The B2T Ministries

Climate Lockdown? No Ukraine Funding with Open Border. B2T Show Dec 5, 2023

Show Notes

We start our show with learning that Kamala Harris has pledged $3 billion dollars of our taxpayer money to help fight the hoax of climate change in other countries.  Rick says that’s called kick back money for the cabal.  This causes us to see they are scrambling because the fake viruses aren’t working.  They are going to have to do something else to get us locked down again before the 2024 elections.  In the same account, Hillary Clinton said “We’re beginning to count and record climate-related deaths”  Anyone that has done any kind of research on the climate issue knows they only fund the scientists that will say what they want them to say.  Rick says “It’s a ridiculous thing”

Rick explores Gold and discusses the price and says the suppression will not stop until the Babylonian system is destroyed.  Analysts do not believe the price will stop at the record high of $2,100 just a few days ago.  This is why Rick works with Dr Dr Kirk Elliot.  Call and get a free consultation 720.605.3900.  Rick also looks at the US Debt Clock and discusses the numbers on it.

Speaker Johnson has given Biden an ultimatum.  They will not fund any more in Ukraine until the border is closed.  The Biden administration said they will run out of money to fund Ukraine by the end of the year.  Rick says they have to figure out how to protect ‘their’ biolabs.

Rick then goes into an article about doctor findings of abuse of the released hostages at the hands of Hamas as well as giving information about 5 terrorists that have been killed and information about the tunnels in Gaza.

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Pfizer is facing more lawsuits over failure to disclose information about the vaccines.

Rick uses this oil as anointing oil and for its health benefits.  You can order this product here:

Rick goes over several different articles and then we have Rob Graham come on as a guest.  Rob brings a friend in the ministry with him, Sam Kimmel.

Rob and Sam give details about their past and ministry.  They are missionaries in Alaska.  They work with YWAM and Last Frontier Ministries.

Rick shows an interest in Rob’s organization, Youth With A Mission (YWAM), and its mission in Alaska. He asks Rob about the differences between YWAM’s mission worldwide and its specific objectives in Alaska.

Rob explains YWAM Denali’s goal in Alaska, which is to train young men and women and send them to native villages to preach the gospel, help people get born again, and eventually establish house churches. He also highlights the importance of training locals to effectively spread the gospel.

Rob announces their plan to start a mission aviation school, which would be separate from YWAM’s flying program and would be operated by Last Frontier Ministries or Kingdom Air Corps.

Rob and Sam have faced numerous difficulties while working in Alaska, including the cold weather, darkness, and the resulting depression. They have also encountered resistance from the local people due to historical atrocities, making it challenging to build relationships. Additionally, they struggle to gain funding as missionaries in the United States due to the harsh conditions and the remoteness of many villages, which are not connected by roads and require transportation by plane, boat, or snowmobile.

Watch the broadcast to catch the rest of the interview.  Rob and Sam give a lot of detail on life and ministry in Alaska.

The Backstagers then pray for Rob and Sam and move into PCR (Project Children Rescue)

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December 5, 2023 – Julie Green’s Prophetic Word Highlighting by B2T –NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME

*** For I the Lord this day, I am speaking to each and every one of my children. I am speaking to you and reminding you that the end is near. The end is near for your enemies and their control. The end is near for all the global governments around the world. The end is near for their tyranny. The end is near for their lies. The end is near for what they have done to you in every area of your life. The end is near because I am here and the evil cannot be in my presence.##

***Evil cannot stand near me. It cannot stand against me. Evil runs at the sound of my name, and I told you, my children, to use my name above every name, the name of Jesus; I said that name, that name that scatters and shatters the power of the enemy. It puts your enemy on the run. So, in this day, when the enemy is making a way, oh yes, they are trying to make a way, they are trying to do more things against you, to plot, to plan and scheme against you, to get you to give up and quit on the victory that is yours, they want to deceive you out of something that they don’t have the lawful right to, unless you give it to them, refuse to comply. Refuse to give in. Refuse to quit. Refuse to let go of the promises that I have spoken to you.##

***I am a God that I cannot lie. I have guaranteed you the victory through my son. I have guaranteed the victory through what he already did through the shedding of his blood. I have a blood covenant with you that I will not break. So, as your body or as your mind or as your circumstances or as your people all around you are telling you to give up, they are telling you to quit, they are telling you to surrender, they are telling you nothing is going to change, they are telling you that it is too impossible, they are telling you that it is just getting worse instead of getting better, they are telling you these things over and over and over again, your thoughts will try to torment and control how you are leading your life and what you believe. That is why I have told you to look to me.##

***Look to me and focus on me, because when you are focusing on me, the enemy flees their control over you; flees, because it cannot stay. It cannot stand the faith of a believer, the faith that I have put inside of each and every one of you. Grow that faith. Get into my word. Listen. Listen, I am speaking, and not just to my prophets, but I speak to my children; and say, Lord, I don’t know if that is you. Well, if it doesn’t line up with my written word, it is not from me.##

***Your enemies are trying to come right now in this day to bring more deception, to bring you more distraction than ever before. This is where you have to stand and hold your ground. I have repeated these words again and again because I hear the murmuring. I hear the groaning. I hear the complaints of my children. Stop complaining about the situations that you are in because then you will remain in them, but start rejoicing despite of them, despite what you see and despite what you feel, despite what your thoughts are telling you. If it is not truth, if it is not in my word, throw it out. If your body tells you that it is not healed, throw it out and deny its power. That is a lie. If your doctor has given you a report, believe my report instead, and deny that fact to rule in your life and to destroy your body. My body was broken so yours wouldn’t have to be.##

***This is a time where you choose what to believe and what not to believe. This is a time where a great separation, it has already begun, is separating my remnant, my children, who believe in me despite what they see. They will believe in me despite what they see, because what you are about to see will bring much fear into this world; and what my children need to declare and to decree is that fear will not be in me. Fear will not control me. Fear will not have power over me. Say it. Do not receive the negativity. Do not receive that darkness that is coming upon the enemies of almighty God. The darkness that you are about to see is for the enemy. It is not for you. It is the judgment that is coming against the enemy.##

***I have told you about volcanoes. I have told you about eruptions of volcanoes all over the world. I have been speaking to you about the growing of earthquakes. I have been speaking to you about unusual weather. I have been speaking to you about these things that are going on in governments all over the world. I have been speaking to you about a resistance that has been growing. You see the words that I have been speaking and they are now coming to pass, to bring faith in your hearts that the words that I am speaking to you should be very clear for you to hold on to. So, keep declaring that darkness will not be in you. It will not be in your family. It will not be in your households, because I am in you, and I am light, and light destroys that darkness.##

***Remember who you belong to. You belong to me. Stop complaining, so you stop remaining. Do not give in and do not quit because if you quit, you are guaranteed to lose. When your adversary is the loser, he has a guaranteed loss, because I have destroyed his power over you. That is why he will always be a loser, but he tries to make you one, to deceive you out of what is already done. It is already done. It is finished. Remember the words of my son; it is finished. It is, so don’t grow weary. Do not grow weary in this time.##

***I am warning, the enemy is drawing their lines. They are doing more against you. They are fighting harder. They are pushing more. They are right now about to do something they haven’t done before to this degree; but what do you need to do, children of almighty God? Do I need to keep reminding you of who I am? Do I keep reminding you of your enemy’s guaranteed loss? The end is near. The end; keep thinking that. Keep declaring that the end of tyranny is here. The end of tyranny is here. The end of rogue governments is here. The end of their lies is here. But Lord, what if it goes on for months and months? Keep saying it. Keep declaring it. Keep marching forward to your victory. I promise you it is worth it. I promise you great rewards for those who hold on to me, and you will see it. You will see great rewards for the ones who will stand and believe in me and have that faith and trust in me despite what you see.##

***So, I the Lord this day, remind you that I will always, always, win. There is nothing too big, there is nothing too dark, there is nothing too impossible that I cannot remove in an instant, in a second, in a flash of a blink of an eye that suddenly can change the world. So, hold on, hold tight because the end is near, sayeth the Lord.##

 Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage,

and cthe ends of the earth your possession.

 You shall dbreak2 them with ea rod of iron

and dash them in pieces like fa potter’s vessel.”

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