The B2T Ministries

Trump is Being Hunted! Meri Crouley LIVE. B2T Show Sep 24, 2024

Show Notes

Our show begins with prayer, discussions on current events, and a special guest appearance by Dr. Meri Crouley.

Tonight’s topics discussed include:

  • Trump being targeted for assassination attempts
  • the cabal’s efforts to influence elections through illegal immigration
  • the exposure of elite pedophile rings
  • God’s plan to defeat the enemy’s schemes

Trump Being Hunted?

Rick plays a clip from Dan Bongino discussing the possibility of Trump being hunted by professionals, suggesting a compromise within the Secret Service’s communication system.

This leads to a discussion on the need to pray for Trump’s protection and use spiritual authority against the enemy’s schemes.

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Cabal’s Efforts to Influence Elections.

Rick highlights the cabal’s efforts to influence elections through illegal immigration, citing sources that claim George Soros-backed organizations are working to naturalize and mobilize immigrants as a voting bloc in swing states.

Numerical data mentioned includes the number of non-citizens in battleground states like Georgia (787,000) and the predicted percentage of non-citizens voting (5-13%).

Dr. Meri Crouley joins the show, sharing prophetic words, encouraging viewers to stand firm in faith, and praying for various individuals.

She discusses her recent travels to the UK and Switzerland, where she believes spiritual shifts occurred.

Meri also previews her upcoming ‘Open the Heavens’ event in Idaho and invites viewers to attend.

Prayers for Children and Ministry.

The video features powerful prayers from various individuals, including Elizabeth, Linda, Shuri, Charlotte, and Gus.

These prayers focus on rescuing and healing children from abuse, the downfall of the cabal, and blessings over the Blessed to Teach ministry and its partners.

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