The B2T Show
We review an article discussing the importance of swing counties in deciding the 2024 election. These counties are susceptible to manipulation by voting machines like Dominion, ESS, Smartmatic, and Sequoia. These machines control algorithms and could steal elections across various levels of government.
We need to make the election ‘too big to rig’ by leveraging the growing momentum and support for Trump, which has become more difficult for the ‘deep state’ to suppress due to alternative social media platforms.
Rick discusses Trump’s growing momentum, citing events like his appearance on the Joe Rogan show and the Madison Square Garden rally.
Diverse groups, including former Democrats and individuals from various backgrounds, uniting behind the MAGA movement.
This ‘great uniting’ is seen as a significant challenge for the ‘deep state’ to control the narrative and suppress information, as they did in 2020 through censorship on mainstream platforms.
Rick discusses how many natural doctors are muscle testing and loving the results of Exodus. Get the body and mind God intended it to have:
Join the movement to get the body and mind you need and to get 1 million people to read the Bible.
Fox News shows their real color by promoting Democratic narratives and attacking Trump. He cites examples of Fox News airing negative ads against Trump and attempting to weaken his campaign’s messaging.
Fox News, is part of the ‘uni-party’ and is being exposed for their biases, much like other mainstream media networks have been. They are the RINOs of MSM.
Rick suggests voting early to demonstrate the momentum and make it more difficult for potential election fraud to occur.
Juan O’Savin comes on the show and explores various potential scenarios and strategies that different parties might employ in the aftermath of the election. Juan discusses the possibility of a ‘pause’ or delay in certifying the results, citing issues like damaged ballots or challenges to the integrity of voting machines.
He also mentions the potential for invoking the 14th Amendment to prevent Trump from taking office, even if he wins the election, by labeling him an ‘insurrectionist’ based on the events of January 6th.
Juan emphasizes the need for vigilance and perseverance in facing these potential challenges.
He suggests staying vigilant and persevering through potential delays, challenges, and attempts to undermine the election results seeking divine guidance, and maintaining a positive outlook despite the intense political climate.
Juan discusses the significance of silver prices and their potential use as a communication channel by influential groups. He cites the repeated closing price of $33.67 over two consecutive weekends as a potential signal or code, suggesting that something significant is being communicated or planned.
Juan suggests investing in silver as a hedge against economic disruptions and as a way to interpret potential signals from influential groups. Seek divine guidance in interpreting these potential signals.
Call Kirk Elliott for a free consultation on precious metal investment strategies specific for your situation at 720.605.3900. Let them know Rick B2T sent you to get prioritized.
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After we pray for Juan, Rick reviews more news. We then go backstage for our All Hands B2T Ministry meeting, where we discuss the mission of our Groups and how to continue improving the ministry.
Join Backstage (now for free) here: