The B2T Ministries

UNRWA Exposed! Active in Oct 7 Massacre. Stacy of Prophetic Report LIVE. B2T Show Jan 30, 2024

B2T Show

Our show starts looking at an article saying Western Nations have donated over $8 Billion to UNRWA – Whose staff aided Hamas terror – Over 10 years.  An analysis by The National Pulse has revealed that Western nations donated over $8 billion to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees in the Near East between 2013 and 2022.  Rick says they use the money to buy bombs and build tunnels.  Over $2.4 billion came from the United States alone.  Rick says this agency used the money to aid the Palestinians and aided in the attack on October 7, 2023.  Rick then shows a picture of 12 UNRWA employees that directly participated in perpetrating the October 7th Massacre by Hamas.  Then, we see that 23% of UNRWA men are tied to Hamas and 49%, also, have close relatives who also had official ties to military groups, especially Hamas.  Rick says this agency is supposed to be independent.

Rick revisits the information Dr. Kirk and Rick discusses in last night’s show.  He talks about the reduction of the net shorts on silver by the big banks.  He shows an article called Dystopia to Utopia in Gold and Silver.  Rick recommends giving a call to Dr. Kirk for a free consultation in the link provided.

Joy Reid caught flipping out on a hot mic, saying “Starting another F***ing war!”  She is basically criticizing the person she defends, Biden.  Rick says, “You can tell she is an actor that reads off the teleprompter exactly what the globalists 4 am talking points tell her what to say.”

Blinken says the Middle East is at its most dangerous since 1973.  Rick says its because you have the Palestinian UNRWA and the western money flowing in.  Then, we see Biden says he’s decided on fatal drone strike response, US doesn’t need ‘wider’ Middle East war.  Rick talks about WWIII and how WWI was started.  The current administration is weak.  This wouldn’t have happened under President Trump.

Rick reviews several more articles before bringing on Stacy Whited from The Flyover Conservatives.

Stacy is the host of The Prophetic Report that airs on 11:11 on Wednesdays, as well as co-host of The Flyover Conservatives with her husband, David.  Stacy and Rick discuss prophecies and how they point to things currently happening and future events.  This is a must-see episode.  You can find The Prophetic Report and The Flyover Conservatives on Rumble, their website, or their app.  The backstagers then get to pray for Stacy and her family before having a new song and video and then the backstagers go to a private group of PCR-Project Children Rescue.  All are welcome to join backstage.  Follow the links on the Blessed2Teach website.

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