The B2T Ministries

Climate Emergency Before Election? Modern Prophets on Israel. PraiseNPrayer. B2T Show Apr 18, 2024

The B2T Show

Let’s start our show…

Biden’s Latest Reelection Gambit may be declaring a National Climate emergency.

White House officials are weighing whether to declare a national climate emergency several months out from the 2024 election, people familiar with the matter told Bloomberg.

Biden: “I made it clear to the Israelis – don’t move on Haifa!”

Rick says this proves Biden should not be president.

Haifa is a major city “IN” Israel.

Biden’s comment about how to bring prices down reveals He knows nothing about economics.

Biden claims his plan to lower prices is “making sure corporate profits are brought under control.”

Rick suggests contacting Dr Kirk Elliott for a consultation.

Rick talks about Dr. Cohn’s BioStacking Summit on natural health that starts this coming Monday.

In our Trump’s Truths section, President Trump is talking about the money going to Ukraine.

Rick talks about the Seder dinner we will be having on Monday night, April 22nd after the news during the show.  A list is attached of the items needed for the meal.

In another Truth, President Trump is talking about his trial in New York.

“The idea….is crazy’: National Guard official says Mark Milley’s Jan 6 warnings led to deployment delay.

Rick talks about the J6 prisoners and says to go to to support them.

Justice Gorsuch lays waste to The Biden Administration’s argument for J6 prison sentences.

This article talks about a statue in the US Code that would sentence the defendants to years behind bars.

Rick says Justice Gorsuch is exposing the DOJ for using this to charge the defendants.

Jury selection process in Trump trial just hit another snag.

They are having issues from impartial jurors, and they just lost another one.

GOP rebels derail Johnson’s border security pitch over fury at $95B foreign aid plan.

18-year-old female trans student charged for planning two Maryland school shootings, manifesto said she wanted to be ‘famous’

The manifesto was discovered after a search warrant was carried out.

Gender activists have no intention of following the science on child transitions.

In the face of overwhelming evidence showing the harm of transitioning gender-confused children, and LGBT organization is scheduled to host a transgender camp in Arlington, Virginia, this summer for children as young as 6 years old.

Rick points out the Backstage membership and the ‘Searchie’ tool, it can be used to search key words to find specific articles and videos that have been on the show as well as prophecies that have been put on the site.

Why the FBI’s assault on Catholics threatens all Christians.

Speech police strike again as high school students is suspended for using the phrase ‘illegal alien’

Rick discusses the Passover Seder and Biblical Feasts.

Rick then moves to PraiseNPrayer with the Backstagers.

Upcoming on B2T:

April 22nd – Passover Seder after the news

April 23rd – Trey Smith

April 24th – Megan Walsh

April 30th – SG Anon

You can have access now for FREE (in a pay-forward model) to all Backstage live and recordings by joining the Backstage Ministry here:

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Passover Week!

7 Feasts / 3 Pilgrimage Feasts (2024 Dates):

  1. Passover[Pilgrimage Feast] (April 22-30) Remove old Leven (man’s teachings vs. God). [Jesus crucified]

Two Other Feasts This week! 2 Cor 5:17

  • The Season of Our Freedom – commemorates the Exodus of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and celebrates freedom.  It’s foundational to all other feasts.
  1. Feast of Unleavened Bread. (April 24-28)[Jesus is the bread of life and was put in the grave on this Feast Day] Heb 4:15
  2. Feast of First Fruits– beginning of grain harvest (April 30) Jesus’s resurrection from the dead began this day!

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