Show Notes
A Massive migrant caravan is heading to the US-Mexico border. It is the largest in over a year. Currently around 8,000 but may climb up to 15,000. Rick says this is a final push to destroy America. They are trying to change our culture and destroy us from within. We are seeing that with all the students that go to college. The culture in colleges is to be anti-American. This is a scary time and is why we need the Lord.
We then see that 17 individuals on the FBI Terror Watch List are caught attempting to enter at the Southern Border. The article goes on to say a record number of individuals on the watch list have been attempting entry on the northern and southern borders. The Customs and Border Protection has found an increasing number of known terrorists entering at the southern border with a record 169 detected in the financial year 2023. Individuals on the watch list that have been at the northern and southern border combined have found 564 attempting entry. Can you imagine how many have not been caught?
Rick says He is so excited to be alive to see this all fall. Then, he directs us to Romans 5:8. Rick quotes President Trump saying “The Best is Yet to Come.” The Lord will glorify his body in this time.
We see an article that RFK, Jr has asked for Secret Service Protection and was denied again. The deep state is afraid of him just like they are of Trump. RFK can wake up the democrats which is something Trump and the Patriots cannot do. It has been said that with RFK in the race for president that it would hurt Trump but even with him in the race, Trump is still 4 points ahead of Biden.
We also discuss an article about Jack Smith’s appointment being unconstitutional and a Truth that President Trump rants about Jack Smith also. Rick also points to a post from CatTheGreat on Telegram and a Black Swan Event in 2024.
Brother Timothy Dixon was not able to make it, so Rick played some beautiful music and had a time of Praise and Worship as well as an impromptu Bible Study.
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Romans 5:8 “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
▪️“major climatic event” ▪️“future pandemic risks” ▪️“global digital connectivity disruption” ▪️“major event in outer space
▪️“unforeseen risks (‘black swan’ events)” KNOW THEIR PLAYBOOK.…
Fri Dec 22 2023 11:06pm A Warning to My Children Who are Not Engaged
Lord, Thank you for the encouragement I got during the PCR prayer time yesterday. Thank you for allowing me to serve you with your B2T ministry. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy this season. Please confirm or change my direction or tailor what I am doing on social media. Put me in a secret place where I can only hear from you Lord. No spirits, but the Holy Spirit the Father, and the Son. What would you like to share with me and your children today Lord?
[Private word for Rick… ]
Thank you Lord. What else would you like to share?
My children, I have been addressing my Remnant and they are obeying me and putting me first. Now I must continue to address those in my Body of Christ who are still not engaged in this mighty spiritual battle. Again, I am calling you to join this battle. Quit sitting on the sidelines and letting your life keep you from paying attention. The devil and his followers have you so busy and so unaware, that you do not engage. I am calling you to get involved. I am calling you now. This is me speaking through multiple people to get your attention. You are being called into this battle. Pay attention to the spiritual battle this world is in right now. I have already won the battle in the heavenly rhelms, but I want my Body of Christ to fight this battle on earth. How do you join this battle you ask? By getting closer to me and then spending time alone with me so I can direct you. Yes, I am waiting for you to put me first in your life. Are you putting my word in your heart each day? Are you coming to me and communing with me each day? Most of you are not. This is a key moment in history and I am calling my Body of Christ to awaken.
I am going to get very blunt right now. If you are really for me, if you really love me, then why am I so low on your priority list? I am not talking to my Remnant who are engaged and spending time with me and with my word. I am talking to all those in my body who are sleeping or ignoring the battle that is raging right before their eyes. Wake up from the slumber that satan has you in right now. I am calling you to wake up. Engage with me in this spiritual battle now. I discuss the branches that bear no fruit and how they will be cut off. Some of you think you’re in my Body of Christ, but are just part of a Christian community, but you have not accepted me fully into your heart. Now is the time to do this before I cut you off. Others of you are dedicated to me, you have me in your heart, but you are acting like a dead branch. I am pruning you now and shaking your world to get your attention. Quit judging other believers, wake up, and get active. I can’t guide you if you don’t spend time in my word and time alone with me. Move aside all the distractions and all the worldly time wasters. Come to me now and start bearing fruit by allowing my pruning to have the desired effect. Remember you have free will, so I will not force you to obey this word. I am warning you right now to adjust your priorities or you will miss being used by me as a vessel for my Kingdom. I know many of you are questioning if I am talking to you or not. Well, if you are putting my word in your heart each day and spending time alone with me each day, then I am not talking to you right now. I am talking to those of you where I am not first in your lives. If you want to do mighty things for my Kingdom, now is the time to listen. Again, quit judging other Christians and start listening to me every day through my word and my still small voice during your alone time with me. Make this your top priority and I will bless you and use you. Otherwise, move aside as my Remnant is ready for battle.
My Remnant, well done. Keep seeking me first as time is short. Pray for those you love and know in the Body of Christ who are not activated. They need your prayers right now because many will have to make tough choices and change big parts of their lives in order to be my vessel. Pray for them and ask for their blinders to be removed from their eyes. Ask that they will be able to see the true spiritual battle and truth will start to override the deception that the enemy has put over most of the church. Pray that they will be set free from this deception and will join my Remnant as we move forward. I will be adding significant numbers to my Remnant, so now is the time to pray. Lift up those you lost hope in and those whom the enemy has distanced from you. I will be calling many of them back to unite with you. Keep praying.
And I turn again to my children who are not engaged. You have no excuse. I have spoken to you and people will be praying for you. Change how you are prioritizing me and change the way you are looking at others who love me. Take that log out of your eye and put me first. There is no longer time to waste. I love you and want to guide you, but you need to make these changes before I can use you and guide you. What will you choose?
Thu Dec 21 2023 9:40am Focus Less on Their Demise and More on Me
Lord, Thank you for being able to celebrate my 78 year old mother in laws Birthday and start to get her new home ready. Thank you for being able to see my grandkids. Thank you for giving me the desires of my heart. Put me in a secret place where I can only hear from you. No spirits but the Holy Spirit, the Father, and the Son. How are you today Lord?
I am ruling on high and laughing at my enemies who still think they can conquer me and my children. They are starting to regret rebelling against me. I am the strong tower and refuge for my children and they have now run up against my hand. Little do they know that soon I will reverse everything they have done. Yes, it will be like they were never in power. Everything, and I mean everything will change. You are about to see that when some have said “the best is yet to come” that is a huge understatement. People’s desires are about to change. They will change from selfish world desires to a desire for me. Not everyone will change, but the overwhelming majority will understand that I am God and they will acknowledge their creator. Many of these will flock to my Remnant since they want what they have. They will want to see and feel my glory flowing through them. Imagine this new world where evil secret society puppets are no longer in control. The manipulation of everything is cut off and those I choose to be in control will all love me. For a short time, heaven will come to earth with peace across most of the entire earth. The harvest will be great as Billions seek me. The workers are few, so I am waking up many in my body right now. I also am adding new souls to my body at a significant rate. Many of these will join my Remnant of fully submitting and seeking my face first in their lives. My body is growing and so is my Remnant. I am preparing my workers for this harvest on earth. No this is not the New Heavens, the New Earth and the New Jerusalem you read about. This is a harvest I am reaping to prepare for these great times ahead of you.
I have fully rejected the acceleration of the timelines the enemy has tried to institute. All will be exposed very soon. Be patient my children and focus far less on their demise and far more on me. This is what I am asking my Remnant to do. Focus less on intel as much of it is junk intel. Focus on me so I can lead you through the rough waters ahead of you. Yes, all of you, including my Remnant, will be going through the rough waters caused by my shaking that will intensify even above what the enemy is shaking. But if you are seeking me first, you will not be anxious, you will not be afraid. Instead, during these difficult times, you will be bold and courageous and will be glorified by me. This is the process that will show the world who is for me and who is not. Prepare my children for great things. Prepare by getting close to me now. So close to me that my thoughts and ways start to become your thoughts and ways. That can only be done by putting me first. Not second or third, but first!