The B2T Ministries

Caviezel Beats Out Harrison! God Wants to Talk to You. B2T Show Jul 5, 2023

B2T Show

The Sound of Freedom (starring Jim Caviezel) show on Tuesday had significantly higher sales per theater than Disney’s Indian Jones movie (starring Harrison Ford).

Due to the higher number of theaters, Indiana Jones, was #1 by less than 10% but if you calculated the tickets fans purchased in the pay-forward model, Sound of Freedom was #1 by far.

Rick saw this movie on July 4th and highly recommends seeing this movie in theaters and helping friends locate the free tickets at

Rick then shares his personal story and new blog: “Rick’s Journal of Alone Time with God”

Rick has always felt God talk to him in the inner man and was listening and obeying the Lord for years.  However, Rick never expected to hear direct words or sentences from the Lord.

Then Rick ordered the book, “It’s Not Meant To Be A Secret: God Wants To Speak To You” by Nathan French and everything changed.

Since Rick returned from Israel, he tries to spend alone time with God, expecting to hear from the Lord as he converses with the Lord and typing what he says, nearly every day.

First Rick prays his morning prayers (thanking the Lord, putting on his armor of God, etc.), does a few scripture memory verses, and prays for protection and direct communication protected from any spirit except the Holy Spirit.

Then closes his eyes with his hands on the keyboard.

Find his blog to see the non-confidential things he has heard from the Lord here:

The book can be found here:

We review Sydney Powell’s website that is filled with great updates each week here:

This included the game-changing supreme court decisions and many counter-trends showing people are starting to wake up and fight against the woke culture.

We review Trump’s truths around the Whitehouse cocaine and an article about Trump’s charges needing to be dropped due to DOJ corruption.

Rick then reviews Julie’s latest prophetic word were the Lord re-emphasizes our need to use our authority!

“Stand your ground. Use my authority. Use my name. Resist him. Rebuke him, and he has to listen. These are the days to stop putting up with things.”

Rick then teaches on the most detailed prophecy in the entire Bible on Daniel 11.

We alternate between the Biblical text and an article that maps the verses back to actual history showing how accurate the Daniel 11 prophecy was.

Rick mixes in some worship videos in between the teaching and extends the program with more praise and worship videos.

We also get to hear encouraging praise reports from Teresa and Linda.

You can have access now for FREE to all the Backstage live and recordings by joining the Backstage Ministry here:

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