The B2T Show

Hunter Indicted. Elites Abandon Joe & Kamala! PraiseNPrayer. B2T Show Sep 14, 2023

Show Notes

Rick starts with a short teaching on the Biblical Feast dates and Rosh Hashana which starts at sunset Friday, Sep 15.

We will be celebrating this Biblical New Year tomorrow night on WordNWorship at 5pm CST.

Come backstage and wear white, bring a trumpet/shofar or noisemaker.  Bring some sliced apples and some honey to celebrate the sweet new year.

Also bring some bread and a bowl of water so we can toss the bread into the water signifying are sins being washed away.

Rick will show how these feast days relate to today and the future and we will discuss New Testament scriptures that relate to these feasts as well as the original Old Testament scriptures.

Hunter is indicted for gun charges, but it is a charge that Joe is not associated with, so it could be just a distraction.

However, Rick feels this just shows that the elites are discarding Biden and are now letting sour news go rampart on the MSM.

With negative media also coming out on Kamala, the Deep State is in a panic and want to figure out a way to replace both of them.

Rick plays numerous clips from Julie Green and Amanda Grace’s prophetic words showing that Kamala will be exposed and discarded by the elites.

It appears now is the time that they will try an unconstitutional move to get Gavin Newsome or Michelle Obama in why the let Biden and Harris fall.

Rick discusses other news, including more issues with the Biden border policies, Casinos actually paying ransom to hackers, and major pushback on the New Mexico Governor trying to abandon the 2nd amendment.

Rick reads the word he received in his Alone Time with God from Sep 10 where God makes it clear he wants to speak directly to his remnant:

“Brace for the enemy to try everything to get you to submit to him when all you need to do is submit to me, and watch my hand move.  Submitting means being in my word and truly seeking my face with prayer, worship and spending time alone with me.  Now is the time to be in deep submission.”

We then start PraiseNPrayer where we worship to the new worship video “First Things First”.

We hear many praise reports including Rick’s praise report on the weekend “Healing for the AGES” conference.

We also lift up specific prayer requests in between the beautiful worship videos.

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Prophecy Review

Sun Sep 10 7:49pm

Father, put me in a secret place where I can only hear from you.  Thank you for the new music video First Things First.  I enjoyed teaching this morning and worshipping you.  What a privilege.  What do you want me and other to know today Lord?

Rick keep your focus.  You have many enemies now that you are speaking truth so clearly and are having an effect that those in control do not like.  You will need to stay close to me for the protection of the entire ministry.  Do not be in fear.  Just make an effort to get even closer to me despite how busy you are.  You saw the true evil of the enemy this weekend and it moved you to tears and despair.  I love your compassion that you have for those being poisoned and those losing children based on the weapons they have deployed.  But no weapon fashioned against you and the Remnant will be successful.  My Remnant just need to trust me.  Trust me with ALL their heart.  Keep their eyes off the world and hold on to the Kingdom that cannot be shaken.  I am going to move and shake everything else.

I need more of my children to come closer to me.  In order to move as early as I want to, I need my Body of Christ and especially the Remnant to be listening to me for specific instructions.  I enjoy seeing new people taking time to listen to me.  I love to see my children truly commit to put me first and allow me to use them as a vessel.  However, it grieves me to see so many of my children living by site and moving into fear.  Have I not warned you in my word?  Have I not warned you through the prophets?  Have I not warned you when you have spent time alone with me?

Stop all the worry.  Stop focusing on the World.  Perfect love casts out fear and I need you to love.  Understand that I am the only one who can give you a peace that transcends all understanding.  I am the only one who can give you true refuge.  Don’t let the enemy distract you into a state of fear.  Don’t let the chaos keep you from seeing my face.  This is now the time as we go into the Fall Festivals for all my children to brace for impact.  Brace for the enemy to try everything to get you to submit to him when all you need to do is submit to me, and watch my hand move.  Submitting means being in my word and truly seeking my face with prayer, worship and spending time alone with me.  Now is the time to be in deep submission.  This will not just give you peace, but it will give you a spirit of courage and strength and power.  You will receive boldness.  You will be a vessel of my power.  You will be able to show my love to others. They will see it in your face.  They will see it in your actions.  They will physically see it as I manifest through you.  It’s time for more of you in the Body of Christ to cross the threshold over to being my servants and be the part of the Remnant ready for my glory.  Not tomorrow. Today.  Not next week. Today.  Submit so I can use you.  Fully submit.  Not partially, but truly submit. I need full submission.  Put me first.  Not just some days but everyday.  As you put me first, everything will start to align.

I love to give my children gifts.  I will give you gifts of amplified time. I will give you gifts of obsticals removed.  I will give you gifts of miracles you don’t even see that the enemy was about to use to stop you.  I will give you gifts that you could not even imagine.  All I need is full submission.  Be the clay I need.  Have the trust I need.  Have the faith to truly let me work with you any way I want.  Delight in me.  Delight in me and see the new creation in you come alive like never before.  This is the time the enemy has been fearing.  Instead of falling in fear yourself, let me use you to bring fear into the enemy.  Then enjoy.  The desires of your heart will be seen for years.  These next few months are critical.  Will enough of my Remnant come into alignment?  We are ready.  The Father, the Son and the Holy Sprit are looking so forward to the alignment of the Body of Christ.  Amazing events are about to reveal themselves.  Let’s do this.  I command my body to come into alignment.

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