The B2T Ministries

FBI Confirms Pizzagate? Marty Grisham LIVE. B2T Show Nov 29, 2023

Show Notes

Due to technical difficulties, we had our guest, Marty Grisham on before the news reports.

Marty Grisham joins Rick for some discussion on Loudmouth Prayer, where he started and what God is doing in his life.

Rick and Marty discuss how to be used as a vessel for God.  Marty talks about how the worship service is about blessing God with our worship, not about you being blessed.  He gives several definitions of prayer and describes several different kinds of prayer.  Marty says “God asks you questions and prompts you to search things out that hold you back.”  Check out the video to get an indepth discussion with Rick and Marty.

After a great discussion with Rick and Marty, our backstagers pray for Marty, his wife, team and ministry.

An FBI case essentially ‘confirms’ Pizzagate? Well, not exactly confirms.  Liz Croken basically had just shown that an FBI case has actually shown what we already knew is that pizza was used as a code word and now there’s a whole new audience actually confirming that. But obviously what the way they define Pizza Gate and what it really is are two different things.  This article  definitely put Pizza Gate in the psyche of Americans again and the mainstream media is fighting this and all their globalist journalist elites are trying to dispel it once again.

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Christmas is coming; remember to use the B2T code. If you call, 1-800-975-1757, you will reach operators that will already know you are calling from Blessed2Teach.

There was a beautiful miracle in Gaza.  Two Hundred plus Muslin men were spending time with the underground church in Gaza and that night they all had dreams of Jesus.  If you check out a post on Facebook from Michael Ficona where he explains what is happening.  Praise the Lord!! God is moving!!

Jack Smith is seeking information on anyone that ‘favorited’ or ‘retweeted’ Trumps tweets.  They are trying to go after anyone that like Trump.  Rick discusses Trump getting backing from bank executives regarding the valuation of his property and then he discusses one of Trump Truths.  Rick also explores an article on Trumps motion for discovery in one of his court cases.  What will this open the doors for?  Everything that can be shaken will shake.  The next 6 months are going to be exciting.  Rick doesn’t believe that will be a regular election in November.

Upcoming Events on Backstage

  • December 5: Rob Graham of Alaska – Duct Tape Ministries LIVE!!
  • December 6: SG Anon LIVE!!
  • December 12: Dr Bryan Ardis LIVE Monthly
  • December 19: Juan O Savin Update LIVE!!!

Rick also discusses the Koch brothers back Nikki Haley.  We can see who the RINOs are.  MTG reintroduces motion to impeach Mayorkas.  As well as, Rumble filed defamation charges.

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The Backstagers then go to a Bible Study with Gus.

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November 29, 2023 – Julie Green’s Prophetic Word Highlighting by B2T – A SHOWDOWN HAS BEGUN

***For I the Lord this day, I am preparing a way. I am preparing a way, my children. I am preparing the way your enemies cannot stay, because I am the way. Your enemies will not have their way because I will have mine. I have told you before about the time of a showdown. I told you a showdown was coming. Well, a showdown has begun.##

***There has been a great resistance with the enemies to stay where they are. They have been resisting. They have been resisting, they have been shoving things down your throat, you would say, with their laws and their power. But I will tell you, my children, and I say it again and again, evil will never have its way. Don’t believe in their power. Don’t believe they will have their way. Don’t believe in this time when they are screaming and they are shouting louder and louder. Don’t believe when they put more pressure on you. Don’t believe they are in control.##

***If you could see what I see. If you could see what I see; I see past each and every one of them, and I see through the blood of my son Jesus, and what he did. They have already been disarmed and brought to nothing. No matter how things may appear, just know that I am near. When times get tough, when things look rough, know that I am near. When the enemies are throwing everything they can at you, remember that I am near.##

***Do you remember in my word when I said wars and rumors of wars? Do you remember when I said it was like the days of Noah? These times are here. It is here. Can’t you see it? Can’t you see my word is true? Can’t you see who I really am? Can you see? Do you hear the marching of my army? Do you hear the drums beating of warfare? Yes, great warfare; a showdown; good versus evil. Do you know who wins? I will tell you, good always triumphs over evil. The evil you see everywhere has gripped the heart of so many around the world. The power of that deception is broken and you see how dark things may seem, and you see how the evil has overpowered the world, it looks like. Just think how much greater my goodness is than that evil. If the evil can be so bad, how much more do you think my glory and my goodness will be upon the world in a greater measure.##

***Yes, things will go from one extreme of darkness and evil and chaos and destruction to my glory; my resurrecting power to miracles, signs and wonders; restoration the world has never experienced before. I have told you the enemy’s clock is running out. The clock is about to strike 12. I say again, those you see today in power, soon you will see no more. They will not have their way. They will not have this day. They will not have this time. They will not, my children.##

***Go forth, go forth, come to me. Come to me, and I will show you this great and mighty victory. I will show you that you can have no fear. I can show you that you can have such great joy. I can show you that you can experience my peace that passes all understanding. Come to me and I will give you rest. Come to me, I will give you rest.##

***I say, forces behind the wicked ones, they are losing their grip. They are losing their influence. They are losing their power. Push forward, push forward, push forward and take back this territory. Push forward and take back your freedom. Push forward and take back your nations. Push forward in my name to take back everything that belongs to you. Push forward with me. I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life, and my children, you are about to live life in a way you never thought you could ever imagine to live.##

***No matter how bad evil is, my goodness destroys it, and it is so much greater than evil. Everything is about to turn. A great turnaround; a great turnaround is coming, so don’t give up now because I am here. I am the way, and I am making that way for your total deliverance and freedoms and restoration. I am here to stay, sayeth the Lord.##

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