The B2T Ministries

Union Workers Chant “USA”. Iran 60% Uranium Level. PraiseNPrayer. B2T Show Apr 25, 2024

The B2T Show

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Trump cheered by NYC Union workers, Union official reveals why Biden is in big trouble.

Rick plays a clip in the article of the union workers chanting “USA”.

In a Trump Truth, President Trump talks about Bill Barr endorsing him.

True Stormy Joe has a post talking about Tucker, DeSantis, and Bill Barr then talks about the military plan.

Rick says he believes this is the whole devolution that’s showing itself.

Meadows, Giuliani, and other Trump allies charged in Arizona 2020 election probe.

This is the lawfare continuing in Rick’s opinion.

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Devastating poll for Joe Biden shows shocking shift in views of illegal immigrant, even among Democrats.

Rick talks about all the funding of the riots and all the demonstrations.

Rick shows a chart of the support of mass deportations of undocumented immigrants.

In the chart, Rick talks about the age ranges of Gen X and Gen Z and how they think.

In another Trump Truth, President Trump shares a link to an article from the Arizona Sun Times saying Election integrity investigator releases new information about likely manipulation of Maricopa County.

The article says the machine tabulators in the 2020 and 2022 elections were likely manipulated.

IAEA chief raises alarm over Iran’s 60% uranium enrichment level.

The report indicated that Iran has escalated its uranium enrichment to 60 percent, which is close to the weapons-grade threshold of 90 percent.

In a poll, we see ‘Only 21% of voters ‘strongly’ approve of Biden, 49% ‘strongly’ disapprove.

Biden signals tax hike if re-elected as Americans struggle from his inflation crisis.

Rick explains that they said take this narrative that Trump’s tax hike only for the wealthy when it actually affected every tax bracket and gave double the standard deductions.

Lawmakers ask IRS to probe Chinese funding to Anti-Israel protests.

Pelosi demands Netanyahu resign, calls Israeli leader ‘obstacle’ to peace.

EVs, climate agenda are a national security threat used ‘to weaken us and ultimately destroy us,’ expert warns.

Stocks tank after a disastrous first quarter GDP report.

Rick talks about silver and the ‘secret window’ on the US Debt clock.

The image in the window show a ticker on the top that show the possible increase in silver so quickly that is has to be suspended because the deep state will be in panic.

The image also shows a key and Rick points to a picture of Trump being given a key that is very similar to the one in the image.

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Biden admin used border wall funds on ‘environmental planning’ and cleanup, government watchdog says.

How the Biden admin enables government employees to change genders.

Biden admin publishes guides on how to help workers ‘transition,’ warns that misgendering could be a fire-able offense.

In another article, we see how some homeowners eliminated squatters.

This article shows how the squatters had more rights than the property owners themselves especially in New York.

‘Dark Money Nightmare’: How Qatar bought the Ivy League.

Rick brings on Katie K. to talk about her group on the B2T Neighborhood.  Katie has a group on how to live a healthy lifestyle.

She discusses her life changing journey and invites all to come visit and check out her group.

Rick then goes in to talking about Passover week and the feasts we are in right now and what is upcoming.

Rick shares some scripture and then goes into PraiseNPrayer.

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Man with a withered hand

V6 he entered the synagogue


V7 The Pharisees watched him to see whether he would heal on the Sabbath

So they might find a reason to accuse him

V8 he knew their thoughts

V9 is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?

V11 Filled with fury

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