The B2T Ministries

J6 Indictment on Trump. Rev. Craig Hagin LIVE. B2T Show July 18, 2023

Show Note

As expected, the criminal Biden Administration’s DOJ is about to indict President Trump for the supposed January 6th insurrection.

This was an insurrection with no guns, doors opened for the people, tours given by Capital police, with DC police and FBI agents undercover inciting the people and police launching flashbangs and teargas into peaceful crowds.

Not to mention the fact that Democrats rejected national guard troops and Pelosi worked to lower security measures.

America is seeing first-hand what happens when you let a puppet President into the white house.  Sometimes you have to “show” people vs. tell them.

Trump responded to these crazy lawfare tactics.

The result will be a more popular Donald J. Trump than ever.

However, as the prophetic words given to Amanda Grace said; Trump needs to fully submit to the Lord in order have refuge from all these attacks.

We see Biden approving another $1.3B to Ukraine in an attempt to hide all the evidence Russia is finding on bio labs, human trafficking and money laundering.

Even the NYT is admitting that 30% of the reported COVID deaths were actually not from COVID.  It’s actually much higher than this, but this is likely the Elites trying to “get ahead of a story.”

The medical cartel will be exposed, and it won’t just be Fauci.

Rick then reads the latest Julie Green prophetic word where the Lord tells us to focused:

“Stay focused on my word. Stay focused on walking in love. Stay focused on your enemy and how he’s already defeated. Stop looking here or there and anywhere. It could easily get your attention. It gets your attention off of me.”

Rick also reads a few of the words the Lord gave him before he read this prophecy around focus and alignment.  You can see Rick’s story and documented words from the Lord here:

Then Reverend Craig Hagin comes on LIVE and with high energy tells his story all the way from selling Bibles at 3-years old, to wanting to have a business career, to being called by the Lord and even going to college and getting an accounting degree.

Learn how he influenced Clay Clark, started supporting political candidates, his involvement in Pastors for Trump and the ReAwaken tour.

We get insight from Craig on staying out of fear, on his take on the Johnson Amendment and 501C3 and much more.

We pray for his protection, boldness and refreshment before going backstage to pray for the children in Project Children Rescue (PCR).

You can have access now for FREE to all the Backstage live and recordings by joining the Backstage Ministry here:

Biden Approves Another $1.3 BILLION to Ukraine

Prophetic Word

July 18, 2023 – Julie Green’s Prophetic Word Highlighting by B2T  IT’S TIME TO TAKE IT BACK

*** For I the Lord this day, I say that there has been an attack on my body in more ways than one. One attack after another, after another, after another to suppress the power and the authority and dominion that my body, my body, has upon this earth. I have said in my written word, to touch not my anointed, and do my prophets no harm. My children, remember the enemy that you are facing. The enemy is trying to split, divide, destroy, annihilate my body.##

***Stay focused on my word. Stay focused on walking in love. Stay focused on your enemy and how he’s already defeated. Stop looking here or there and anywhere. It could easily get your attention. It gets your attention off of me. And, there’s so much confusion. There’s so much right now; offensiveness, anger, bitterness and unforgiveness. So much self-pitying. There’s so much of these things that are going on. Every tool of the enemy is picking up pace. I’ve warned you of this place in time. My children stand up. I have said this repeatedly. Stand up. Get up. Get up from your places of defeat. Get up from your places of despair. Get up from that confusion. Get up. Remember, the enemy is the author of confusion.##

***I give you a sound mind, wisdom, knowledge, understanding. I have given you these things. You have the mind of Christ, not a confused, battered, anxious, worried, and fearful mind. Your enemy, and all he’s using, they are picking up the pace. They’re doing more destruction. They want to cause more deaths. They want to take away more of your freedom. They want to destroy your nations once and for all. That’s on the docket. That’s what they want. That’s right here. They think it’s right at their fingertips to do exactly what they want.##

***All they have are these final moves, and that’s it. They have overtaken the world. Well, that’s not true because it’s mine, and I have given it to you, children of almighty God. I have given this earth to you. So, get to know who you are and who you belong to. Get to know the power and the force of the resurrection power on the inside of you; the force that it brings when you tap into it and you speak the words I need you to speak in every situation, and what damage and destruction it does to your enemy.  Align! Align with me. Align with my word. Align, not divide; not turn your back with unforgiveness and rage and anger. Love! Love is the answer. Why do you say that? Because I am love, and I am the answer!##

***This is the day my children, the enemy is going to throw out all of these things to completely bring the body of Christ to its knees; to bring the body of Christ to its knees so they won’t fight back. And I’m telling you today, to fight back. I’m telling you today, to use my authority. I’m telling you today, do not quit. I’m telling you today, do not give up. I’m telling you today, do not grow weary. I’m telling you today, do not be in fear. Know that your enemy is a liar. Know that he’s defeated, and know the ultimate weapon is my name, the name I have given to you in the name of Jesus.##

***Use that name forcefully! Use my word forcefully! Remember, it’s a sword. You are my warriors, children of almighty God. Take back the dominion and the power and the authority upon this earth. Take it back. Take it back this day. I say, take it back, for there is coming a day where you will see and experience a glory. You’ll experience something that you haven’t before. So, receive this day. Receive me in all of the authority in Jesus’ name.##

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