Show Notes
Jim Jordon was short 20 votes as RINOs are being exposed.
Jordon is getting close but had to agree to continue to fund Ukraine to get some votes, which just shows the absolute disfunction of congress.
The Democrats continue to try to use the Republican RINOs to try to negotiate more power for themselves as they vote in unison as a criminal cabal.
Unfortunately, the past events with McCarthy showed the RINOs they can use their power to get their RINO agenda imposed on McCarthy.
We then review key events from the war including massive propaganda from Hamas, even blaming Israel for blowing up a Hospital that clearly came from a Hamas missile that misfired.
Rick continues to emphasize that this was a false flag created by the criminal intelligence agencies to protect the elite.
He emphasizes that we have to be careful to “pick a side” and emotionally participate in the division that is going on right now.
This is designed to keep our eyes off the Medical Cartel and their bio-weapons, the Biden Crime Family and other key items like election fraud.
Rick explores everyone to keep their eyes on the Cabal and focus more on the Lord than on the war.
We review other news before Rick plays a video of Trump calling out the World Health Organization (WHO) and how Biden is selling our national sovereignty.
Rick brings on his brother Rob to discuss the WHO and how it is a captured regulatory agency, just like the FDA, the CDC, the NIH and many others.
Rob discusses how to stay off Big Phrama medicine by leveraging the success of the Quantum Energy products.
Rob plays a testimonial of an Amanda Grace volunteer from the ReAwaken Tour that has kept her from having to get hip surgery.
She went from limping and using a cane to being able to be without a cane and functional without the surgery!
Rick then reviews a detailed Word from the Lord that Amanda received on Yom Kippur that is extremely powerful.
We then worship to a few praise music videos before going backstage for Project Children Rescue (PCR) which we do as a ministry every Thu night and Tue mornings.
After PCR, Rick conducts training for the Impactor for Truth final lesson on becoming an Impactor for the great harvest!
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Prophetic Words
September 25, 2023 – Amanda Grace’s Prophetic Word Highlighting by B2T – A POWERFUL WORD FROM THE LORD ON YOM KIPPUR
***All glory, all honor, all praise be to the Lord of hosts, maker of heaven and earth. His eyes wander to and fro across the earth. He rules from a throne of righteousness, and justice is in his hands. How excellent is your name in All the earth and to his kingdom there is no end. And the spirit of the Lord says this day, be thou holy, for I am holy, says the Lord. Be thou holy, my children, for this is a holy time, says the Lord, a holy season; a time of Awe. There shall be awe in the earth, says the Lord, as a sifting of leaders is about to take place, a sifting and a breaking of chains that an old guard has clamped upon the nations of the earth.##
***Thus says the Lord, oh Sauls, oh Sauls, you and your desperation have not come before me, but have consulted the witch of Endor, says the Lord. A Witch to save your seat. A witch to save your nation. You have made covenants with darkness thinking such a pact, thinking such a ritual will save the souls of your nation, will save you from destruction. Thus says the Lord, a covenant has been made in Ukraine. A covenant has been made in the area of Ukraine under such a cover of ambassadorship and goodwill. However, says the Lord, there is no such good. It is detestable in my Sight, says the Lord. You have consulted with the diviners and occultists to unlock doors of security. However, says the Lord, you have handed your nation over for demons and jackals to have a greater influence than they ever should have had, says the Lord. Therefore, says the spirit of the Lord this day, there shall be a shake-up of the highest seats.##
***Events in Russia and Ukraine shall happen in tandem, says the Lord, and I shall raise up within that area a new branch says the Lord; a new branch in Ukraine for the coiling serpent of poverty, oppression, and depression have been allowed a tighter grip by whom your leader has consulted and made deals with. An underground tunnel to Europe says the Lord, Europe is involved in the survival of Ukraine and parts have been put up for auction to the highest bidder, says the Lord. For Saul is desperate to keep his seat, however says the Lord, there shall be a tearing away if there is not repentance and a complete turn, says the Lord.##
***And says the spirit of the Lord this day, a witch is attempting to re-enter the White House says the Lord. Yes, in this time, that re-entry is being attempted as it is not a white house at all, but a haunted house says the Lord, as the halls have been filled with torment, sorcery, thieves and jackals. It is a haunt, a taunt, and a byword as it has become a symbol of weakness to other nations looking to get hooks in the coasts and the ports where resources lie, for there are nations of red that are entering a famine says the Lord. The resources and food supply have thinned and they have, in their desperation, attempted to do reconnaissance on such areas. Watch Alaska in this hour, says the Lord, and the maneuver that is attempted as they circle closer, says the Lord.##
***Thus says the Lord, there shall be awe in your nation. A stampede of elephants and donkeys shall in this hour be seen as what is behind the inquiry is exposed, says the Lord. The timing of such things is crucial, my children. Watch the timing of a second inquiry, says the Lord, in the den of thieves, says the Lord, for Congress is a den of thieves, says the Lord, all robbing each other and robbing and stripping your nation. Congress shall be sifted if they refuse to operate in righteousness in this hour. I the Lord am watching, oh Congress. Choose wisely in this hour. Choose wisely, oh speaker, for it shall be your seat if you Do not set a foundation of righteousness and truth in this hour. For truth Must be pursued, says the Lord. It Must, and those in positions must pursue it or the serpent shall consume them and there shall be early retirement for many, says the Lord.##
***And says the spirit of the Lord this day, this is the hour of Daniels being rescued from the den of lions and the officials and government who attempted to put them there. This is the hour says the Lord. For I the Lord thy God will protect those who are doing my Will. I will defend and protect, says the Lord. Align with my Will says the Lord, for those who stand accused by the same spirit that operated through the high officials of Daniel’s time to accuse him, I the Lord am making mockery of those officials. I am making a laughing stock of them. They shall fall for what they have done, for I the Lord shut the mouth of the lions. I the Lord have the power to trample young lions and serpents underfoot. And behold, I have given that power unto you, my children. This indeed is the hour where the lion’s den turns on the thieves and officials who attempted to move those out of the way that would not come into agreements with their covens and thievery, scoundrel behavior says the Lord, for the scoundrels shall be rounded up, says the Lord.##
***Thus says the Lord, watch the supreme court in this hour and the judges of the appellate courts; a shrewd maneuver and an emergency injunction, says the Lord. For the righteous shall have to take the wheel and turn the courts and these cases in the direction I the Lord say they should go. And says the spirit of the Lord this day, plagues shall hit the earth for principalities and rulers have violated orders and the leaders in which they control have challenged the sovereignty of my Throne. They have opened the door to such in the earth. Historic, however says the Lord, those who come under my Wing shall be protected, says the Lord. For this is a plague on governments and facilities of destruction, says the Lord. Locusts and beetles as well, says the Lord, at appointed times shall end up in an unusual area that does not have a history of seeing such.##
***And says the spirit of the Lord this day, around the time of what you call Christmas, there shall be a sharp maneuver in the United States government, a Very sharp maneuver says the Lord. And there shall be a shakeup, even panic, says the Lord. Screaming in the halls of Congress, says the Lord, for January must be rectified, says the Lord; it must be rectified.##
***Thus says the Lord, you shall hear trumpets again, says the Lord. A call for it across your land shall be stirred up once again for at the Trump there shall be a turn, a change in direction. The younger shall advise the older, says the Lord. In the midst, a burning bush, says the Lord, shall emerge.##
***And says the spirit of the Lord this day, around the time of June, there shall be an historic event in your nation where many shall look in wonder as it takes place, for the river of blood through America must be stopped up. It must be damned. There shall be more judgments that cause the income source from such to dry up. Part of Planned Parenthood will attempt to go underground, says the Lord. However, going deeper into the darkness will cut off a main artery and cause a Major fracturing at the head and the crack shall run down to their satellite office, says the Lord.##
***Thus says the Lord of hosts, the altars must be broken in your nation, the high places. Had it not been for the covenant, America would have been completely fed upon and destroyed by the nations who hate freedom and by those they use in chains to do their bidding. The altars must be broken. The high places must come down. A high place of media shall come down and that altar broken, says the Lord. A high place in Washington D.C. shall be broken and come down, says the Lord. A high place in the heart of the nation shall be broken and come down; a high place in Denver, a mile high place, that altar must be broken and come down, says the Lord.##
***My children, this is the hour of your conscience to rise as the church, to shout for the victory and raise the standard, to cry out that I the Lord thy God stay My hand and do not allow further judgments to come upon the nation for the blood that cries out before Me. For it is the remnant of the church that has kept the lampstand burning so it has not been snuffed out, says the Lord. A beacon of light for the eagle to see, to guide the eagle through the darkness in the storm, for you shall be taken above it, says the Lord. The breath of my Word shall cause an updraft, my Children. Mount up, mount Up with wings like eagles, for those who wait on the Lord shall and will renew their strength in this hour of the leg of the race that shall go over very bumpy and harsh terrain. However, there shall be the miraculous in the mist. You shall see judges suddenly recuse. You shall see attacks on churches and events thwarted miraculously. You shall see miracles with aircraft and aircraft carriers at sea. You shall see a planet shine brighter in the heavens than it ever has. You shall see these things in this season.##
***And says the spirit of the Lord this day, in this hour I am calling the fivefold to get into order and to get in line with the right gifts. For some of you have tried to steal others’ gifts and masquerade it as your own, says the Lord. Get in order under the submission of the gift you have been called into, not a gift that has been shrewdly taken and marketed that’s capitalized as your own. I the Lord am calling the prophetic out deeper. I require it, says the Lord. I require it. And those who choose to wade in the shallow end with shallow and empty words, cold words, words not from Me but meant to tickle the ears of the people and inflate a balloon of ego, that balloon shall be punctured, lose air, and deflate, says the Lord.##
***You cannot eclipse others of the flesh and of greed and expect that you will rise in this season. For I the Lord thy God, am dealing with the fivefold and those they have made agreements with by manipulating in the financial arena, in the spiritual arena, and in the arena of influence. For my children in this hour do not need cold, sour milk, cold porridge, that is not nourishing to the spirit or soul, says the Lord. The spoon feeding shall Stop, says the Lord, and the nourishing with meat shall begin, and the sour milk and old wine skin shall be removed so my People can be nourished on the meat. The meat is what strengthens to run the race.##
***It is time for the church to grow Up, says the Lord. The infancy that has been prolonged for the sake of mega reach, megachurch, mega views, that prolonged infancy, shall stop. It Shall, and the coddling shall stop, says the Lord, as you walk in my Will. I the Lord will enlarge your territory. Do not allow others to purchase you or entice you to gain territory you have not worked for yet with me, says the Lord, for that is fleeting and it shall depart. Harken onto Me in this hour, my children. Harken onto my voice. My Instruction for the seducing spirit has gone forth to whisper in the ear of those compromising the Word and feeding the flesh of the people, not the soul.## ***However, I the Lord shall bring into order my Army. You are soldiers in the army of the living God, and I am strengthening my Generals in this hour. I am showing them territory. I am giving them insight. They will be given territory in this hour for staying the course and standing firm in the faith amidst a mountain of persecution, criticism, and skepticism.##
***For I the Lord thy God, am repairing a breach in your nation, a fracture that must heal for the actions that have gone forth back past the 1960s for actions that took place even before that. The nation fractured at its core, and now that fracture must be set to heal. I the Lord thy God, am exonerating in this hour, for my Righteous judgments have gone forth to acquit those who stand accused to deliver, to set free. However, it shall not be in the same way, says the Lord. It shall not; for a different way is being carved, says the Lord. A different way, an unusual way, a way that I the Lord thy God see that many cannot. Ask me for vision, says the Lord, to see the path I see, and I the Lord shall give on to you dreams and visions that you shall see beyond the veil. For you, my children, are seated in heavenly places. Believe and trust in Me.##
***As the chains are ready to break in South America and we enter the days of awe, you shall see a bilateral move in Canada that reaches across to France. Watch the French leadership in this hour and what gets turned on its head. Bulgaria, watch that country right now. My children put on the whole armor of God and stand firm in your faith as these events go forth and my Children are strengthened in Me and in the position I have placed them in for my glory. Praise Me. Praise me now, for I have given it unto you, pressed down, shaken together, and running over; thus says the Lord of hosts in the name of Yeshua who sits at my right hand.##
Hebrews 6
English Standard Version
6 Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, 2 and of instruction about washings,[a] the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. 3 And this we will do if God permits.4 For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6 and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt. 7 For land that has drunk the rain that often falls on it, and produces a crop useful to those for whose sake it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God. 8 But if it bears thorns and thistles, it is worthless and near to being cursed, and its end is to be burned.
9 Though we speak in this way, yet in your case, beloved, we feel sure of better things—things that belong to salvation. 10 For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do. 11 And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, 12 so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
The Certainty of God’s Promise
13 For when God made a promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater by whom to swear, he swore by himself, 14 saying, “Surely I will bless you and multiply you.” 15 And thus Abraham,[b] having patiently waited, obtained the promise. 16 For people swear by something greater than themselves, and in all their disputes an oath is final for confirmation. 17 So when God desired to show more convincingly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable character of his purpose, he guaranteed it with an oath, 18 so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. 19 We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, 20 where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
Warning Against Apostasy
11 About this we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. 12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, 13 for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. 14 But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.