The B2T Ministries

Trump Calls Out McConnell! Nino Rodriguez LIVE. B2T Show Jun 28, 2023

Show Note

One of Trumps greatest strengths is his exposure of the RINOs and the Uniparty in Washington.

He call out Mitch McConnel who “gives Biden whatever he wants.”

Trump even highlights the fact that the RINOs are clearly working with the globalists by stating:  “There’s something going on. That doesn’t make sense. They get whatever they want”

Rick also reviews more signs that the bigger banks are in trouble and how an Electric Vehicle company filed for bankruptcy.  Therefore, it’s important to prepare for economic collapse.

Precious metals are key, and Rick tells people to get their free consultation with Kirk Elliott to get out of harms way.

Rick reviews the latest prophetic word from Julie Green where the Lord tells us what to do to prepare:

“Hold on; hold fast. Draw near to me. Draw closely and you will see me. You will see me; who I really am, and you won’t be moved by anything around you. Don’t be moved. That’s another marching order for you. Don’t be moved.”

“I told you about the economy falling. I have warned you they’re going to try more things; but remember this day! Remember what I say. It’s all coming down. It’s all coming down like the walls of Jericho. It’s coming down just like the Red Sea when it was held up for a certain time so my people could walk through. I’ve been holding certain things up so my people could walk through to the other side.”

Then Rick brings Nino Rodriguez on who shares his story.  We learn how he became a citizen journalist, what woke him up, how he quit drinking and why, his experience as a heavy weight knock out machine and how he hit rock bottom.

Don’t miss the end of the video where Backstage prayer warriors lift him up in prayer.  Nino is very moved and appreciates the prayers.

Nino also shares his relationship with Juan O’Savin and with Jim Caveziel.  He talks with Juan and Jim frequently and he tells us how to prepare.  To have silver and cash on hand.

Nino also states that 13-15 US cities will be “lost” to total depravity and violence at the hands of BLM, Antifa and illegals.

But he has hope. A hope based on his faith in God. Nino also shares his spiritual walk.

Afterwards we go backstage for some training on Neighborhood.Social groups as well as a Bible Study lead by Gus.

You can have access now for FREE to all the Backstage live and recordings by joining the Backstage Ministry here:  blessed2teach.mykajabi-backstage


Prophetic Word

June 28, 2023 – Julie Green’s Prophetic Word Highlighting by B2T –THE COMING FALL OF THE GLOBAL GOVERNMENT, THEIR ECONOMY AND THEIR CONTROL

*** This is a time of great battle. This is a time of great conflict. This is a time where you see evil; how it’s been trying to reign. You’ve been seeing the control that it had upon this earth. It’s not that time. No, it’s not. The walls are falling. Mighty walls are falling. Big names are falling. Big banks are falling. Big corporations are falling. Hollywood is falling. The three letter agencies who were against me are falling. Global, governing, and governance; those people are falling. These world leaders are falling. I’ve been speaking to you about a great and mighty fall.##

###You see in my word about the walls of Jericho and how quickly that wall fell. That wall that was built up, it looked like it was impenetrable. It looked like nothing was going to ever bring it down. Evil people think that they’re so smart and build up these things so indestructible, but they don’t see I can flick it away with no power at all. Just flick it with a finger and it would be gone. My children, to change the course of this world and to change everything that you’re seeing and to change what’s happening in your nations, what’s happening in the body of Christ, it doesn’t take my full strength to change it. Things can change very quickly, and things will.##

***I told you about the economy falling. I have warned you they’re going to try more things; but remember this day! Remember what I say. It’s all coming down. It’s all coming down like the walls of Jericho. It’s coming down just like the Red Sea when it was held up for a certain time so my people could walk through. I’ve been holding certain things up so my people could walk through to the other side. You may not understand this right now, but you will. Things have happened. Great things have been happening when you’re unaware and you don’t see. But, it’s me. It’s me behind the scenes. It’s me doing these things.##

***I am allowing certain things to go on for the day that’s drawing near, very near of the great and mighty fall of the globalists and of their banks, and of their businesses, and their news, and their governments that they put in place everywhere. They infiltrated many things, and I will show you it all.##

***Watch my hand at work. Remember how powerful my nostrils were by parting the Red Sea. Just think how much more power my hand will do and more destruction that it will do against your enemy. Things are falling. Yes, falling; coming down. This is the shaking. You are entering into the days of the shakings, the days of judgments, the days it’s changing the course of this world from upside down to right side up. Hold on; hold fast. Draw near to me. Draw closely and you will see me. You will see me; who I really am, and you won’t be moved by anything around you. Don’t be moved. That’s another marching order for you. Don’t be moved.##

***I will help you, ground you, give you that stability to stand even though the earth is shaking underneath your feet physically or spiritually. Things are coming down. Systems are coming down. Laws are coming down. Presidents are coming down. This is the time that many people have been waiting for. Don’t give up now. Don’t give up now because with this great fall and all these things coming down, the beauty that will rise out of the ashes, the strength of my church and my body, doing what it was called to do since before I made this world. My children will take their place where they were always meant to be, in great authority, sayeth the Lord.##

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