The B2T Ministries

Kamala Campaign Crash. Walz Fail. PraiseNPrayer. B2T Show, Oct 14, 2024

Show Notes

Rick discusses the tensions between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden’s campaigns, citing reports of frustration among Harris’s aides.

As Amanda Grace has said.  Demons squabble and we are seeing before our eyes.

We cover the recent vice-presidential debate between J.D. Vance and Tim Walz, claiming that Vance won the debate and that the media is panicking.

Rick mentions allegations of plagiarism against Harris in her book, spending time showing the receipts!

There were many pages where 90-99% of the page was pure plagiarism and Elon Musk even amplified this.

Bottom-line is Kamala is crashing!

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Even the liberal polls now show the National Race even which is devastating as the electoral college favors Trump due to much of Kamala’s support being in California and the large liberal cities.

Trump also in 2016 and 2020 overperformed by 6-8 points above the polls.  Therefore, the chances of Kamala winning comes down to pure cheating will a massive illegal alien turnout.

We also cover news on updates on Donald Trump’s campaign rallies as well as legal battles over poll worker selection.

Rick encourages us to pray for the exposure of corruption and the restoration of Christian values in America.  This is a true spiritual battle

Rick discusses how he is attacking the mountain on Arts and Entertainment with a new 24X7 Channel called “Family with Faith” leveraging CUE Broadcasting:

Join a new Era of TV.  Unmatched content:

Become an ISA for free and share your link and fight with Rick.

If you can travel, attend the upcoming conference in Boise, Idaho, on November 9th, featuring speakers like Rick, Juan O’Savin, SGAnon, and Meri Crouley

Rick emphasizes the importance of spiritual warfare and Christian faith in the ongoing political and cultural battles. He shares his belief that God is using the MAGA movement to expose corruption and restore Christian values in America.

Rick encourages viewers to join the fight through prayer and action.

Share these Shownotes message with others to grow the MAGA movement!

In the PraiseNPrayer section, we listen to praise and worship music. Rick and viewers sing along to Christian songs with lyrics and accompanying Bible verses displayed on the screen.

These segments serve as moments of reflection and worship, providing a spiritual aspect to the broadcast.

Rick invites viewers to share prayer requests and testimonials, which are then prayed over by him and other prayer warriors present.

One viewer shares a testimony about her son finding Jesus and being baptized in rehab, while another expresses gratitude for God’s protection during a near-car accident. These segments highlight the importance of prayer and faith in the lives of the viewers.

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