B2T Show
Republicans in Colorado file a lawsuit to try and get Trump off the 2024 ballot.
In addition, a case that is also trying to get Trump off the 2024 ballot will be considered by the Supreme Court on September 29 which is the start of the Feast of Weeks or Sukkot.
Both cases try to use the January 6 supposed insurrection as an excuse to exercise the 14th amendment.
Rick explains how foolish this is since the entire January 6 event was a false flag planned by the Cabal to try and silence anyone questioning the rigged 2020 election.
Rick also reviews the dates of the coming fall feasts that God outlines in the Bible.
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year and celebration of the anniversary of Adam and Eve, starts on Friday September 15 at Sunset and ending on Sunday, September 27 at sunset.
This is followed by the 10 Days of Awe where we are to examine ourselves before God in preparation for the Day of Atonement, the holiest day of the year.
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, starts on Sunday, September 24 at sunset and ends on Monday, September 25 at sunset.
Sukkot, the Feast of Weeks, starts on Friday, September 29 at sunset and ends 7 days later on Friday October 6 at sunset.
This is a pilgrimage feast where devout followers returned to Jerusalem every year for this week and live in outdoor huts commemorating how God protected and provided for them the 40 years in the Desert.
Rick describes how God often acts on his feast days, so he feels we will get some massive exposure during the 3 weeks from September 15 to October 6.
We review more news around the two tiered justice system and sentences worse than murderers for the Proud Boys, Disney’s potential sale to Apple and the exposure of the ADL.
Rick reads one of the words he received from the Lord that is recorded in his blog here:
This word clearly asks for the Body of Christ to unite and in order to do that the Remnant needs to be spending time alone with God and seeking his face.
Rick then teaches on Revelation Chapter 17 about the Woman and the Beast.
He shows the Beast is talking about the First Beast and the Beast of the Sea and that the woman is the great city of Babylon.
Rick also discusses the multiple views of interpreting Revelation and he points to why he believes, due to scripture and the modern prophets, that we are about to go through a Great Exodus and Great Harvest as a prelude to the second coming of Christ.
It’s time to fight and take possession of the nations!
We then move to PraiseNPrayer where we have incredible worship to the new wide expanded videos.
We get to hear several strong praise reports and we pray for specific prayer requests as we honor the Lord with our praise.
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