B2T Show
Seawater is being poured into the Hamas tunnels and intel shows that they are cementing in the top so the water cannot escape.
Sources are saying some buildings are collapsing along the tunnel system.
Rick believes that the Lord is allowing this all to happen to expose the corrupt intelligence agencies in Israel and those working with them as well as punishing the extreme Muslims.
Both these weaken the globalists, but the globalists embarked on this as they are in a panic and need WW3.
Trump is trouncing Biden in polls in 7 key swing states that will put the globalist in an even bigger dilemma.
Rick discusses how Trump’s job was not to tell us the truth about everything like vaccines, but his job was to stay popular compared to Biden and win the hearts and minds of Americans.
Eventually, this will allow the military operation to proceed with public arrests without a civil war.
We review more news around Eric Swalwell being condemned for helping Hunter break the law with the press conference while defying a congressional subpoena and we see more rulings favoring liberty.
We also see the Supreme Court taking up a case that could unravel over 300 J6 prisoners due to felonies being charged for disrupting a
Rick reviews multiple Trump Truths before he reads Amanda Grace’s most recent word from the Lord.
In the Word from the Lord, we learn about the potential wealth transfer:
“The silver is mine, says the Lord. The gold is mine, says the Lord. The resources are mine, says the Lord. The minerals are mine, says the Lord….”
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Rick then teaches from Romans 11 and then we move to PraiseNPrayer where we worship and hear praise reports from Annette, Charlotte, Linda and several people in Rumble chat.
After more worship videos we also pray for many prayer requests and get to hear many the prayers of true intercessory prayer warriors from Backstage!
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