Show Notes
The MAGA movement continues to grow and the other candidates that have come into the race are just exposing the RINO funding.
CNN reports on Trump’s growing lead and DeSantis’s decline and Soros complains that Trump will damage the Globalist agenda.
Well, what a shame! That is exactly why we support Trump. J
Rick tells his story of how God wants to speak to us.
The book by Nathan French called “It’s Not Supposed to be a Secret: God Wants to Speak to you” is what inspired Rick to expect to hear from God.
Rick first heard from him in Israel after reading most of this book. See links to the book and Rick’s story here:
Rick reviews breaking news that expose Fauci even more about his knowledge of the Wuhan lab. He was discrediting reports of a lab leak at the same time he had emails clearly showing this was the likely cause of the spread.
Rick then reads Julie’s latest prophetic word where the Lord tells us how to fight in this battle:
“Listen to my words. Get into my word. Stay clear of your enemy. Lord, how do we do that? By staying focused on me, by being in my word, by having your spiritual ears open to hear me.”
Then Robert and Jamie Agee join the show LIVE.
We get to hear many incredible stories of their journey to putting up banners across the country based on inspiration from a ReAwaken tour.
General Flynn asked people to get involved locally that would result in national impact.
They started with one billboard, and little did they know, it would lead to 100s of billboards across the nation.
Now they are on a nationwide tour where baptisms have become a key part of every city they enter.
They started the tour on Pentecost and will end it at Colorado Springs at the Feast of Tabernacle.
See the map of their journey here:
There are many amazing videos of those being baptized and lives being trained on this site as well.
Robert and Jamie give us highlights of some of the key baptisms and spirits trying to stop them in Vegas, Idaho Falls, Illinois and more.
You can find their billboard website here:
We discuss the amazing story of even having a billboard at Times Square!
We then pray and lift specific prayer requests up for Robert and Jamie.
Then we go backstage for Project Children Rescue and Impactor training on the reliability of the Bible.
You can have access now for FREE to all the Backstage live and recordings by joining the Backstage Ministry here:

“Right now you’re seeing a Donald Trump dominated race, and Donald Trump’s getting stronger.”
September 1, 2023 – Julie Green’s Prophetic Word Highlighting by B2T – IT’S TIME TO STAY ALERT
*** My children, it’s time to stay alert. Stay alert, I say. Stay alert and pray. Watchmen, I need watchmen who will stay. Lord, what does that mean? My children, all the warnings that I have given about what your enemies are planning to do, I need watchmen to stay alert, to have your spiritual ears open, to hear my words, to hear my instructions. I need my children to stay alert and be obedient to what I’m saying. Get rid of the fear. Get rid of the dread about what’s about to happen. Get rid of these things. Get rid of these things now.##
***Make sure you continually shut the door to your adversary. No matter what you are saying, no matter what you have done, no matter how far you have fallen back, no matter what you have done, remember who I am. I’m not a God who sits here and makes a list of all your failures, that makes a list of all the times you have fallen down, all the times you have disobeyed. That’s not who I am. I am the God and I am the Father who has my hands open wide, wide for my children to run into them. I long to forgive you. I just need my children to repent, so then I won’t remember anything that you have ever done.##
***My love is so big you can’t compare it to anything on earth. How much I love you, how much I care for you. I am asking you to trust in my love, trust in my forgiveness, trust in my compassion, trust in my protection. Trust that I’m your provider. Trust that I am making a way because I am the waymaker. Trust that I am the one that says vengeance is mine. I will avenge. I will destroy everything your enemies are doing against you. I am that one; the great I AM who stands in between you and your enemy. I block, I stop, and I will not allow. No.##
***God, so many things have happened. So many bad things have happened to so many people. I’m telling you, my children, once you know the power of my name, once you know the power of that blood, once you know that I live in you, those things will cease. Those things will stop. Stay alert. Watch. Watch your words. Speak my words because I’m faithful to perform them. Stand your ground and stand guard at all times. Don’t let your shields of faith down. Don’t put them down on the ground. Lift them up. It will quench every fiery dart or missile or anything your enemy throws at you.##
***Listen to my words. Get into my word. Stay clear of your enemy. Lord, how do we do that? By staying focused on me, by being in my word, by having your spiritual ears open to hear me. If I tell you to go, go. If I tell you to stay, stay. When I tell you to speak a word, speak those words. When I tell you to stand and fight, stand and fight. Don’t run away. My children, this day, change. Change what you see. Change how you see it, and yes that’s possible. Renew your mind with my word and you will have my perception of every situation.##
***My angels are alert and they’re ready to perform my word. You have an army with you and it’s greater than the army against you. Rely on that army, call on it. Call on your angels. You have guardian angels, you have ministering angels, and there are warring angels. They are all waiting for my words in your mouth. They’re waiting for instructions, and they will obey. This is a new way. This is a new day. My children, say all is well. Say I am free. Say I have overcome. Speak these words. I am a fighter and I win. Speak your victory. Speak these things. Put my words in your mouth and speak. Speak. Speak my words and watch what you see before you in your own lives and in your nations.##
***Change quickly. I do things speedily. Even when you don’t understand it, even when it doesn’t look like it, I do. Remember, I know the end from the beginning, and your enemies have overplayed their hand; and pride comes before a fall, and a great fall it shall be. So, stand with me. Stand with me and receive this great and mighty victory, sayeth the Lord.##
Psalm 20:5
May we shout for joy over your salvation,
and in the name of our God set up our banners!
May the Lord fulfill all your petitions!