B2T Show
New photo’s show Hunter Biden in Delaware the day that of the shakedown. Once again exposing Joe’s lies.
Whistleblowers continue to expose the Biden crime family and now are showing that Hunter had Joe on his business call dozens of times.
Others have showed that the prosecuter, David Weiss, had information that verified much of the Biden crimes but buried it.
Of course, only conservative news outlets are reporting on these latest developments. But the walls are closing in on the Bidens.
Rick thinks this is all in God’s perfect timing.
Mike Lindell is having an invite only event on Aug 16/17 that all patriots can sing up for to review remotely by going to LindellEvents.com and using the B2T referral code.
Be sure to sign up now for a historic event that will reveal a new plan to save our elections that has NEVER been discussed.
Military experts who have reviewed the plan says it is “brilliant” and Mike Lindell says it will give you more hope than you have had for 3 years!
Sign up now to make sure we get the word out before the fake news is able to suppress it!
We also learn that Joe Rogan is avoiding having Trump on his podcast since he (or those that control him) want to keep him off this huge platform.
Rick then reviews a new word to the Little One from Backstage that shows God’s vengeance will be coming soon.
Rick also reviews his personal story on how God want to be talking to his people directly and how the book “It’s not supposed to be a Secret; God wants to talk to you” by Nathan French.
The words Rick is receiving from the Lord in a blog here:
Links to the book are in this blog.
We then move to review Julie Green’s latest prophetic word where the Lord tells us to get ready for dark times and to stand:
“Be watchful and be prepared to stand. Be watchful. Have your eyes opened to my truth because that sets you free.”
Rick then teaches on the 7 trumpets and reviews the first 4 trumpets in detail from Revelation Chapter 8.
We compare the judgments to the Egyptian plagues and review charts on the seals, trumpets and bowls.
We then move to PraiseNPrayer where we worship to beautiful music videos and hear some wonderful praise reports including Sury’s 9 and 11 year old grandkids!
Prayers are lifted up as we glorify God through deep praise and worship.
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