The B2T Ministries

Tulsi Goes Red. Why Vote Early? PraiseNPrayer. B2T Show, Oct 23, 2024

The B2T Show

Tulsi left the Democrat party in 2022, but she was disillusioned with the 2-Party system.  However, yesterday, she joined the Republican Party because Trump transformed it into the Party of the People and a Party of Peace.

Rick sees this as part of a ‘great uniting’ happening, with people like Elon Musk, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and Joe Rogan coming together against the ‘elites’ and ‘globalists’.

The contrast between Gabbard on our side vs. the unpopular Liz Cheney is problematic as the Democrat Party loses its base of “we the people.”

Rick emphasizes the need to expose issues with voting machines and election integrity. He cites Q drops that show voting machines are rigged and controlled by a ‘cabal’.

Rick encourages listeners to pray for a ‘miracle’ that will allow Trump to win the presidency, gain control of the House and Senate, and expose voting machine irregularities.

Lawsuits have been prepared in advance by the Republican National Committee to challenge likely election fraud.

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Why did Trump and others switch to encouraging supporters to vote early?

Some reasons given by Trump allies and supporters include making it easier for campaigns to contact non-voters, countering the Democrats’ advantage in mail-in and early voting, and potentially forcing Democrats to agree to return to single-day voting with paper ballots.

Follow Trump’s advice and vote early to ‘overwhelm’ the system and make it harder for fraud to be successful.

The The Atlantic exposes itself for untrue negative coverage of Trump. An article accusing Trump of making derogatory comments about a murdered soldier, which was refuted by the soldier’s family and Trump’s former chief of staff.

It’s exposing ‘Mockingbird media and fueling hatred against Trump on the left.

Elon Musk’s also continues to expose the mainstream media bias against MAGA amplifying examples on X.

Rick discusses the huge testimonials we are getting from Exodus around reduced inflammation and increased energy.  Get the body and mind God intended it to have?

Join the movement to get the body and mind you need and to get 1 million people to read the Bible.

Then we move to PraiseNPrayer where Rick gives some details about the incredible weekend at the ReAwaken Tour and Faith Leaders Session with Trump.

We also hear from Backstagers Diana from England and Elizabeth from Australia as they tour the US and pray for Trump and our country.

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