The B2T Ministries

Klaus Schwab Resigns! Meri Crouley LIVE. Trump Truths. B2T Show May 21, 2024

Show Note

Klaus Schwab is resigning as the head of the World Economic Forum.

Schwab has pushed for climate change initiatives, surveillance, a cashless society, car bans with 15-minute city grids, and meat and dairy bans.

At one meeting in Davos, Schwab said nations will soon no longer need to hold elections since voting would be replaced by AI (Artificial Intelligence).

No successor has been named, but for the time being, President Børge Brende will take full executive responsibility.

Rick wonders what is really going behind the scenes and could this be part of the Cabal capitulating?

The Biden administration expresses condolences to Iran based on the death of President Raisa, despite him being labeled the “Butcher of Tehran” for executing tens of thousands of political enemies in the 80s and 90s through torture oriented hangings.

Rick discusses the Red Light Therapy wand that used infrared and 3 freqencies to address pain, inflammation and much more:

Upcoming on B2T:

Wed, May 22nd: Ohio Brett of For God and Country

Tue, May 28th: Tom Trento of United West (Border security expert)

Wed, May 29th: Trey Smith of God in a Nutshell

Trump lawyers rest their case in the NYC trail that basically is trying to imprison Trump for a bookkeeping error that was not even an error based on inconsistent testimony from Michael Cohn who admitted he stole $30k from the Trump organization.

In the “Trump Truths” section of the show, Trump continues to show his huge lead in the polls, touts election interference and even discusses the FBI were authorized to use “lethal force” in the Mara Logo raid!

Scavino truthed his prediction that Trump will flip New York.

Rick reviewed a part of an Amanda Grace fulfilled prophecy video where she reads a past prophetic word where the Lord clearly is discussing modern-day Israel and that he would be using Netanyahu, “son of my right hand,” to surround and subdue Iran.

We see that gold stays near it’s all-time high and silver exceeds $32 for the first time in over 11 years.  However, compared to the amount of printed money both should be far higher.

Call Kirk for a free financial consultation around investments and precious metals at 720.605.3900 or visit:

We see a video where Pope Francis states that conservatism is “a suicidal attitude” as he criticizes all the worldwide conservative leaders.

Rick reports on many Soros-backed candidates up for election who are facing stiff challenges despite the massive cash they are spending.

We cover other news and then bring on Meri Crouley of Meri Crouley ministries (

Rick calls Meri the encouraging rhyming prophet and he loves how she is focused on the Mountain of Arts and Entertainment.

Meri gives us an update on how God is opening up the heavens and on her event where Rick is a speaker near San Diego, California on June 28 and 29.

Rick encourages people to come to the live event which is free!  However, he suggested buying VIP tickets to get time with the speakers, better seating, and many other items.

Meri also relates how many feel like quitting, when the Lord is telling us to push on as victory is at hand.

Meri prophesizes over many people backstage and encourages us with messages from the Lord.

We then go backstage to pray for Project Children Rescue (PCR) where we also lift up Linda who lost a Son based on being hit by a train last month and despite fighting the last month they had to let him go.  We continue to pray for Linda and the family.

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