Show Notes
Another video surfaces that provides even more audio evidence that shots 1-3 were likely a different gun than shots 5-8.
Dr. Chris from Peak Performance now has 6 audio files that seem to all point to muffled shots 1-3 and then louder shots with an echo for shots 5-8.
However, the latest video released by Peak Performance just 30 minutes before Rick went live analyzes Crook’s gun, where Dr. Chris has moved his analysis that potentially it was only 1 gun if Crooks altered the gun position.
Rick also points out that it appears the building crooks shot from was set down lower and the windows in the lower building all seem to be closed. Therefore, the theory of a 2nd shooter in one of those windows seems incorrect.
Also, Rick reported earlier that the injured man hit by the first bullet was significantly higher than Trumps ear, but upon further inspection the jumbo tron stands were lower than the stands behind trump. Therefore, it’s still possible Crooks did shoot the first shot.
Exodus with 7 Biblical ingredients and Molecular Hydrogen is now available!
Exit the Old You and get your body and mind back to where God intended it to be.
Newly promoted Ron Rowe was on Capitol Hill testifying earlier in the day and seemed to still be covering up information as he said the snipers did not see Crooks until he started firing.
Sine the new Stewart video shows Crooks looking up well above the roofline 5 seconds before the first shots seems to counter the claims of Rowe.
We also review news around Venezuela’s elections where early voting showed Madura losing by nearly 40 points with 40% of the vote in before he sent in troops and stopped the counting.
Thugs came in to stop any further voting and then they inserted massive votes to reverse everything and reported with 80% of the votes he was up by over 12 points and declared the winner.
Protests are nationwide and some commanders and local police are supporting the protesters.
Pray for the citizens of Venezuela.
Rick covers other news around Kamala being outed for her ultra liberal vides and many Twitter posts by Elon helping wake up the masses.
Donne Clement Patruska comes on live and details out her father’s prophesies around the assassination and other events.
We discuss the “Seasons Prophecy” where Kim stated “Strange July, strange July” and why Donne and Bo Polny declared this is the year.
If so, the upcoming Fall will be a time that “many will fall,” and then comes “hypnotic November,” which Donne admitted she was nervous about.
Lastly, this prophecy talks about Winter saying, “They will be happy” but Donne is still questioning this statement since her dad’s tone was different.
We discuss many more topics around the assassination, Kamala, other prophecies and her thoughts on upcoming events.
After we pray for Donne, Rick teaches on the first part of Luke 12 around the leven of the Pharisees and Jesus telling us to not fear.
Afterwards we go backstage for intercessory prayer for the children and our world.
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Stewart Film Supports
Red/Yellow Green and Hypothesis
Luke 12
Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees
12 In the meantime, (A)when so many thousands of the people had gathered together that they were trampling one another, he began to say to his disciples first,
Have No Fear
Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees
- Popularity
- Nothing is Hidden – Pharasees
- Who to Fear
v1 when so many thousands of people
Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees
leven of the Pharisees (multiple)
v2 nothing is hidden (multiple) [at the judgement seat?]
Have No Fear
v4 do not fear those who kill the body
v6 not one of them is forgotten
v7 even the hairs of your head are numbered
you are of more value than many sparrows