The B2T Ministries

Trump Screening Sound of Freedom. PraiseNPrayer! B2T Show Jul 13, 2023

B2T Show

Trump is screening the Sound of Freedom movie at his Bedminster golf club with Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard both attending.

Meanwhile, the media on the left is attempting to associate the movie with their false Qanon narratives.

Rick feels this shows even more blatantly showing the sides between good and evil.   Those protecting the elite pedophiles and those fighting them.

Sound of Freedom has made nearly $50M already and the production/marketing costs were only $10M and will be a huge financial success for those who invested in getting this out despite all the globalist’s obstruction.

On the other hand, production/marketing costs for the latest Disney Indiana Jones was between $550-600M and so far has been a dud that is unlikely to cover its cost.

Disney is failing just as many prophetic words have told us.

Rick then reads and commentates on Amanda Graces July 3 prophetic word, where the Lord warns the compromising churches around the trans agenda:

“They Have opened that door willfully in the name of Tolerance, says the Lord. YOU DO NOT TOLERATE THE SIN, YOU PURGE IT, says the Lord. My son Yeshua loved humanity. He did not tolerate their sin.”

Rick then teaches on Revelation 2 where we review the messages from Christ to the first 4 of the 7 churches.

For each church, we see how Christ is described, his praises and warnings and what rewards await those who conquer to the end!

Rick shows maps and charts as well as relates scriptures from other books for a better understanding.

We then move to PraiseNPrayer where a new worship video is debuted!

We get to hear a testimony from Diane and many praise reports in between awesome worship videos.

We also lift up several specific prayer requests including prayer for the children and Sound of Freedom.

Rick ends the broadcast with the blowing of the Shofar.

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