B2T Show
The first article we review for this evening is ‘You have blood on your hands’ says Graham as he scolds Zuckerberg during Big Tech hearing. Is Lindsey Graham playing a role or is he really the RINO we all think? “Mr. Zuckerberg, you and the companies before us, I know you don’t mean it to be so, but you have blood on your hand,” says Graham in opening remarks for the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. Rick says, the fact that he would say ‘I know you don’t mean it to be so’ that’s just incorrect. They knew what they were doing. But then we see Josh Hawley, he really gives it to Zuckerberg. Rick shows a video clip of the hearing with Josh Hawley asking Zuckerberg if he wants to apologize to the people in the room that have lost loved ones. Rick says this helps people to wake up and see what is actually happening, it’s becoming very obvious.
We then see the Biden Administration is preparing to effectively ban private gun sales says a whistleblower. The Federal agency has drafted a document that would require background checks even for person-to-person sales.
In the Trump Truth’s section, Rick shows President Trump leads crooked Joe Biden in every swing state. Rick thinks this is the plan unfolding. You get Trump so popular and make the deep state panic so they can’t win. The next Truth: President Trump says ‘You don’t need bills to close the border’. He has a video link in the Truth. President Trump also met with the Teamsters in D.C. today. He says so many of their members vote for him so the meeting should be interesting.
Rick shows one of his new memory verses: Galatians 2:20 – I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
We see an ‘X’ post from Ezra Cohen, who is part of the Trump team, saying Iran has been calling the shots for the past three years. They are controlling the escalatory ladder. An extremely dangerous time for America. We must never allow the enemy to dictate our actions. Which moves us into an article about the US preparing for retaliatory strikes that could last weeks after 3 troops are killed. At this time, the plans are not finalized but could include kinetic and cyberattacks. The targets are expected to be outside of Iran proper, but will span multiple countries.
Rick reviews several more articles including RFK, Jr’s plan to change his party affiliation to Libertarian because it will be easier for him to get on the ballot. In another article, we see that a veteran who destroyed a satanic statue was charged with a hate crime. Rick says we see BLM and Antifa tearing down statues of our founding fathers and they get nothing then this man tears down a satanic statue and he gets charged with a hate crime.
Meri Crouley comes on with Rick and discusses her ministry and Destiny Films that is launching. She discusses her Open the Heavens conferences she has had in the past and some that will be upcoming. All links can be found in the notes. Meri then takes time and prophecies over the backstagers. She has some very on point words for the backstagers. Much confirmation with a lot of them. God is moving!!!
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