The B2T Show

Trump Not Guilty! 7 Angels & 7 Plagues. PraiseNPrayer! B2T Show May 8, 2023

Show Note

Trump pleases not guilty in Georgia and waves his right to an arraignment.

The charges are ridiculous, and we know he is not guilty, but it is all forcing the Deep State to blatantly show who they are.

They are marxists and criminals that will attack any threat against their tyrannical power.

Rick plays one of the many videos Trump released on Truth Social as he directly takes on the information war with over 40 short videos the last few days!

We also review the updated on-line course Rick is offering to equip Christian Patriots to become impactors for Christ.

Visit the “Training” tab on to learn more.

Rick reviews other breaking news around Biden trying to give work visas to migrants, the Senate trying to pass bloated spending bills and doctors lying about McConnell’s health being good.

We also review the latest word from Julie Green that says the Deep State is in a panic:

“They don’t know what to do with you. When you don’t quit, when you don’t whine, when you don’t cry, when you don’t give up or give in, they don’t know what to do. They’re panicking.”

And their plans are failing!

“Everything is going as planned, so they thought, until the more they did, the more they did against you, the more you came together, the more you fought back, the more you praised, the more you’ve gotten into my word, the more you sought me. That was not their plan.”

Rick’s brother Rob comes on live to discuss the new show Rick and Rob are going live with each Sunday night at 8pm CST: “My Faith and Health”.

The show is based on a new free newsletter:

Subscribe for crossword puzzles, review of faith topics, heath tips, mighty men and majestic women, verses of the week and more.

Rob also announces a 30% off Labor Day special at when using the B2T code.

Rick then teaches on Revelation 15 relating the vision to many other parts of the Bible and discussing the 7 angels that will release the 7 bowls full of the wrath of God.

We once again discuss the times we are in now and the various views of the timing of the bowl judgements.

Then we move into PraiseNPrayer where go into deep worship with new expanded wide videos.

Rick shares his experience at the Hospital earlier in the day where he prayed for the entire family of a 9-year-old boy getting his 4th heart surgery!

We praise to the updated beautiful videos and the new setup where we can better emphasize the song as well as those worshipping live!

Many prayers are lifted up for those attending live and against the evil in the world.

You can have access now for FREE to all the Backstage live and recordings by joining the Backstage Ministry here:  blessed2teach.mykajabi-backstage



August 31, 2023 – Julie Green’s Prophetic Word Highlighting by B2T – A GREAT STORM IS COMING

*** My children, I say this day, a great storm is brewing. A great storm is brewing. It’s growing in intensity. The shaking; the shakings are growing in intensity. The wind is blowing and blowing and growing in intensity. Things are changing; quickly changing. Things are shifting. Things are moving, many things that you have not seen, many things that were working behind the scenes to save your nation. Things are moving. Things are moving.##

***The enemy is scared. Yes, they’re scared. They’re caught in a corner with no way of escape, and all these things are barreling down on them. They’re growing in fear. But Lord, it doesn’t look like it. Lord, they’re getting away with everything. Lord, they’re making it harder for us to live. Yes, these are the cries of my people. This is what I’m hearing. Lord, what do we do? Lord, why are you taking so long? Lord, you’re late. It’s too late. They’ve done all this damage. All this damage, it’s already done and there’s no way to come back from it.##

***My children, I’m hearing these words. Is this truly what you believe? Am I not the God who nothing is impossible? Is that not what my word says? I am El Shaddai. I am Elohim. I created this earth. El Shaddai, that’s my name. There’s nothing too big, there is nothing too broken that I cannot fix or things that I cannot restore. My children, once again, you’re crying in anguish over the damage that’s been done in your countries; the laws that have been trampled upon, the injustice that keeps growing and growing, and they have things in place working against you that’s getting worse, it looks like, and it’s getting worse by the day.## ***My children, I have said time and time again, are you listening to these words? Have I not warned you? Have I not told you of things that were coming? Have I not said things were going to get worse or look that way before “the day?” The day; yes, a wonderful day, you will say, of a victory, of a great and mighty victory, when you see me move my hand, when you see people in places removed, and very high places, where people are saying over and over again, nothing will change, nothing will happen. They’re getting away with it. Nothing is on our side that will change that. I am the change. I am moving. My hand is at work. My children are now waking up when the enemy meant to destroy them.##

***Their plan, let me give you a little insight on their plan. You were already broken by now. You already surrendered and had given up. They already had their one world government. They already had full control. They already dominated the money system. Everything is going as planned, so they thought, until the more they did, the more they did against you, the more you came together, the more you fought back, the more you praised, the more you’ve gotten into my word, the more you sought me. That was not their plan. Oh no, it wasn’t. They don’t know what to do with you. When you don’t quit, when you don’t whine, when you don’t cry, when you don’t give up or give in, they don’t know what to do. They’re panicking. Do you hear it? They’re panicking.##

***You’re not turning. You’re not kneeling or bowing. You’re not giving up on my David. Yes, my David will rise from all of these things. Indictments, laugh. Their laws, laugh. They’re judges, ha. I am the judge. I am the judge over all of the earth, and I will have the last laugh.##

***Something big, big I tell you, big is about to happen and shake Washington D.C. like it’s never been shaken before. It’s shaking. That will destroy their foundation. It will destroy their plans, destroy their words and their narratives. It’s coming. When they try to do something against you with this virus and a lockdown, and they try to take your freedoms away, watch and stay alert and attentive to what my hand is doing. I will have the last and final say. They will not. So, my children, get prepared with me. Get prepared for this great victory, sayeth the Lord.##

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