The B2T Ministries

Taking Down Evil: Former Green Beret. Trump Truths. PraiseNPrayer. B2T Show May 16, 2024

Show Notes

General Flynn tells everyone to watch a 20-minute clip from a former Green Beret Ivan Raiklin.

Raiklin talks about a list of 350 Deep State criminals that he and other researches have identified as part of crossfire hurricane investigation (SpyGate on Trump) as well as the set-up of General Flynn and J6 representatives.

He has provided detailed information to Elon Musk and many key patriots and plans on convincing Elon to provide Direct Messages from Old Twitter that will geolocate and prove treason.

Then he plans on having more researchers creating indictments and work with counties to show Sheriffs the evidence.

Then former soldiers, like himself, will be deputized by these Sheriffs in various counties.

Lastly, live streamers will broadcast the arrests of these Deep State representatives thus bypassing the corrupt Federal Agencies, including the FBI and Department of Justice.

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Upcoming on B2T:

Mon, May 20th: Clay Clark

Tue, May 21st: Meri Crouley

Wed, May 22nd: Ohio Brett of For God and Country

Tue, May 28th: Tom Trento of United West

Wed, May 29th: Trey Smith

Nevada’s biggest county had over 400,000 ballots counted that arrived AFTER the election in 2022.

The Trump campaign and the GOP are suing to stop Nevada’s law allowing these mail ballots to be counted four days after Election Day.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D), the prosecutor linked to billionaire George Soros who is currently prosecuting former President Donald Trump on 34 felony counts, has offered plea deals to six of the nine migrants accused of attacking two New York Police Department (NYPD) officers in January.

Disgraced and disbarred attorney Michael Cohen admitted to his former legal counsel, Robert Costello, that he had no evidence of crimes committed by President Trump.  “I explained that if Cohen had truthful information that would implicate Donald Trump, I could get him out of his legal troubles by the end of the week,” Costello told lawmakers.

We see in the Trump Truth’s section where Trump conintues to truth information from what others feel about the Bragg trail.  However, Trump also clearly breaks the gag order by calling out the judge and the trial in his own words.

Trump also hammers on Biden in several posts including talking about why he thinks Biden does not want RFK Jr. on the debate stage.

We areview other news before Rick brings on his brother Rob to discuss their quest to find Biblical ingredients with ideal health benefits.

Rob comes on and discusses organic barley grass and organic wheat grass.  Both these grasses are greens and have significant benefits.

Organic Wheat Grass Benefits:

  • Naturally Cleansing
  • Promotes Healthy Energy
  • Promotes Radiant Skin
  • Supports Intestinal Health

Exodus 34:22  “You shall observe the Feast of Weeks, the firstfruits of wheat harvest, and the Feast of Ingathering at the year’s end.”

Organic Barley Grass Benefits:

  • Nutrient-Rich
  • Encourage Antioxidant Activity
  • Promotes Healthy Digestion
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Promotes Healthy Blood Sugar Levels Management

Ezekiel 4:9 “Take wheat and barley, beans and lentils, millet and spelt; put them in a storage jar and use them to make bread for yourself.

We will review other herbs and superfoods of the Biblical in the coming weeks.

Gold stays near an all-time high and silver at an 11-year high.  But compared to the amount of printed money should be far higher.  Call Kirk for a free financial consultation around investments and precious metals at 720.605.3900 or visit:

Rick then reviews the first story in Luke 8 about all the women that surrounded Jesus in his early ministry and relates that to other stories about Mary Magdalene and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household manager.

Then we go into PraiseNPrayer where we worship the Lord with our music videos and hear multiple praise reports until we get a major one!

Linda Jackson, whose grown son, Matthew, was hit by a train several weeks ago is still alive.  The medical staff worked hard to get the family to pull the plug the night before, but we continue to intercede for him.

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Luke 8

Women Accompanying Jesus

Soon afterward he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them[a] out of their means.

Women Accompanying Jesus

V1 bringing the good news of the kingdom of God

V2 some women

Mary, called Magdalene

From whom 7 demons had gone out

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