The B2T Ministries

Trump Revenge. VP Short-List! Rob Graham LIVE. B2T Show Feb 21, 2024

Show Notes

Trump discusses how he will get revenge…. He answered: “with success!” and the crowd went wild in the town hall with Laura Ingram.

The show was the highest-rated Ingram Angel of all time and beat all other shows for the week.  Obviously, due to the Trump-effect.

Also during the show, Laura listed 6 names as potential VPs:

  • Tulsi Gabbard,
  • Ron DeSantis,
  • Tim Scott (R-SC),
  • Byron Donalds (R-Fla.),
  • Vivek Ramaswamy, and
  • South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem

She then asked are they on your short-list and Trump answered, “their all solid” and the media ran with this being the short-list.

However, Rick points out that they Trump already stated that he knew who is VP pick was back in the Sean Hannity interview months ago.

Also, Rick believes, Kari Lake and General Flynn are potential candidates whom Trump would not want to announce anytime soon do to the media’s smear of them these last few years.

Rick asked “Who do you think will be Trump’s pick?

Another name that came up was Sidney Powell.  What do you think?  Hit reply to this email and let us know.

Rick discusses protecting your heart with Cardio Miracle recommended by many natural doctors and experts on the jabs:

Nikki announces she “won’t drop out until the American people close the door” after the American people have already closed the door.

The NYC $455M judgment against Trump, where he has to put up the $355M + $100M interest to appeal the judgment is discussed.

The world sees the two-tier justice system being played out in action before everyone’s eyes.

All the attacks do, is make Trump a martyr and adds to his popularity….  Exactly the plan the white hats and the Lord is leading.

Rick covers other news around Jan 6, al-qaida, and more before bringing on the LIVE guest of Rob and Christina from YWAM.

See to learn more about this great mission.

YWAM stands for Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and Rick’s son-in-law did a 5-month mission in Africa with YWAM.

Ron and Christina discuss YWAM Denali which is in central Alaska that starts soon.

We learn sad and amazing things about the natives of Alaska and the challenges of missionary work.

This mission is perfect for anyone who loves the Lord and has a passion for a career in medicine or construction.

We end with prayer for Ron and Christina and Ron prays for B2T before we hear a word from “Rick’s Alone Time from God” blog.

Then we praise the Lord with a worship video before going backstage for Gus’s Bible Study.

Don’t miss the “Hearing from God” Series each Monday night.

Find the recording with a Backstage pass where Amanda Grace and Chris showed up near the end of the training from Nathan French!

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Fri Feb 16, 2024 6:52pm – Come out of the enemy’s system. 

Thank you, Lord, for Gus and his teaching, for Paula and Charlette joining the intercessory prayer team, and for Jeremiah and Kris’s service the last 6 months to the intercessory prayer team.  Put me in a secret place by Jesus’s name Lord, where I can only hear from you.  No spirits but the Holy Spirit the Father and the Son.  How are you tonight, Lord?

I am living in my glory and shining my glory down on many of my children.  I have so much more to give, so I continue to call those who are lost.  I am here for you.  Come to me and I will give you many things.  I will give you rest.  I will give you peace during these difficult times.  I will give you an abundant life.  I will give you refuge, and, if you get close to me, I will give you power and my glory will flow through you.  Many will answer this call and my body will grow significantly in this time.

What grieves my heart, is the large number of people in my body who I cannot use and I cannot flow through them with this power and glory because the enemy has their mind focused within his traps.  He has used a very sophisticated system to program the way you think and to keep you under control with no time for me.  He knows as soon as you start renewing your mind with the word of God, you will awaken to the truth, to the truth of his programming, to the truth of who I am, to the truth of that you were called to for such a time.  Those of you in my body of Christ who have not put me first in your lives, I say to you.  Come out!  Come out of the enemy’s system.  Come out of the enemy’s programming.  This is simple.  All you have to do is not conform to the pattern of this word and renew your mind with the word of God.  This is how you will be able to test and approve what my will is for your life.  And my will for you is my good, perfect, and pleasing will.  Once you start walking in my will for you, then you will be walking in the calling to which you have been called.  This calling will lead you to the abundant life I promise.  A renewed mind is free from all the distractions of the world and this is why you will be at peace and will experience rest in your mind.  Also, this rest in your mind will allow you to hear from me clearly.  This is when you will get instructions from me about your path that I want you to walk in each day.  This will be exhilarating for you!  No more confusion, no more guessing why you are on this earth at this time.

I offer my power and glory, but can only do that to a fully submitted vessel that has a rested mind.  Once you have my word in your heart, the noise from the enemy is silenced and instead you will hear from me with absolute clarity.  Don’t you want that?  To be at peace and get instructions from your creator?  Yes, you do!  Then learn from those in my Remnant right now.  They are already hearing from me.  They are at peace, but they are not silent.  They are in this battle with me.  Their submission is being rewarded with clear instructions from me.  So, the process is simple.  Coming to me for salvation is just the first step.  The abundant life awaits you after this, if and only if, you get into my word to renew your mind and then come to me with that renewed mind as a submitted vessel.  This will allow you to not conform to the pattern of this world, which means you will be breaking free from the enemy’s programming and all his evil systems.  Then you will be giving me control of your life.  This is what allowing me to yoke you means.  You will hear very clear instructions from me as you come to me alone each day.  What is most exciting about you making a decision to become part of my Remnant is that you can’t lose!  I know the beginning from the end and will direct you around the traps of the enemy and when you think you are in trouble, instead, my power and glory will flow through you.  Not just once, but time and time again.  What are you waiting for?  Come and learn the exact reason you were put on this earth.  I am waiting for you, my child, so come to me. Come.


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