The B2T Ministries

FBI Treason! Durham Key Findings. Kari Update. PraiseNPrayer. B2T Show May 18, 2023

B2T Show

The Durham report clearly shows the treasonous acts of the FBI and many others over the false Russia collusion narrative.

Rick reviews the key findings based on an anysisi by the Techno Fog substack.

Several of these key findings include:

“The FBI discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia.”

“The New York Field Office was called on behalf of FBI Director Comey and informed to ‘cease and desist’ from the Clinton Foundation investigation.

“The FBI and DOJ restricted both of those Clinton investigations, making sure that ‘essentially no investigative activities occurred for months leading up to the election.’ In comparison, the FBI opened a full investigation into the Trump Campaign based on unvetted ‘intelligence’.”

The biggest criticism of Durham is he did not interview the key criminals of Comey, McCabe and several others and then made no criminal referrals.

Rick believes this report is about waking up more Americans and giving the House (Jim Jordon’s weaponization committee) and us, the awake, confirmed information that will help in efforts wake up others.

This clearly shows the FBI is a “captured operation” and the FBI weaponization against J6ers shows it is still captured.

True justice will only happen via God’s judgement and His timing using primarily Military Tribunals.

The Kari Lake trial on signature verification caught the defendants in a lie in a worker who was supposedly reassigned still working well after the supposed reassignment.

The trial also revealed that many workers approved signatures without supervision and even some from home.

Rick plays a video from a prophetic voice, Dr. Patricia, that had direct messages form the Lord to Biden, Hunter, Kamala, Antony Blinken and Donald Trump!

The words discussed the unseating of Biden, a new regime where Blinken was without a job and all this happening before the 2024 election.

Rick also reads the latest prophetic word from Julie Green which the Lord emphasized the people are seeing through the Cabal’s lies:

“What your enemies do realize is their plans are failing and people are no longer believing in their narrative and their rhetoric or their plans. People can see right through their lies because their lies can no longer be hidden from the world on who they are and what they really want.”

We are told to act by doing this:

“Tell the liar he is denied to rule. He is denied to have control anymore, and he can no longer keep his people in positions that don’t belong to them. My children, don’t wait any longer. Start to shout their walls down. Continue to shout that all their plans fail. Shout restorations. Shout your freedoms. It’s all yours. It’s all for now.”

Rick considers the ruling of the Supreme Court in favor of Big Tech shows that the Supreme Court is still partially captured.

However, Rick believes there will be some cleaning up of the court before the Kari Lake case is heard.

Rick then teaches on Daniel 8 and shows how it relates to Daniel 2 and Daniel 7.  He will elaborate on his entire End Times teaching this Sunday during WordNWorship at 10am CST.

We then move to PraiseNPrayer where we start with several deep Worship music, hear some exciting praise reports and continue worship with music videos that link back to scripture.

Then we lift up people’s prayers in-between songs of praise and then pray and blow our shofars at the end.

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