The B2T Ministries

Michelle to Replace Biden for 2024? Pastor Art LIVE. B2T Show Sep 12, 2023

B2T Show

It’s becoming very clear that the globalist cabal is giving up on Joe.

Biden has them in a Panic and now there are various reports that are preparing Michelle Obama to replace Biden on the Ticket.

The problem is the Biden Crime family is being exposed and that will also lead to the Obamas.

As McCarthy starts an Impeachment Inquiry, more evidence will surface and as they see those aliases of Joe start to lead to Obama, Rick believes they will try and remove Joe well before the 2024 election.

Trump continues to mention the 25th Amendment and it’s likely the Democrats may leverage this.

Rick reviews other news around the CIA being exposed for covering up the fact that COVID was a lab leak, Biden now giving $6B to Iran in a hostage exchange and the total giving to Ukraine now exceeding $100B.

Rick also reviews the latest Julie Green prophetic word that confirms what Rick has been hearing about the Glory of the Lord flowing though his Remnant:

“Shine your light bright. Let my glory fill you up. You are to be my light. You ought to be a great light in great darkness. Many will turn, many will turn, many will turn. They will turn and they’ll look to you. So be my hands. Be my feet. Be the mouthpieces. I need you to bring more people into my kingdom.”

The Canadian Pastor Art comes on and gives a background of him moving to Cananda to escape the USSR communism from Poland.

He moved to Canada for freedom, but in 2005 he saw communism coming to Canada quickly, but the church in Canada and in the US did not listen.

Pastor art has been arrested 11 times with over 100 court cases against him for just speaking truth.

He was charged for a sermon he gave during the Trucker’s convoy and found guilty.  The first time every a Pastor has been charged and found guilty of criminal charges for giving a sermon.

He recounts how he was treated worse than the hardened criminals in prison and even subjected to solitary confinement for 50 days.

Pastor Art was giving up hope until he heard from Julie Green and other prophets saying he would be used in a mighty way in prison and would not go back.

However, since he has rejected many corrupt offers to stop speaking out about the tyranny, they have told him to prepare for prison, as he will be sentenced next week.

Please pray for Pastor Atur Pawlawski.  He asked for God’s perfect will, but we can also pray that he does not return to prison!

Many backstagers ask Pastor Art specific questions about his experience and his hope for the future.

Then we pray for Pastor Art before worshipping to a few songs.

We then go backstage for Project Children Rescue (PCR) where we pray for the children, the military freeing them and also against the globalist new media covering the crimes up.

After PCR, Rick conducts training on Impactor for Truth.

We cover the lesson on the Right God and the Right Jesus and also the Right Gospel lesson with great discussion around the Trinity and the saved by faith alone gospel.

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