The B2T Ministries

X Won’t Censor Debate! CNN Crys. CIA Busted. B2T Show Jun 26, 2024

The B2T Show

Elon says no to CNN as they try to censor the debate and only have it watched on CNN.

Once again Elon shows himself as a true First Amendment supporter willing to take on the Deep State at every turn.

Many podcasters planned to stream it with commentary on there platforms, but will not be able to do that on YouTube.  However, this will be possible with X, Rumble and others, but CNN is threatening to sue anyone who does.

Rick discusses a new way we can take action to help wake up others….  See the Woke Revealed Documentary:

It will be available on July 4, but you can sign up now and start promoting the above link.

A new report once again confirms that the CIA, including the then director Gina Haspel, was aware of the false narrative and letter saying that the Hunter Biden laptop had all the hallmarks of Russia disinformation.

As usual, those saying they are trying to avoid disinformation are the ones dishing out disinformation.

Two of the signatures were even on the CIA payroll and many CIA employees were warning that this letter was highly politicized, but leadership obviously did not care as they let it move into the public to purposely affect the 2020 election.

Rick continues to point out that we have to get rid of the selection machines.  It’s not only a matter of saving the US from the Deep State globalists, but also 50 other countries using these globalist selection machines.

Amy Comey Barrett writes a decision where she and Kavanagh as well as Roberts sided with the liberals and the Biden Administration in saying the 5th circuit injunction was incorrect and that the plaintiffs lacked standing.

In the interim, this will allow the Government to continue to work with Social Media companies to censor conservatives.  However, this case is still active and it or a similar case may return soon to the Supreme Court.

The Presidential Immunity case continues to get pushed off by the Supreme Court and they even discussed having decisions in early July.

Don’t forget to take advantage of the Kirk Elliott free financial consultation around investments and precious metals at 720.605.3900 or visit:

We bring on Jon Marino to discuss the new Documentary “Woke Revealed”:

It will be available on July 4, but you can sign up now and start promoting the above link.

Jon discusses how he woke up based on his father telling him that building don’t free fall when discussing 911.

Jon and Rick discuss Building 7 and many other subjects around the globalist control of our world.

We get a review of how Jon woke up to the evil of the Deep State and it’s affect around us everywhere.

We pray for Jon and move to a shorter version of PraiseNPrayer as Rick will be traveling the next few days.  However, don’t miss the shows as he will be playing intrviews from the Detroit ReAwaken with guests like Amanda Grace, Leigh Dundas and others!

Rick will be in the San Diego area on June 29 and 30.  You can join live or donate to watch online here:

The launch of the new Biblically based supplement with a molecular hydrogen generating mineral blend launches soon.  Be sure to get on the launch list:

After the show we go backstage for a Bible study led by Gus.

Watch Woke Revealed Documentary:

Available on July 4!


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