The B2T Ministries

Mitch Out! Biden Switch? Tom Renz LIVE. B2T Show Feb 28, 2024

Show Notes

Let’s dig into the News…

Mitch McConnell will be stepping down as Senate Republican Leader in November.

Rick says “It’s amazing how much of a RINO he has shown himself to be.”

Then, McConnell tells Johns to stop worrying about the border and fund Ukraine.  This comment has hit social media hard.  Rick shows several posts talking about what McConnell said.

In another article, Nikki Haley wastes over $76 million trying to defeat Trump in Michigan, South Carolina, New Hampshire, and Iowa.  Kornacki on Michigan:  “Obviously, this is a landslide for Trump,”  Nikki Haley fell short in her best county.  Rick say “This NBC reporter is slamming Nikki Haley, which is incredibly interesting.”

In Trump’s Truths, he says “Haley got trounced last night, losing the Great State of Michigan by over 42 points.”  Then, Rick shows a poll showing what the numbers would be if the election were to be held today.

Biden make an unexpected trip to Walter Reed, says he’s getting his physical as questions mount about his mental fitness as he seeks a second term in November.

A survey reveals that Michelle Obama is favored as Joe Biden’s replacement.  Anyone that has interviewed her knows that she does not want this.  She isn’t interested in politics.

Rick shows another Trump’s Truth about Fani Willis and the affair she had with Wade.  Rick says, “We’ll see what the globalists want to do because this whole campaign is backfiring on them.”

Rick talks about the state of the economy and recommends a free consultation with Kirk Elliott.

An illegal alien twice cut loose from sanctuary county jail now accused of killing a 2 year old boy.  President Trump has talked several times about these illegal aliens crossing and killing people.

Venezuela homicide rate lowest in 22 years as its gangs migrate here.  Rick says “Other countries are just unloading their prisoners here.”

CNN to pay Don Lemon $24.5 million settlement almost a year after he was ousted.  Rick asks the question of the audience “Do you think he will be able to enjoy that money? Or do you think when all the justice is served what do you think he is going to end up with?”

“Praise the Lord”:  Worship music breaks out on NBA court after game.  Rick shows a clip of a band taking the court and playing worship music as the crowd starts singing praises to the Lord.

Tom Renz joins Rick to discuss what he is currently working on and how his fight for justice is going.  After a great conversation, Tom takes questions from the audience and talks about his family.  The Backstagers pray over Tom and his family and work before going Back Stage for PCR where they pray for the children and then move into Bible Study with Gus.

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