The B2T Ministries

Biden’s Removal. How it will Happen. Heaven on Earth? B2T Show May 16, 2023

Show Notes

Biden continues to destroy the country and new prophetic words from Juile Green and Amanda Grace point to his removal.

Julie Green’s latest prophetic word is very direct:

“The removal of the Biden is coming; a removal in a way no one saw coming. A removal that will shock this nation. A removal that will heal a nation. A removal that will unite a nation. A removal that only I could do. A removal that will get the world’s attention. A removal of all removals.”

Amanda Grace’s live word from the Lord on stage in Miami at the ReAwaken tour also called out the White House:

“And those fools that sit in a white house, do not argue with a fool, says the Lord. Do not argue with a fool. I the Lord thy God deal with them and due season and they get their just wage for their sin. And that season is coming, says the Lord. The grace period is thinning, and it’s thinning. And I the Lord thy God, him dealing with that in this hour.”

Rick reviews other words about Biden’s removal that makes it very clear that this removal will be supernatural and by the hand of God, not by man.

We also review more information about the Durham report that implicates the FBI as a captured operation and destroys the narrative of Trump colluding with Russia.

In fact, the report clearly shows that Trump’s pollical opponents worked with the Deep State to try and destroy him before and after the 2016 election.

We also see more signs of economic collapse and the end nearing for the Babylonian financial system.  It’s time to look to precious metals before the storm hits.

Rick reviews an article claiming Charles is not a real King as well as other news around Kari Lake, election fraud, Hunter and more.

Rick then teaches on how to know what your calling is.  This includes scriptures from Ephesians 4 that confirm we all have a calling.

He then walks us through how to confirm this, how to submit your calling to God and how to maximize your impact with your calling.

We then go Backstage for Project Children Rescue and pray for the children and soldiers as well as praying for the downfall of the media across the nations.

You can have access now for FREE to all the Backstage live and recordings by joining the Backstage Ministry here:  blessed2teach.mykajabi-backstage


Prophetic Words

May 16, 2023 – Julie Green’s Prophetic Word Highlighting by B2T – A REMOVAL OF THE BIDEN IS COMING

*** The removal of the Biden is coming; a removal in a way no one saw coming. A removal that will shock this nation. A removal that will heal a nation. A removal that will unite a nation. A removal that only I could do. A removal that will get the world’s attention. A removal of all removals.##

***A removal of an entire governmental body. A removal so great, it will shake the world. This removal will say to this world that justice is not dead and liberty is not dead, and our God is not dead. A removal that will tear apart the globalists and destroy their reset. A removal that will bring life back into a dying country.##

***I will bring freedom to a nation that has been held in captivity; for a nation to be reborn, for a soul of a nation is coming back to life stronger than it was originally. This will bring revival and my glory into this nation that will spread to all nations around the world. My glory will be seen and experienced.##

***Lord, how can a removal do all this? It’s not just one removal. Don’t you remember? I didn’t just take care of Pharaoh when he pursued my children, I took them all down at one time. But, this is a time it will be greater than that.##

***A spiritual shaking and awakening will happen at the same time around the world. Don’t get caught up on all the evil reports or on how bad things may appear right now. I have told you time and time again, all these things are temporary and it’s all coming to an end.##

***So, hold on to me. Hold on to truth. Hold on to my words. Have faith in me more than what you see. It’s time to arise and walk by faith because “The Just” shall live by faith, and it’s that time now. It’s time to rise higher than every situation and every circumstance in your life or what you are dealing with in your nations. ##

***Resist him, your adversary, and he must flee. Learn your authority in me that I have already given to you. It’s time to arise children of almighty God and be the light in this dark world, sayeth the Lord your Redeemer. ##

Live Word from the Lord on Stage at the Miami Reawaken America Tour – May 12, 2023And the Lord thy God says this day, is my arm too short that it cannot save? Is my power too little that it cannot overcome? For you are an overcomer through Christ Jesus. I the Lord thy God, him in ever present help in times of trouble. And I am raising up Joshuas in this hour, Joshuas with boldness warriors, Joshuas in the legal field, Joshuas with judges. I the Lord thy God, am strategically in this hour raising this up so your hearts can be right for me, for I the Lord thy God desire to do a mighty work in your nation, and I have allowed some of these things to occur, to expose the depths the enemy will go to steal from you. The covenant you have made with me for Israel cries out, and the United States does not answer. That in this season, must be reconciled, says the Lord, and I the Lord thy God will allow the chains to come for those that have attempted to bind those speaking truth. I will allow those chains to come for those who have done it, to come for those who have tried to destroy who I the Lord have raised up, who have tried to destroy what my desire is in this nation. This is about my desire, ultimately said the Lord.

Humble yourselves before me, oh Peters. Humble yourself before me, Joshuas. Humble yourselves before me, those that hold the offices in the spirit. Humble yourselves to hear what the Lord thy God wanted to say, because through the noise, I, the Lord thy God am taking the sword of the spirit. I am cutting through that noise. Let those who have ears to hear and eyes to see,HEAR what the spirit has to say in this hour. Hear! Not hear the coiling serpents that blaspheme the name of the Lord across the airwaves. Not hear the seducing spirits that are lowering people into perversion and lies and blasphemous covenants. But hear would I the Lord, thy God have to say, for I am raising up strongholds in this nation for the people of God to go to, I am bringing down the high places and I am raising up these towers for the people of God to stand on and cry out to the Lord in this nation. For I the Lord thy God will not be mocked. I will not be blasphemed without answering. Oh, they may, oh, they may call out and say there is no God, andthis season they will learn there is Almighty God on the throne. His name is Adenai, King of Kings and Lord of lords, LORD OF HOSTS. And I, the Lord thy God am leading this army in this hour and I, the Lord thy God am making adjustments and repositioning where there has been error. I the Lord thy God am dealing with sins that happened long ago, and I am making corrections, and I am making adjustments, and there will be a hard adjustment that the whole nation will feel and the awe of my mighty power will fall. People will question, people will look when this hard adjustment happens. It is coming. It is coming, says the Lord.

And says the Lord thy God this day, call onto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you know not. Do not doubt my power in this hour. The enemy would love for you to think nothing more than this nation is totally lost and may be on the cusp, but one word from me says the Lord turns it. ONE WORD TURNS YOUR SITUATION. One moment of favor, can reverse a lifetime, says the Lord of mistake, a lifetime of carnage, a lifetime of brokenness, burden, affliction and chains. One word. Call on me for that. Seek me in this hour. Get your hearts right before me, says the Lord for what I am about to do for the people of this nation. Come on to me as a sheep. Come on to their shepherd. I am the good shepherd. And those fools that sit in a white house, do not argue with a fool, says the Lord. Do not argue with a fool. I the Lord thy God deal with them and due season and they get their just wage for their sin. And that season is coming, says the Lord. The grace period is thinning, and it’s thinning. And I the Lord thy God, him dealing with that in this hour. And I the Lord thy God will give them their just portion for their sins due in proportion on the scales of justice for their sins. For their scrolls have already gone out, says the Lord. They have gone out by my army. They are positioned in this nation and says the Lord thy God this day, there’ll be an event that happens, that shakes it and begins to turn the breach and you will see change begin to come forth after that. Do not doubt, trust in the Lord.

Leadership come under my yoke right now. I am calling to you. I am calling to you. I’m leaving the 99 to go after the one. Come under my yoke. I am raising the standard here. This is my standard, says the Lord. You will yield to my standard in this hour and you will watch me do an incredible work in this nation, thus says the Lord of Hosts in Jesus name.



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