The B2T Ministries

Death to DC & the Angel of Death! Dr. Ardis LIVE. B2T Show Aug 8, 2023

Show Notes

Dr. Ardis comes on live and we learn Big Phrama attempted to murder him!

He had 3 months of horrible sickness with vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms.

He eventually found out it was poison where nicotine and food grade hydrogen peroxide cured him.

Someone delivered what he thought was his reverse osmosis filtered water which instead had multiple types of snake poison in the water.

Listen to hear how he had the water analyzed and what they found.  How the delivery guy changed and instead of getting his normal 5 gallons they delivered 28 gallons.

Looks like Big Phrama wanted him to die of what he was exposing.

He also discusses an earlier attack from a direct energy weapon designed to give him a heart attack.

Rick reviews news on the Trump indictments and how Trump is getting more popular the more they attack.

We review more news showing the panic of the deep state.

Then Rick reads a recent prophetic word from Julie Green that warns of destruction in DC:

“The Washington D.C. establishment is crumbling. Their walls are falling. The ground is shaking underneath them and there’s nothing they can do to stop their demise. No nothing.”

It also warns of the Angel of Death:

“My children, I have warned before, the angel of death was coming. Well, it’s here now, and some people have already died and actors have taken their place. You’ll see the major role Hollywood has had in Washington D.C.”

Who is going to die?  Well the Lord tells us:

“A death is coming. A death is coming of a leader. A death is coming of a politician. A death is coming of a rising star. A death is coming of a senator. A death is coming of a congressman. A death is coming of a judge. Great sorrow on the side of the left is coming and all who are on the side of death.”

Afterwards, Dr. Ardis updates us a new study that conclusively shows how to eliminate any long-term covid symptoms. 

Only 6 days of using a nicotine patch with 100% success rate.

The details of the study are amazing.  Why are doctors not discussing this solution?

Dr. Ardis then discusses the attacks on his life along with his upcoming conference and natural solutions and supplements used to solve many health issues.

He takes questions from Backstage and give us an extra ½ hour of his time helping those with key health issues.

We then go Backstage for Project Children Rescue (PCR) where we lift up the children and military and pray down the propaganda media across the nations.

We also have backstage training on Impactors for Truth where we review a lesion from the online training around “Truth vs. Propganda.”

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Prophetic Words

August 7, 2023 – Julie Green’s Prophetic Word Highlighting by B2T – THE END TO THE ESTABLISHMENT IN DC

*** An end of a war is coming; a war that has been afflicting my people; a war that has been enslaving my children; a war that has brought in much oppression; a war that has brought in much deception; a war that has kept my nations from rising higher; a war that has tried to keep my nations from being the great and powerful and blessed nations, what I have called them to be.##

***Hold on my children. A death is coming. A death is coming of a leader. A death is coming of a politician. A death is coming of a rising star. A death is coming of a senator. A death is coming of a congressman. A death is coming of a judge. Great sorrow on the side of the left is coming and all who are on the side of death.##

***A great harvest is coming that cannot be stopped. My children, it’s time to hold fast. It’s time to walk by faith and not by sight. A great deception is coming in the land of my eagle; a deception to try to steal another election, to try and steal its nation from the hands of who it rightfully belongs to.##

***Another virus is coming, they will shout. They’re about to try to bring a great fear upon this land to shut it down. They’re trying to stop the real indictments to try to stop the floodgates of truth from bringing them all down. The Washington D.C. establishment is crumbling. Their walls are falling. The ground is shaking underneath them and there’s nothing they can do to stop their demise. No nothing.##

***A great collision is coming to damage any power they have left; a collision of two sides that were really on the same side. Power and fear are getting to so many who are trying to stay in their positions, and they’ll stop at nothing. They’ll turn on anyone to save themselves. Great catastrophe is coming to the deep state of this nation. Every secret they buried, every lie they told, every election they stole, every person they killed, every person whose lives they stole, every person they used to fall to save themselves and who they truly wanted, it’s all coming out and it’s all falling apart.##

***Something significant is about to rock your senate, oh United States. I said this before and I’m saying again; be prepared. Oh, United States, great exposures and major whistleblowers are about to expose the ones who say they’re in control. They no longer can hide behind their lies. Lifelong politicians are about to be exposed on who they really are and how they’re in those positions. I’ve told you, my children, no one against me will stay where they are now.##

***Pelosi, you’ll hear this name once again. Nothing is how it seems with her, and soon you will find out the whole truth. Jack Smith, truth is coming for you, and the things you never thought that people would find out about you. I have whistleblowers that will wipe out this indictment and boomerang back to you. These are the days of Haman and many people are about to find out who are the Hamans and who and what their final outcome is about to be.##

***Kazakhstan is about to be in your news big time. A whistleblower is about to come forward about President Zelensky and who he really is, and will blow the doors wide open to the truth about Ukraine. Every secret hidden in that nation because of the establishment of D.C. will be exposed. Peru is about to be in major headlines, and watch and see what is taking place there, and it will happen in other nations.##

***A great coup is about to be fully exposed, and another coup is about to take place in a nation you wouldn’t expect. These are the days of many nations collapsing, leaders being removed, and many will die. Lord, why are people dying? My children, I have warned before, the angel of death was coming. Well, it’s here now, and some people have already died and actors have taken their place. You’ll see the major role Hollywood has had in Washington D.C. Many people are not who they say they are, and a great unmasking will be seen in this nation and around the world. Harvey Weinstein will be in the news once again. This time it’ll be great shock on who they continue to try and hide, who was all involved with him in your government along with Hollywood, and the three letter agencies.##

***Another whistleblower is coming; one that will bring down Christopher Wray; one that will bring down Merrick Garland; and one that will bring down Bill Burns. One that will incriminate and bring down Michael Morrell, just to name a few. All who have used this system to protect themselves and who brought so much injustice and so much deception and thievery, your clock is about to run out, and justice will be served.##

***There’s coming a great exposure on a cargo ship. It will show the children inside, and how this was one way they used to traffic the children from one country to the next. I have warned you about the cargo ships, my children, and what are inside of them. And not only what’s inside, but who those ships belong to and where the money came from, will all be exposed.##

***Another Biden scandal is coming, one that will rattle DC; but with this scandal being exposed, watch what they tried to do to my David. Little do they know they can’t break him. They can’t stop him. They can’t destroy him because he’s protected by me. I am strengthening him and he will rise above it all. Don’t be alarmed with what they try to do next to him. It will not work, and it will not stand.##

***A great shaking is coming. Where is your faith, and what will you do when all things change? It’s coming; a great deception your enemies will try to pull off, but it will not work. So again, I will tell you to stand. I will tell you to live by faith and not by sight.##

***A great shift is taking place, so pray and never quit no matter what your feelings are telling you. The deliverer will not fail you. I am delivering you and I will do what I said I will do. A great shout is coming. A great removal is on the horizon. Celebrate, my children. You are about to see my hand move in great and mighty ways, sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.##

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