The B2T Ministries

Fake Votes/Polls Exposed. Trey Smith LIVE! PraiseNPrayer. B2T Show, Nov 7, 2024

Show Notes

Backstage before the show, Rick leads a prayer session, thanking God for the ministry, recent political victories, and praying for future successes. He asks for blessings on the program, partners, and volunteers, and for God’s help in reclaiming various societal ‘mountains’ such as media, entertainment, and religion.

Rick introduces the show’s main topics, including discussions on fake polls, fake votes, and their exposure.

Rick discusses recent election results, highlighting Trump’s dominance in swing states and gains in the Senate resulting in control. He urges prayer to secure more House seats for control and prayers to protect Trump from potential threats.

Biden congratulates trump on his win, but then discusses the talking point that we can put controversy about the 2020 election to rest.  Rick says no!  Look at this:

2004 Kerry – 59M

2008 Obama – 69.5M

2012 Obama – 65.9M

2016 Clinton – 65.9M

2020 Biden – 81.3M

2024 Harris – 66.4M

This guy looked at this and commented:

Disgraced Propagandist

“Somebody needs to go to jail for this.”

Rick feels it’s imperative to expose and remove voting machines to ensure fair elections in the future.

Rick discusses Exodus, which has a blend of seven biblically inspired ingredients.

Molecular hydrogen for energy, performance, and reduced inflammation. Join the movement to get the body and mind you need and to get 1 million people to read the Bible.

B2T Show upcoming guests, including Trey Smith, Bryan Ardis, SG Anon and more.

We review updated voting results for Kari Lake and see that we won the PA Senate seat, which was very close, bringing the Republicans to 53 Seats.

Near the end of the praise section of the show, we learn of another win in the house as the Republicans get close to winning the House.

Rick discusses the recent decline in silver price, which makes it an ideal time to call Kirk Elliott for a free consultation on precious metal investment strategies specific to your situation at 720.605.3900.  Let them know Rick B2T sent you to get prioritized.

You can also fill out a form here:

Rick introduces a new song about unity in the Christian community and the importance of vulnerability and support among believers. See the show for

Attend or watch our upcoming “Open the Heavens” event in Boise, Idaho on November 9th:

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