The B2T Ministries

McConnell Freezes on Live Feed! Trey Smith LIVE. B2T Show July 26, 2023

Show Notes

Mitch McConnell freezes for nearly 30 seconds while at the podium mid-sentence.  Aides have to wake him up and usher him to his office.

Although he returned for Q&A later, it’s very clear that he is not healthy.

Rick believes this shows that the Uniparty is in short supply of those they trust as they have to keep the McConnells and Pelosis active into their 80s in their attempt to overthrow the US.

We see more studies showing that the vaccine manufacturers and the Medical Cartel has lied to us as a Sweden study shows heart injuries from the COVID vaccine is 3000x higher than we were told.

Rick reviews the great interview from the night before with Dr. Meehan who is helping people recover from shedding, vaccines, long-haul COVID and more.

Meehan specialty is hormone balancing and gut health using function medicine vs. Big Pharma.  If you or a loved one need help sing up here:

Dr. Meehan website:

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We review more news about the Biden crime family being exposed, Hunter withdrawing from his plea deal and more crazy events happening with Cargo ships as stated in past prophetic words from Julie Green.

Rick also reviews the upcoming Mike Lindell event where you can get a free gift for registering for this invite only event on the plan to clean up our elections.

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Trey Smith comes on LIVE and we get to hear his story about his first videos on evolution and how the science is faulty.

He also reviews many Kim Clement prophesies and how they inspired him on many videos.

This includes the video that received over 5 million views that predicted Trump would win the presidency.

Since then the movie has been censored heavily by YouTube.

Trey gives his insight on the 2016 election, the timing of Clement’s prophesies about strange July and hypnotic November as well as Kim’s vision in 2027.

Trey also discusses his latest video that will be released in the next few weeks called Exocus.

We get to hear Trey’s predictions of future events based on Clement’s prophesies including when we will turn the corner, what hard events will be going through and more!

We then pray for Trey and go backstage for a Bible Study with Gus.

You can have access now for FREE to all the Backstage live and recordings by joining the Backstage Ministry here:

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