The B2T Ministries

Tucker Reveal: Fired over J6? 23ANDME Data Breach. PraiseNPrayer! B2T Show Dec 4, 2023

B2T Show

Tucker has avoided speculating on why Fox News fired him, but in a recent Podcast revealed that they really hated him reporting the truth about J6.

He was on Rosanne Barr’s podcast when his latest thinking made it clear that Fox News was in on the entire J6 cover-up along with the Deep State.

Do we need any more proof that Fox News is the RINO (Republican in Name Only) of Mockingbird Media?

Rick discusses the massive credit card debt Americans are trapped in now that exceeds 1 trillion dollars and how gold hit an all-time high on Friday.

Real assets such as precious metals are a hedge against the inflation of our dollar and against a collapsed economy.

Be sure to diversify and make sure you get your free financial consultation with Kirk by calling and making an appointment at 720.605.3900.

Rick covers the latest Cabal company that is not protecting your information.

23ANDME had a breach where hackers accessed the DNAR profiles of approximately 5.5 million customers, and they obtained Family Tree profile information from 1.4 million participants in the DNA Relatives program.

Rick covers other news around Congress freezing the $6B destined for Iran, the Biden Crime family updates and the 2 tiered justice system.

Rick then reviews several of the latest words he received from the Lord that revealed the Lord’s plans to use the Remnant:

“As you renew your minds and allow me to use you, I will be transforming the Body of Christ into a massive weapon against the enemy.”

And that many changes are coming:

“You will see the culture in your country change.  You will see the enemy’s fools moved aside and lose power.  You will see everything change in your life and others as the power, and glory, and magnificence of the Lord shines throughout the world with my church, the body of believers, shining like a huge house on a hill.”

Rick then teaches on the first part of Chapter 8 in Romans about living a life in the Spirit and how we are heirs with Christ!

After this teaching, the stream was killed, so Rick had to start another stream for PraiseNPrayer.

We worshiped to many songs in-between praise reports.

Rick updated us on the new Movie studio called Destiny that would rival Disney.  Destiney and Disney have the same alphabetical letters, except Destiney has the letter “t” that represents the cross.

In And Out Burger has donated $17 million to get the first animated film completed as long as that can be matched by crowdfunding.  See for more details!

Davy Liu has created 6 books ready to be made into movies that are animal perspectives on Bible stories, just like The Lion King was based on the life of Moses.

Rick also reviews the Sunday and Saturday words he received in his Alone Time with God where he received good news for Destiney:

“Yes, Destiny will Dominate Disney as I judge the evil and bless my children.  Keep close to them, Rick.  Amplify the voices of Meri and Davy.  This will be a major blow to the evil as I launch Destiny with multiple films.  I will be moving on others’ hearts like I did with the initial funding of the $17 million.  The rest will come but this is a drop in the bucket compared to the funding I will provide Destiny.”

We also hear praise reports from Charlette and Elizabeth from Australia.

Afterwards we go backstage for training provided by Scott Bitcon on inner healing and deliverance.

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