Kim Clements prophetic word.  He also believes she would do better as a senator than vice president.  Rick talks about the military tribunals and election reversals.  He says we could even see Kari Lake as governor of Arizona, which would mean she would be working with the cartels and would fulfill the Kim Clement prophecy about them.

Rick says “Military is the only way.”

Rick promotes “Let My People Go” by Dr. David Clements.  You can go to Blessed 2 Teach on Rumble and find the movie.

Rick goes through several more articles before Dr. Ardis joins the show.  Dr. Ardis talking about a book he read called Venom Virus.  He also discusses several pharmaceutical drugs that are harming people and how to reverse the effects of them.  As Rick and he have their discussion, they answer several questions from the audience.

After Dr. Ardis leaves, Rick and the Backstagers go backstage were they pray for the children, military and the lying media.  Join Backstage to join them in prayer every Tuesday evening after the show.

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The abundant life awaits you after this, if and only if, you get into my word to renew your mind and then come to me with that renewed mind as a submitted vessel.  This will allow you to not conform to the pattern of this world, which means you will be breaking free from the enemy’s programming and all his evil systems.  Then you will be giving me control of your life.  This is what allowing me to yoke you means.  You will hear very clear instructions from me as you come to me alone each day.  What is most exciting about you making a decision to become part of my Remnant is that you can’t lose!  I know the beginning from the end and will direct you around the traps of the enemy and when you think you are in trouble, instead, my power and glory will flow through you.  Not just once, but time and time again.  What are you waiting for?  Come and learn the exact reason you were put on this earth.  I am waiting for you, my child, so come to me. Come.

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